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Everything posted by spillige

  1. Northy Edit, Consider this your first and final warning as I will not tolerate language like this on the forums. ....... lmao hes gone mad with power, im scared northy u going to ban me for this...lol
  2. Northy Edit, Consider this your first and final warning as I will not tolerate language like this on the forums.
  3. i know how the system works, just asking can i remove the valve and run my hoses derectly to a breather can with out a vaceum, but im thinking this wouldnt be very effective
  4. best ive seen.... SP11GE on my car...
  5. the thing is my sri sits in the position u have shown your battery to be in, the reason i wanted to move the battery out of the way is cause i wanted to seal of that side of the bay for a ducted aluminium box...
  6. j j what bar do u have cm5 or cm6? im ordering the cm5 soon ill be doing it my self, hows the quelity of the bar many pinholes, hows the finish and fittment?
  7. has any one relocated a battery on the corolla im thinkin of putting it in the boot but theres little room, any one who has done this could u post where u put it and any tips
  8. what im asking is can i remove the pcv valve all together, and replace the pcv valve setup for a straight thru system, will this harm the motor?
  9. just wanted to throw this question out there, is it posible to remove the pcv system and replace it with a traditionl setup? or is there no point to this, im guessing the pcv system is better cause it uses a vacuem system... but would it hurt to change it to traditional setup?
  10. any one know why theres a valve on the rear breather? is it just a preasure valve, and do u need it there?
  11. lookin like S E X wheres the rear breather line going to be fed?
  12. looks like an old 90s toyota camry lol..... i can only dream of owning some thing like that one day...nice
  13. hahas i accept - see you at xqlusive betch :D give me couple shots and ddr warm up and its on betch HAHAHAHAHAHA ddr warm up ? how old are you LOL hey nothing wrong with ddr lmao, dont pretend u dont play it......goerge st, alcohol, ddr and high energy ftw......
  14. nothing wrong with violence its human nature, why should i deny myself the pleasure of drama i still get exited going to kickboxing cause i love getting my ***** kicked and giving the same back, but stuffin around with some ones car is wrong i dont do that ****, its low
  15. hahas i accept - see you at xqlusive betch :D give me couple shots and ddr warm up and its on betch
  16. .....if it was me there would be nothing left of his car... it happened to me with my bmw, the guys playin with his radio and side swipes my car i come out to get the mail and see a rusted out volvo trying to make an escape, i rip him out of his car and he starts crying, he wasnt going any where cause his whole front end was gone.... 20k worth in damege and his got no insurance wtf, his still paying it off to this day. my rolla had been keyed twice and a brick thrown at it so far, got an alarm the other day plus baseball bat near door now...
  17. i challenge u to a cwalk/shuffle comp the looser will be burned alive? do u accept?
  18. SUPER LATE BREAKING TECKNIQUE!! lol japs are cheesey, when was the last time u drifted in fwd? handbreak and torque steer ftw
  19. spillige


    ill start...... always stay true to your family no matter what
  20. this black man is'ent going to change any thing, the more things change the more they stay the same.....as for johny i liked him (he had a bit of balls) he came into my work the other day he still looks good for his age...
  21. still waiting for information to come thru its out my control, thx for your patience.
  22. could any mods plz delete this thread thx
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