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Everything posted by spillige

  1. nice work charlie, seen the black head light mod in person and it looks so good. your cars really turning into a stand out amongst zre's.
  2. here you go, hope it helps you out. and also did this while i had photoshop up, not sure what to think of it, i like it but i dont... maybe i was just looking at it to long.
  3. hope its ot to ricey for your likeing, turned out ok.
  4. spillige

    MRMPS Pix

    that is zre porn, very nice. who's idea was it to use that color? it was a master stroke.
  5. pictures of the black headlight mod please!! B)
  6. hope no one minds if i start the cruise thread, good day out with some great driving. sad to see some people couldnt make it,(i almost didnt make it sorry i was late ) great that djkor was in sydney and was able to cruise with us sydney boys, allso great driving djkor i had trouble keeping up... <_< the only good picture of the hand full i took.
  7. Regrading mates, I'll give it one condition, if they follow the rules, I'm cool. I'm cool if you bring 1 or 2 people, just a heads up and we are pretty sweet. So yes, bring them along :) Stickers, I'm sure M&M will read this post, so hopefully they bring them along with any other TOCAU stuff they might have :) Also, the groups (if required) will be mixed. i dont want to be resposible for there bull**** <_< , i bags one sticker.
  8. Yeah Cuong Im With You... ZReZ RePReZeNT!! Woo Hoo!!! I CAnt Wait Yo!!! im in, can i ride with the ZRE group i dont wana be stuck with the camry drivers or some thing <_< <_< ......... also 2 questions, can we bring friends that have different cars beside toyota's? and, are there still any stickers for sale?
  9. yeah with the rear bumper, ive got a stivo skirt on the way that ill install as a temporary solution, and eventually ill mould it in and make it one piece, at the same time ill be redoing the front end, most probably a moulded one piece c-one front lip. Not sure if the ZRE wheel will fit if you are interested I have my ZRE leather wheel for sale (apparently they are about $1600 new), alternatively TTE made a sports wheel for the ZZE http://www.tte.de/popup/TTE/cm_corolla_E12...interiorkit.htm or just www.tte.de and follow your way through PM me for contacts for TTE / Toyota Motorsport parts or if you are interested in the ZRE wheel thx for the links mate, by any chance do you have a price for tte e12 steering wheel? im guesing it would be over the $900 mark? thx for the offer for your steering wheel.. but i already got a ZRE steering wheel at home, that i purchased as an impulse buy last time i was at the toyota dismantlers.
  10. my photoshop sense's are tingling.....
  11. im working overtime on trying get some one to cover my shift on saturday, i should know by tomorrow if ill make it.
  12. Hey Evil...i spent $270 on beer for the Cup Day bash...your ice and my beer sound like a match made in heaven. ;) what kind of ice are we talking about here? did my rego <_< <_< ............... also snapped a rx8 at the lights,(within the speed limit) and i thought my 1zz was slow... he then came back for more at the roundobout and i took him on the out side with out even breaking a sweat. allso had what is known in campbelltown as the bogan chariot aka -vr statesman- reving the hell out of his engine along side me in a attempt to race, so i signal him to turn and follow me at the next turn wich was an windey industrial area.... i lost him within 60 seconds, the last i saw him his rear end was swaying harder than beyonce all in a days work for the spillige mobile.
  13. did my rego today and as usual it put a small dent in my wallet, i noticed my greenslip went up by 100 or so $$$, i normally ring up and have a small tantrum, but the rego date snuck up on me and i didnt have time. im just wondering what other members pay, who you are with, age of driver, etc. im with allianz, im 25 (i think) and i pay $680, ive only ever claimed one accident and it was only minor.
  14. cars looking great as usual, i prefer the old lip though
  15. me like, what brands the cooler?
  16. not bad gtlo5t, vf-x not really sure what you want can you explain a bit better
  17. well its missing a couple of hubcaps and the inside looks like a trash tip.....
  18. the amount of trial and refinement in this car to get it looking the way it does... deserves kudos. I mean, 5 sets of rims? lol. i was referring to the best exterior prize he won at the National meet, that you didnt attend. Bolt on, or not, it is put together very well. Recaro's + Fibreglassed Wing tips, Alex's Custome headlamps, there's more on this car that stands out than you think. reserve judgement till you see it in the flesh. TRDYUS's car does have style, yes, but its not to everyones taste, not mine at least anyway. peas. point taken, no hard feelings KH you know i have full respect for your car.
  19. slaps head in amazment :o are we not allowed to post criticism on this forum any more? my post was in reply to BKS's post of we need to step up to kolourhero car, but i dont get his statment? what are we supposed to be stepping up to? bolt on mods?
  20. nice work boys, is there a photobucket link?
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