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Everything posted by leasaunce

  1. hahaha! our pizza shop used to have one before. We sold it to one of the workers. she happy!
  2. im not surprised with these type of news..... the workers there should sign an agreement paper, when he/she take out a car for test drive after servicing , would be liable for any damages,etc... a mate of mine work for mercedes benz, and they too have put the wrong rims on the wrong car LOL I just hate how people think "its not their cars " attitude!
  3. geee... $18k for a 1999 corolla levin. All depends on the condition of the car too i guess... but like the guy said previously $12k sounds reasonable.
  4. there's no timing belt on the echo. chain driven. if i were your sister, tell her to get the new yaris. the Echo tend to be abit bumpy, doesnt take bumps really well. besides that the 1.5L is better than the 1.3L engine. If you're getting the sedan then you'll get the 1.5L goodluck!
  5. OH CRAP! i didnt know he received 6 seriously goodluck, I ain't helping you buddy. If you were speeding then tough luck!
  6. did you get the 2d overlay or have it reprocessed in 3d? i seriously dont know.. i bought them off a buy from ebay months ago. bidding started from $49.95. placed a bid (i didn't want to win the auction and guess what?! yeah I won LOL). what's the different between the two?
  7. what's a powercruise??? where are the details?
  8. I purchased my woodgrain for the camry from dash design. id have to say, well worth it.
  9. i tried one of these at a nearby stockist and for some reason it couldn't read into my OBD-II.. sales person said the manufacturer was still to come out with an update that'll read into Toyota's.. anyone use this product before on a Toyota? i recall someone selling theirs not too long ago work on my 2003 echo.
  10. thanks for the quick reply, so what would be a standard set of questions i should be asking the owner? (looking to buy second hand) like asking him whether he had the clutch adjusted? etc? cheers. just take it for a test drive....one from the dealer one from private seller.
  11. ouch you paid $200 just to add more weight to the car (i wanna see show a photo :) , havent seen them on the gen 6 before) ----------- eyelids are good, but does your lids cut the light beams?
  12. ok.... one thing that most of you forgetting. If you going to do a SRI or a pod filter, remember you need to CLEAN the MAF sensor more regularly (oil from the filter will get into it). ;) have fun!
  13. WHAA?? you got ripped.... im pretty sure it would've been better for NOS :P LOL
  14. my old echo... (that's the only good photo i took of it, have sold the car) original size: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3074/267925...6e89d9937_b.jpg
  15. well i just got an insider news.... my friend he used to work for JAX TYRES, you know how you can fill up your tyres with nitro.... well if you ask them during the busy peak, they'll probably will fill you up with normal air.... even though you paid $3/tyre. the shop where this person used to work, they do it regularly. The best day to get it done is monday, as its the quietest.... Just a tip from this person. :)
  16. SURVEY HAS BEEN PULLED down... too many people not enough chamois :P hahaha woo i got mine :D
  17. buy my borla exhaust if you want.... If tony doesnt want it.... LOL
  18. cops are just human! they make mistakes too. glad u showed him your calls history, i bet he got OWNED when you showed him the screen to his face LOL... Or maybe the officer was checking you out?! :P
  19. sooo cantik! i need that automated door! (that thing shuts really quick)
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