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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND ALL OF THE TOCA MEMBERS!!!!!! ^_^ :D *P.S. Guys remember EAT and DRINK as much as you can!!!!!! And i hope we all get parts for our cars and not my usual presents!!!.......(SOCKS AND JOCKS).......DAMN IT!!!LOL <_< ;)
  2. Sunny did mention there was a 2nd car being prepared... ;) that would be ignition x from the forums. i see his car at uni all the time Yeah thats the one Dylan its sportivo Slowly being done-up!!!!!LOL * But the funny thing is yeah it doesnt have the "X" on the end cos the only ones we had were red and it was colour matched perfectly!!!!(so if u ever wanted to cover up i scratch or wat not and your rolla is red let me know i'll tell u the colour)!!!LOL The other thing i keep getting asked if we are the people that made that new DVD magazine "IGNITION STREET DREAMS"!!!!! HAHAHAHAHaaaaa Oh WEllS good advertising!!!!LOL
  3. Ummm they usually come with a 3M double sided type If they are original badges and if they arnt they will generally be a cheaper quality double sided tape!
  4. That would really be awsome if it was available in OZ!!! :)
  5. Gorillas(or were they monkeys man i cant remember!???!?!?)
  6. I think that the reason why people get worked up is because they are serious about this forum, yes it may be only a forum to you but to most of us it is not only a source of good information, but also a source of many friendships that have formed. I think that it is when people think that since this is just an online thing and "I can post anything I want cos no one will ever know who I am cos I hide behind a computer screen all day", that's when post get off-topic, people get hostile, and useless information gets passed around. So I ask that everyone here please RESPECT the forum and most of all RESPECT one another. Thank you. Well E-Gene without trying to stirr-up the pot again for a second day!!!! My original posts were trying to be helpful and also to gain some understanding about if the ZZW30 quick shift could be used on the corolla that also uses a 1ZZ-fe 5speed M/T?? Instead i received unhelpful answers that just said NO without any explaination why!!! Note this question was also passed to some of the more knowledgable members on this forum and they were unsure aswell "they" being some of your fellow moderators!!! Well to get back onto the topic of the forum being a place for posting "helpful information" i think this forum is GREAT and dont spend time just intentionally posting crap in informative threads for the fun of it!! But unfortunately with one comment that i made which was originally just a light-hearted comment saying, "Well i guess anything can be done these days with time and effort" ending my search for if this could be possibly done This was taking the wrong way by one of the members, perhaps thinking that i was challenging him and this little argument followed........So in actual fact before replying to a topic "If you dont know anything about what a person has asked then dont reply!!! Or dont reply with one word answers that do not show any signs of thought or explaination to the question that has been asked.....And relax, read wat has been typed and dont be so quick to try and bite some-ones head off!!!!! ***SORRY FOR THE MISS UNDERSTANDING GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** :D
  8. Mabye Shao is sick of spoonfeeding people such as yourself who are obviously too lazy to go and do a bit of research.... Sure this is a forum for sharing information and what not... but when people ask questions that can easily be answered if they just did a little research.... I dont blame him at all for being Blunt.... Obviously people just want to increase their post counts..... Look bro number one this topic was not an easy one to research.... number two if it was such and easy topic why didnt you answer it???? LOoks like u are trying to get YOUR post count up!!! :D
  9. TRUE THAT!!!!! In a way the law is a bit silly for example there are some monitor/head units on the market that have an LCD on the outer edge of the monitor to display track info, playing time........etc but then some dont!!! I have the SONY XAV monitor in my car which is now about 2years old and my friend just bought a newer model from KENWOOD touch screen and all......It's very great but it doesnt have an external LCD on the unit so he needs to have it out on display for him to know the relevant info on wat he is listening to or even for the Clock!!!! I have been pulled over b4 by the police and in their exact words they said "Has any other police officer ever asked u about the monitor in your car??".....At this point the monitor out in clear view and was only displaying track time, cd from the stacker that was getting played...etc......They wer'nt sure on wat the exact law was reagrding this??? They got incontact with a Hyway Patrol unit and ask the officer incharge... He said as long as it was not displaying a "moving" image such as TV,DVD or playstation it was ok in his books since then i have never had another porblem!!! :D
  10. See.......That was'nt so hard was it SHAOHAOK????DANZ can give a detailed answer!!!!! And i thought that u were also a wealth of knowlegde bro wat happened???...... mental block??!!! :D
  11. mashies(remember KFC had them for a while??!!!*Homer simpson voice* HMMmmmmm DEEP FRIED MASHED POTATOE balls!!! UURrrggghhhhh...Drools!!!)
  12. Well DANZ............I made the light hearted comment "i guess if u really wanted to do it.... anything can be done these days with time and effort" as a joke and SHAOHAOK has obviously taken it the wrong way as if i was posing sum type of challenge to him??!!!! As for "Pushing my opinion to the table", the only thing i was pushing to the table was "WHY" could'nt it be done???? When all SHAOHAOK replied to my post was a blunt "NOPE"......... I never wanted to get personal in this thread but i find it absolutey hillarious that sum people can take themsleves so seriously in this forum!!!! I aslo draw the line at people trying to be smart A@ses!!!!!! <_< :D Thats very nice that you find yourself telling "correct information ALWAYS" i will have to take you up on that if i ever have any questions in the future regarding our motors.... thank you!!!! :)
  13. Potatoes(hehehehe spud-guns are the best!!!)
  14. His original answer was just a plain NOPE and then he did say its the interior (which is great he finally answered my question with a reason why it cant be done)......I then replied with a light hearted answer "i guess if u really wanted to do it.... anything can be done these days with time and effort" :D my response would have been left at that.....But then he wanted to be a smart a** and then you want to jump in an drop ur 2cents worth in and take things so seriously for g.......o.....d..... sake you guys it a forum who cares just relax abit you are all so quick to jump on people and try and hammer them.....HAHAHAHHAAHAAA Get a hobby!!!!!
  15. well, why don't u buy the mr-s one and then make it fit. or if u're adventurous enough, buy a supra one and make it fit. i'm sure with all the support u can get from TRD, u can do it. u'd be so cool, esp since there is already one that goes in perfectly without mods. Well to start out with my original post was an idea to help out by saying "maybe u can use the ZZW30 quick shift kit"since it is so closely related to the 1zz-fe, but then the only responses from people were just blunt "NO" u cant do it.....But no-one followed up this statement of just a plain old NO with any reason WHY?? it couldnt be done!!! The closest reply that was given was a "MAYBE" it "COULD" be done but still there has not been a 100% reason why!!!! And then u have replies like yours no reason to get so serious bro its just a forum relax.......Well if you read wat it says on my signature it says i have an Auto so really why would i go buy a kit......I was trying to make a helpful suggestion but then people wanted to say u couldnt do it but no-one provided a reasonable answer to why u cant!!!so i just wanted more insight on it and i was just stating that anything can be dun if u really want it nowadays!!So since u know so much why cant u do it then and why cant you provide a decent answer????
  16. B.B. Gun (i have always wanted one since i was little and im 25 now... Damn it i still dun have one)LOL
  17. Hey guys!!!! yes it was a great cruise Sorry i couldnt come back with u guys but hey you know wat it's like u have to spend time with the in-laws!!!! ^_^ HEHEHEHeee yeah the dog is ok now that he is back on firm ground he didnt like the twisties very much at alll!!!!!LOL Man who ever would have thought that dogs get car sick??!!!!LOL
  18. I have had superlows on my car for nearly 2years now and ill just let u know that..........Initially they are excellent!!!!! But on the stock shocks and a few merry trips through very notorious mountainous, windy and bumpy roads in the Sydney Royal national park....My shocks are starting to feel it...Big time!!! It will be time for new shocks soon i just wish that around the same time they brought out the springs for our cars they could have brought out some "short travel shocks" as well Damn it!!! :P Also after a while the kings have the tendency to sag alittle!!!!! <_<
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