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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. TRUE THAT!!!!!! The funny thing is has any-one else come across rediculous prices that some people have on the AE86..... I have come across a person wanting to sell an OZ spec SPRINTER for $18k with a 4AGE in it(mind you no big work to the motor) and do they forget its like 20years old and its hard to find one without MAJOR rust!!!!!!! WAT THA!!!???? Well we all know where that car can go......Dont we???!!!!Straight up his A*%$ ;) ;) ^_^ :D :P
  2. Man believe me im trying to put you on it!!!You deserve to be there as the most notorious in NSW (sydney area)LOL :P
  3. Yes i'll be there too........... :) Just to let u guys know bill has provided us with a life size card-board cut-out of himself in his car waving out his drivers side window, to sit in one of the designated parking spots in the car park so that he doesnt feel left out of the cruise/meets!!!!! "It's our only chance to finally beat him in a run"!!! :P :D So boys come by and take a shot at XOOMS card-board cut out!!!!! Maybe we can stick it on mazda 121 and make em drive laps around villa???!!!PPWPWWWWAAAAAHHHHAAaaa HAVE A SAFE TRIP BILL AND SEE YA WHEN YOU GET BACK!!!!!!! P.S. Bring me back sumthing good and no snow-domes from Germany!!!!!LOL :D PLEASE!!!!
  4. HHHhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm i wonder why they gave up on "PROJECT COROLLA"???????? :D
  5. Ok bill its a deal you bring the phillips head screw driver and i'll bring electrical tape!!!! :D :P
  6. Spotted a White stivo, lowered, rims and a zorst heading towards the ROcks in george ST sydney city last night very clean car any one from here????? It was a guy driving by himself??? i think, sorry didnt catch the plates!!!!
  7. puss(sorry i know its gross but i couldnt help myself) :P ^_^
  8. or go for a vinyl design or if you can get ur hands on some vinyl from a sign writer do ur whole bonnet!!!!! The funny thing is i had to do a vinyl job on a mates car and part of the design was in red mind you this is an 03 stivo when i put the sticker on the body it completely dissapeared!!! It was the perfect colour match!!!!!! It was a avery 8year vinyl and i cant remember the colour code off the top of my head but go past a sign writer and ask to see colour chips of avery vinyl and put it up against your car in full day light !!!!! I think u'll be happily surprised!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :D :D
  9. Hehehehehe i've had my car for 3years now and i remember when they started doin that project the stivo was out but it was definately WAY out of my price range back then!!!LOL DAMN IT i hate being a broke-A5ss!!!
  10. Try Penrith Toyota, they are doing a Project Corolla with that front bar and the appropriate driving lights, along with a heap of other mods, here's a link ... Project Corolla ... and a pic ... ... hope that helps. The thing that i always wndered about their project car is if this is a "project car" for an actual TOYOTA dealer why didnt they just use a Sportivo????And does any-one know if they have done anything else to it???? Or is it still the same as stated on their web-site??The other thing is if it is a TRD/SPORTIVO project car then why isnt the exhaust system a genuine TRD or even TOYOTA?????
  11. "RuNx"


    Yes deffinately the 1ZZ-fe has more power and more torque!!!!! :D
  12. The paint that your pannel beater gave u do u know if its an Auto Acrylic or a 2pac???? Sum times acrylics can dry alittle darker over time!!! Like silvabullit said maybe get the bonnet buffed and it may become a little-less or maybe even completely unnoticable!!! I have found if u mix up the touch-up paints very well and here's a trick that i use get masking tape clean the area before hand with like a alcohol (iso/metho) so that the tape sticks mask round the chips with the tape then lightly dab the paint into the chips "BUT DONT FILL THE CRACK ON THE FIRST GO!!!!!" Build it up gradually by putting a thin coat use a hair dryer if its not a fine day to dry off between coats it should take 2-3 times to fill up the chip!!!! The masking tape just helps u to keep the paint in the same shape as the chip itself and it also helps to build up the paint to the height of the rest of the paint...... If you can get ur hands on an air-brush do the same masking technique but then just gently blow over it with the airbrush this will take a few more coats of paint but it gives a WAY better result!!! This is the way that we used to do stone chips for customers when i was still working at a pannel shop!!!!!!!!!
  13. well voy its all well and good that u have that much to spend but honestly bro dun go and blow it on expensive parts that you may have trouble with when you get home like say in terms of "Warranty" that would be the worst use ur hard earned money on something u may not be able to return!!!! As for the grounding kits we'll do that when u get back from ur holidays $10 in parts for that job bro!!!! ^_^
  14. If u actually want ur kit to fit properly and get a good quality bar i wouldnt suggest anything from there!!!!! <_<
  15. Hehehehee Paddock bashing an AE86 in my mates farm we didnt know what the car was at all and after we thrashed the living crap outta the car we found out 2years later when the thing had the 4AGE pulled out of it and the thing was rusting away that it was a JAP spec TRUENO!!!! We then basically wanted to give ourselves a massive head-butt!!!! For being so damn stupid we should have just used a $200 Datto or Gemini!!!!! AAAArrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!
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