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Status Updates posted by Andrew357

  1. 665.95 - The retail price of the beast.

    1. juvenile


      hahahahhahaha excellent

  2. I got a Grow Your Own Loofah kit from a friend the other day. It contained a clay pot, soil, seeds and a few other things required to nurture your plant. He didn't realise it was such a bad gift. I think the clay pot hit him the hardest.

    1. 69.NIX


      someone has been watching too much jimmy carr :P

    2. Andrew357


      I don't like Jimmy Carr; he's a little too vulgar for me.

  3. The question 'Have you stopped beating your wife?' will condemn you, regardless of which answer you give.

  4. FFS Knock sensor son of a diddly, G5CFH, cnut.

  5. Every song I sung; blame it on love.

  6. You can eat muesli with water and it tastes the same except it is less milky and tastes yuk.

    1. 69.NIX


      same same but different?

  7. Fkn G5CFH Syndrome strikes again.

  8. *goes outside* STOP! We have homemade meatballs!!!

    1. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      r those the ones the same as the ones in the vietnamese rolls?

    2. Hiro


      Trying to attract the Swedish crowd?

    3. Andrew357


      Moreso the Italians :)

  9. Jesus. Gave the car such a flogging the CAI hose came off.

    1. 69.NIX


      what did you learn......

    2. 4ABHGE


      Needs a BOV.

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


  10. Farewelled a Gen4 Camry from the family and said hello to a 2012 Yaris YR today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew357


      It's dad's one. No supercharger... yet. He did ask if it came in a V8 variety.

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      sick. V8 on a front wheel drive.

    4. Hiro


      Been done before, google Lancia Thema 8.32

  11. 'Tis the wisdom of the rural Buddha. The Dalai Farmer

    1. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


    2. juvenile


      Don't encourage him Duy, I think he's using Pete's material :D

  12. Has been reseated.

  13. The drivers in New Zealand as they see the sun setting, are reassured to know that it's not there.

  14. Drivers in New Zealand will be reassured to know that when they see the sun in that it is not there.

  15. Jenna Jameson was found dead in an X-ray machine today. ( •_•) Well it would seem... ( •_•)>⌐■-■ her job really was X-rated (⌐■_■) Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

    1. Kenshin X
    2. juvenile


      Jenna is my favourite ummm 'actress' of all time

  16. Words that rhyme with fun... lets see. Fungus, Funzo, Atilla the Fun

  17. Avalon drive and you'll never come back.

  18. TRD rear brakes aren't a direct bolt on after all. How quaint. And expensive.

    1. Hiro


      Someone has to blaze the trail....

    2. DJKOR


      G5CFH strikes again.

    3. Andrew357


      Yep >.< . There are 2 solutions which I can inform you of at the meet.

  19. Lord almighty. TRD rear brakes were $495ea including GST. Damn buyer's remorse.

    1. DJKOR


      Money pit.

    2. 4ABHGE


      I know that feel.

  20. The lights were too bright at the Chinese restaurant so the manager decided to dim sum.

    1. juvenile


      hahahaha classic

  21. Car re-tinted. Kinda wish I went 30VLT even though it's not Vegan Kosher.

  22. Totally forgot about projector lenses I've ordered should be here soon. Yay!

    1. jeffy


      are you going to do a write up ? :3

    2. Andrew357


      Hell no. Doesn't need one!

    3. jeffy


      :( okay, soo youre jst gna cut the lens and stuff yeah ?

  23. こつにちは、おげんきですか。 大丈夫ですか 大丈夫 余りに知ること素晴らしい私はうまく感謝するある

  24. Tinted tailights = inability to reverse at night.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andrew357


      Or paying big $ for a kit. Might cut it back to 1 layer and see how it goes.

    3. ToyotaFreak


      There's also the option of CATZ BL halogen reverse lights. http://www.fet-japan.co.jp/catz/products/bulb/bulb_others.html#halogen

    4. trentmeyer23


      Stop being a b*tch and hack the harness...

  25. Is eyeing off some coilovers as if they were a pair of hot birds.

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