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Adamsy last won the day on October 1 2018

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About Adamsy

  • Birthday 04/27/1990

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  • Toyota Model
    AXVH71R Camry SL & GSV40R Aurion ZR6.
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    Word of Mouth
  • Interests
    Classic Cars

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  1. mm good ppl of TOCAU who have company cars, is it worth taking up the option does it work better off in the logn run?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 1stKill


      had a company car for 15yrs and also had my own projects tucked away in the shed for hols & weekends...i don't have a company car in my current job and boy do i miss it,i wish i could put my Aurion away and use the company car and it's rego/petrol/maitenence/tyres/wear & tear ect ect,also keeps the km's down on your car so when you sell you get top dollar :)

    3. Adamsy


      yeah theres good and bad sides too it, having such a nice car you want to drive it and get it out on the road but havinga company car would be good cause it means it the Zr6 could be the weekend car and wont rack up kays and eat tyres and brakes etc, i know ill get the mod bug though if i just see it sitting there, it'll become the toy, but yes ill swap cars every fortnight or what ever, hybrid camry, aurion rukus hilux fj, prado we just sort of rotate what ever is new or on demo or curen...

    4. blakepure86


      man to be honest its one of greatest incentives if used correctly.

      I noticed that in last 6 weeks i have put $30 of fuel in my car. which means i dont rack up 400ish kms in a fortnight.

      Plus you then get to turn your car into Sunday car or project car :P

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