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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. I'm guessing $50 lol ;)
  2. Looks like the weather is clearing up :D i just went for a drive to the shops lol i could see the moon again ha ha
  3. YaY for mish :D lol i looked on there its confusing looking for ipods coz the accessories all come up to so your searching 4 years .
  4. can you thats ok the 1gig looks like a good size but dont know how much them ones are
  5. thats an option but the thing i dont like is the shuffleing lol can u repeat on them ? or make a list in order of songs to be played lol probly not coz thats whys its an ipos shuffle:P
  6. New Word due to unknown word rainman had made lol "Habour"
  7. off topic lol im after a portable mp3 player i would want an ipod but budget wise out of the question lol anyone know something else thats good but cheap? let me know some that can store a few songs say 512mb or more
  8. apparently its frowned upon......but appartly its very satisfying too.....hehehhee i dont know......do u have pics of ur hair braided up? send it to my msn......thanks wait do u even have msn? lol yeah i do have some and yeah i have msn
  9. lol whats with the post whoreing?
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