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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Yeah bingo. Blaady Hewlet Crapard. I remember so many things being from with their machines (as well as Compaq's...OMG funny that).
  2. Limz be ridin' a little lower soon as well for the time being ;)
  3. >.< print screen button man?! ;) lol
  4. Tats is studying...shhh lol
  5. "Alright PimpMasterZero, you gonna help me out with that? Unfortunately I'm not exactly blessed with the silver tongue.... I tend to say goofy things and drop the "F" a lot..... makes it hard to impress people." - Tats I've been thinking about this, and I'd recommend the following. Listen to a lot of sentimental Smashing Pumpkins music (not the heavy stuff) ie: songs like 'stand inside your love', '33', 'beautiful', 'lily, my one and only' yadda yadda. That should cleanse of saying the 'f' word a lot. A few tips, eg: a first date Where you would have said, "Isn't this a fantastic farkin movie? Fark I love it so far...farkin brilliant"...now you will say... "I really think Francis Ford Coppolla captured the ejected eleation, and emotional downfall of Martin Sheen's character in this movie...he's brillant how he uses movement and sound to capture the the cascading tribulations of a nation at war." Another thing, if you get action, MAKE sure you hold it together man! EG: Saying, "Lovely movie...lovely.........lets fark" is a big no no however, saying something like, "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I don't want to force anything on you." will win you points big time..................unless the girl is a slag (like my ex). Big points goes to being respectful...make out...but don't venture too much otherwise she'll think that you're just a sex hungry maniac like most other guys out there (and you'll be the slag). At the end of the night TALK, and have coffee or something at either yours or hers. If something more happens, it happens, but don't force it (once again, unless the girl is a slag........like my ex). Well that's about it...try that Tats...should work for you. lol.
  6. *Sings 'You'll be in my Heart' by Phil Collins* "YOU'LLLL BE INNNN MOIIIIII HAWWWWRT..." rofl Bah...only reason I say those things is I've been burnt a fair few times. Plus add the fact that I'm a musician? Yeah...I'm a big soppy b@stard lol.
  7. Rofl. Nah nah, xoom would make much better converstation than the other Bill haha. Clinton isn't in to cars, so he'd be boring lmao.
  8. Dead


    They simply are not made anymore Sheldon. Like I said dude, I think 2nd hand is the only way to go. On the internet. Patiece will be a virtue here, as someone will eventually want to sell a set of those p1's secondhand...but it could be a while. I can't see Kaze_Stivo (steve) or Northy getting rid of their P1's in a hurry lol.
  9. Clinton was a crapload better than Bush. At least he thinks before acting (well we all know he thought with something else too, but yeah he's only male lol). I agree with you 1ZZ-FE...greed is destroying the world. One of the seven deadly sins, and possibly the most vile. Mr Bill and I had an interesting chat on the phone last night about all this, and the more I speak to the guy the more I become elightened about things. Believe nothing, and trust no one. Especially the butthole media and government.
  10. You'll be old and tired by then. Don't you wanna meet someone and actually have fun with them? I've figured it out. My philosophy is that one shouldn't have a bf/gf/wife/husband etc as these are just titles to me with no meaning. I don't want a gf. I want a friend who I can spend my entire life with and grow old with. I guess that's just me though.
  11. Dead


    Not made anymore my man (the one's like Kaze Stivo and Northy's that is). I'd be trying second hand...ebay even :( Unfortunatley that'd be your only go. If you were buying them new they 'd be $$$ anyway, as they are lightweight. I'm looking at $2200 for Gram Lite 57S and that's without rubber as an example...lol.
  12. I prentended I was a special person once. That actually works very well. I should know...I was a telemarketer for 3 years to get me through my marketing degree lol.
  13. Phill...you are a nice guy, but it's time to unleash the Phillmeister. Next time they ring...say... "WHO THA BLAARDY ELL DO YOU THINK YOU AWWWRRR CALLUN ME AT THIS TOIME YA SCROTUM?!? FOOK OFF!!!" You'll feel much better dude...trust me.
  14. True Brandon. Look @ ozhonda.com. OMG the organisation on there is insane. Sub sections/forums, and there are Admin, Super Mods, Mods, Thread Relocators etc etc rofl.
  15. What an awesome idea! Hey Brandon/Micky, when you get a sec close this thread. We might sticky the 'dedicated' coilover thread perhaps? Ps: Aw I'm a Dr??? lol. Danz isn't a Dr, he's a Specialist lol.
  16. Always the talk of what they are wearing...hmm. GO AND CLAIM ONE TATS! hahaha. "Makin' movies, and makin' music and foiiiiighten round tha worrrrld"
  17. I'm just going to chrome plate everything in my engine bay Brennden lol Time for 1/4 mile times again people!
  18. lol! u have a chic now! :P Nope. I don't Pete. I ended that. Was simply not working unfortunatley. shes far too youung for you! :P Jas Dont think il make the luna park part but i should be at the meet as per usual! I aint the one implying anything Pete...you are rofl.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22sxzUDTMPM An omage to what Russell Crowe is REALLY like haha.
  20. Think again man haha. He has a second car besides the sportivo ;)
  21. $100 for a badger owners license. £1000 for the badger $900 to import it to Australia $5 for the tape. $2005 all up. Probably not worth it :(
  22. Ahhh I see. I'm doing ok man. I'm applying for a few different positions in the government here. Planning a few things for the car. Writing some stuff music wise (although I've had writers block for the past week). My abs are killing me from a workout last night...annnnd I've been on the prowl haha.
  23. Pete! That hybrid thing looks interesting. Vid is loading up now. How was work man.
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