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Everything posted by Pah

  1. Welcome mate nice choice and yeah my first car was an $1100 heap
  2. Do a search of the forum there are several threads to do with adding an aux port to the existing unit and also on replacing the head unit with an aftermarket one.
  3. Welcome mate nice choice of car you wont be disappointed
  4. Welcome mate dont even know what an Alphard is post up some pics when you get a chance B)
  5. Welcome mate enjoy your stay post up some pics when you fit your wheels
  6. Welcome mate nice purchase you wont be disappointed
  7. Pah

    Aurion On Air

    Sounds awesome mate nice work
  8. Washed, clay barred then polished the Aurion with a wax attack kit and I agree with zedder its a great piece of gear
  9. Welcome to the club mate :D
  10. Welcome kevin, post up what your having trouble with and im sure you will find somone will have a solution for you as there is alot of helpful people here with alot of knowledge about Aurions. Also check out the FAQ section or do a search of the Aurion forums to see if problem has already been discussed before :D
  11. Welcome mate, great looking car you have there
  12. Welcome to the forums, that blue is an awesome colour it looks like a great car
  13. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  14. LOL. How convenient. LOL thats what I thought I just finished reading the forum and decided to check Ebay to see what new listings there were for Aurion and they were there
  15. Just found these on ebay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Toyota-Aurion-V6-exhaust-headers-/230674442093?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b544a76d Maybe what is needed for your repair? Cheers Peter
  16. I just measured mine which is an AT-X fitted with King springs and found the fronts sit at 672mm and the rear at 645mm. I thought the front would have been lower as it does look a little high but i didnt take before measurements so I have nothing to compare the drop to.
  17. Rear sway bar arrived today :) 7 days delivery from Malaysia, I was surprised

  18. I never had any problems with them replacing the intermediate shaft after I told them it was a known fault and had read about it on this forum. The service guy seemed to have selective hearing though as twice he tried to charge me for it even though I took in the extra care warranty paperwork. Keep annoying them and they will eventually come to the party Cheers Peter
  19. Looks good mate really suits the car
  20. Rear sway bar is on its way from Malaysia :)

  21. Sorry to hear that mate, hope you weren't hurt and all goes well with the repairs Cheers Peter
  22. I just filled up this afternoon, put 52.73 litres in and the odometer read 536.2 klms. I do the same as Daryl in that I fill until the first click then take out the nozzle wait 20 seconds then fill again until it clicks to try to get it as accurate as possible each fill. Over the last 3000 klm I have averaged 10.67lt /100klm which is pretty good I think for the size of the car and considering that I only have to drive 5klm to work and back which is not very good for economy. Cheers Peter
  23. Happy Fathers Day to all :)

  24. Could be that the charger has died and its not charging the battery, this happened to my daughters HP laptop so we tried another charger and it worked. Sent it away under warranty and they replaced the charger and its still going strong. Good luck with it mate. Cheers Peter
  25. Welcome mate, my mate has one of those its rough around the edges but starts everytime
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