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Everything posted by Tash

  1. It was good, would love to go again sometime next year so there's always a next time! :) Hahaha yes, thank god you didn't go over! Just tell me to shut up on the radio next time :P No worries, am glad it was a great day and it all went well - except for our bit of rallying hahahahah! I think Vinh will be the only other one with some piccies unless others took some. Whoops I missed those posts above! @ Guni - hahah, I'm thinking "we only had 1 black rolla, who else owns a black rolla..." Lee, as I said to Matt I want to go again to see the changes, so probably sometime next year if others want to join me! No clue what's on the agenda for next month, prob's a meet-up and some photos somewhere?
  2. Back home again after a fair bit of time in the car today hehehe Thanks heaps for a great day guys - I really enjoyed myself and we got to see some great countryside. It was amazing to see where the fires had gone through, along with the regrowth & areas that remained untouched; that rainforest-like bit was stunning! I only took a handful of snaps today and they are all on my facebook if you'd like to have a look: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3326...mp;l=440d3cf2c9 Here are a few I've picked out though :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=9458...mp;id=518920443 The two "Gold cousins" wait patiently for the others to arrive http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=9458...mp;id=518920443 The 'rollas arrive! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=9458...mp;id=518920443 Cruise members http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=9458...mp;id=518920443 Another long shot :)
  3. Well morning guys :) Am just having some brekky then am ready to get out of here and get to Wattle Glen Rd, real excited & lookin forward to it as I've never seen this part of Vic so it'll be interesting! Weather looks really really nice here, like it'll be 24-25 again like yesterday, so hopefully the sun is out in Melbourne too :) See you all soon!
  4. Oww!! It'd be pretty hard to negotiate all the twists with a broken thumb though. Hopefully the swelling goes down soon! I really don't know - I've tried to keep the list on the first page as up to date as possible. The only confirmed's I know are you & I, Vinh, Peter & one of his mates. Am assuming like always there may be a couple that don't RSVP but show up on the day. So looks like it'll be a nice small pack.
  5. Hahaha - mine will get it either tomorrow or Saturday evening, need to get all the bugs off the front end lol That'd be good if you could snag a couple of extras :) Heheh hooray!! Morning showers only would be good - will just have to wait & see what the weather brings! No worries Peter, sounds good to me, am sure he's probably keen to get out there and have a good run in it :D No worries, you've got a good enough excuse :P Hehehe...
  6. No worries John - might catch up with you next time! Heheh well you never know!! Technically the initial weather forecast said yesterday & today were only going to be 17-18 degrees but it's been nicer than that and has actually been a pretty good week. So fingers crossed :) Am very much looking forward to checking out the scenery up that way!
  7. No worries mate - we try to have a regular monthly meet-up on the last Sunday of every month, although dunno what we will be doing next month just yet! Hey Matt, what a bugger! Although you thought you were going to do the gearbox on the cruise anyway but now you've got the excuse to do it earlier hehe Best of luck with those upgrades, can't wait to see how it turns out! :D Anyone else coming along?? Looking forward to it - not long to go now!
  8. *Phew*! That's pretty good news then, glad the damage is not as bad as initially thought :)
  9. No worries matey ;) Yeah, don't want any trouble do we? Plus, we don't know how much traffic there will be on that day..taking it easy, windows down, enjoying the scenery and snap photos here and there for sure. :D Oh no..tell us how it goes! Hopefully you can make it to this one! :) Oh damn :( Well I spose fingers crossed it is just the brace that's caught the brunt of it... If you can't make it with the car I can probably get up super early and come get you beforehand? You can just be a passenger instead hehehe Hahaha sorry Vinh! I'll add you post haste
  10. Hahaha noice! I *might* be able to check out the route next weekend but not sure, otherwise we'll just see how we go on the day! Only a gentle run so I spose we don't really need a "leader" as such. Fantastic!! Will add your name to the list :)
  11. Hello and welcome! Two very nice looking cars there :D
  12. ROFL! Well, we'll have to see how we go then!! With plenty of twists and turns along the way I'm sure the gearbox will definitely get a workout heheh OK guys, date is LOCKED IN - Cruise will take place on Sunday the 25th of October. Am off to update the first post now with new date and amended Word doco (just date change and a couple of extra sentences; route remains the same). I'm again putting the call out for someone to head up the pack, it's just a gentle cruise run to check out all the scenery rather than a quick drive, but it would be advantageous to have someone who knows the area up front - Lateralus, are you able to make this date?? **First post now updated :)**
  13. Awesome Peter :) One day off won't hurt ;) Hehehe.. Should get some better weather by that stage too!! Am going to lock in the 25th of October as the date unless anyone else has some serious objections.
  14. Hey Aek - best of luck with those Rolla aspirations, you've certainly got a great base to start from :) As you said, plenty of paths to go down! Very nice looking Suby too :D
  15. Welcome - that's one very nice looking 'Rolla! Gotta agree with the others, those rims are really set off against the rest of the car and the stance looks great :D Looking forward to more pictures!
  16. Hello and welcome Alister! Whereabouts are you located?
  17. Hey Nina and welcome! :) Best of luck with all of those projects - certainly a lot of machinery (and potential!) hanging around your yard! Keep those piccies coming :D
  18. G'day and welcome! :) Best of luck with the Kluger purchase!
  19. Am leaning towards making this the 25th of October - seems like hopefully it'd suit most people and keeps it as our regular meet on the last Sunday of the month :) Lookin forward to it!
  20. Looks like an absolutely amazing day!! Just check out that scenery - wow! And of course those gorgeous cars :D Definitely agree there was a lot of variety present too which is awesome. Can't wait to see some of these cars up close at next year's mega meet!
  21. Hey Tash...i'm 99% chance on or around that date so alls good for me. :) p.s It suxs that the numbers arn't there for this meet,i guess it's just a bad weekend for stuff (Grand Final ect ect).Anyway props for all your effort on this one,just bad luck on the numbers...this meet can be refered to as...the one that got away. :D Thanks Lee :) Just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes!! Would rather postpone it til Sunday the 25th instead and then we can get quite a few along and have a really good time :D
  22. Okay guys - meet is POSTPONED due to lack of numbers. Propose to make this the meet for the last Sunday in October instead, which would be Sunday the 25th OR if there is interest to have it a bit earlier, say the 11th or the 18th we can do that. How is everyone looking for October, and what date would you prefer?
  23. That's okay guys, obviously not a very good month... Awesome, be good to have you along :) Anyone else who can come???
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