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Everything posted by Tash

  1. There's a friday meet? This is news to me I think they're referring to the small meet & great on Friday night, referenced in the first post?
  2. Never mind!! Not sure when our next one will be now, probably plan for a cruise after the mega meet in June now seeings that is getting close. Would be good to organise just a meet and greet/hang out/photo day in Melb this month or next though.
  3. Just in case anyone is interested after the cruise I actually rang and spoke to VicRoads regarding the signage between Healesville and Marysville - I know for one I was pretty confused about the signage increasing in distance rather than increasing! Anyway, here is the response I got: Just a bit of trivia for you all :)
  4. Well I must say as an Essendon supporter I am loving the red and black everywhere :P It looks great overall, few little issues and tweaks to be made (i.e. navigation wise) but nothing that hasn't already been posted. It looks good on my 22" widescreens here at work, so will be interesting to see how it looks when I'm on my laptop at home tonight. Well done and thanks for all the hard work and effort that goes into this, it's going to be a very worthwhile change and will hopefully make it easier for all to use, thus bringing in some new members and encouraging the 'old guard' to post more often (and probably make me use it a bit more too lol)
  5. Congrats Daryl! That is one beautiful looking Aurion - and I reckon you'll have no troubles making yours stand out from the pack ;) Can't wait to see it in person at the annual meet
  6. Come on, you know you want to ;) Gotta get all the Victorians we can up there! And Mother's as a sponsor is mega cool
  7. It's all looking great :D Can't wait!! I'll be happy to help with the airport run too if need be cos I'll be up in Sydney already :)
  8. Hahah oi! The thread has been up for less than 12 hours and you're already cracking a whinge :P I have been doing my best to round up Victorians so will see what happens. Please add me to your VIC attendance list, looking forward to the drive up there! Plus I've never been to Sydney :D
  9. They look great!! Barb tried to get snaps of pretty much everything lol, so apologies for the ones that are of a slightly fuzzy nature! Lots of good pics on the move, I would have liked to have moved through the pack a bit more but never mind, I can improve on that next time :D Big thanks to Nathan as well for putting them all up, I've only just got home now to sit down for the first time so there's no way I would have had them up by now. So massive massive thanks for that Looking forward to Peter's snaps as well!
  10. Ooo very tempting! Got a folder that's worth 1GB including the video clips, which must have the audio removed lol Oh I love surprises!! Can't wait :D
  11. It definitely was a fantastic day, am glad we all had an absolute blast! I'll be up for that cruise route again in future for sure :) Would love to see the rexy too James :D On another note I checked out some of the piccies today and have a handle on the ones I want to post, problem for me is time...I will need to blank out number plates first and then put them up, I hope to get a lot of them up tomorrow night after touch footy or Thursday night after I drive home to Wangaratta, so apologies on the delay on getting my lot up :)
  12. Hello and welcome! Please keep your eyes on the Upcoming club meets forum as we try to get a regular meet-up happening down in Melbourne, we just went for a cruise yesterday and will shortly start planning another meet-up for late April/early May :)
  13. Great comments guys, thanks for the positive notes :D After that weekend I think I need to add a heavy duty clutch to my mod list - which is getting increasingly longer!! Very impressed with the Camry though and the strut bar was worth every penny, can't wait for that rear sway! Lee, loved those Buddy Club's, the car looks great on the move and had a lovely stance with the coilovers. Simon, loved the Twincam as well, great for my learning curve and it certainly got a motor on :D As did Grant!! Maybe we might have given him a little modding urge heheheh Loved the wagon too Andy, those rims looked fantastic in person! And Matt, for a daily driver, that new 'rolla is HOT Peter, that ZRE is coming along more and more every time I see it :D Good to see you having a great run on the weekend too. And James & Megan in the other gold Stivo, I had a blast chasing you through the curves heheheh And it was nice to see Lawrence again :) Last but not least, Nathan - big thanks to you for the help with organising things as well as fitting the strut for me the day before, my 'gold cousin' is still looking great! Hope to have the piccies up tomorrow night, there will be a lot of them to sort through!! Had a quick look during the drive back home today and there are some good shots at one of the roundabouts, not sure what we got along that little straight.. So yeah, should have 'em up before too long ;)
  14. Cheers Lee, thanks to all who had the feedback/suggestions - I reckon next time we'll get more of a collaborative effort happening ;) Definitely a fantastic day and the weather even turned it on at one point :D Was a great run and my strut bar has certainly paid for itself after one trip I also enjoyed seeing familiar faces and a few new ones as well, it was a really cool group! Will suss out our piccies when we're back in Bendigo, so look for them in the upcoming days :) Loved the suggested cruise route of Mt Macedon and such too, might have to trip there next! Keep the awesome piccies coming
  15. It's okay Guni. We understand. It's a real pain that the wather turned out this way but eh. We've worked so hard that we're not giving up. We're going for it! Yep totally understand, especially given you've got semi slicks on the car! Well I'm still here and totally up for it! :D I am going rain, hail or shine heheheh I was actually caught driving in yesterday's hail so just pulled over for a couple of minutes and waited for it to pass then got going again - no obvious hail damage that I can see :) Looking at the forecasts for today if anything it should just be some rain, the brunt of the horrible weather was inside Melb yesterday and up my way (Bendigo), so there's nothing too sinister forecast for where we're heading. We might even get some sunshine like yesterday *crosses fingers* Just means we'll slow it down a bit and take our time! So please still come along ;) Lee - I'll PM you my mobile number now. I've got some spare copies of the cruise route too :)
  16. what time will you fellas be in the city approx? I'm not really sure, I'm guessing about 6 ish - if we leave at 11 think it's only going to take like an hour and a half to get to Marysville, hang out there for an hour or so for lunch, reckon it's only going to take another hour/hour and a half to get to the lake, so we'd probably be wrapping up there about 4-5 and heading back in. That's just a rough guess though based on the bits I have driven.. I will PM you my mobile number :) No worries Ben :) We'll have to plan another one after this :D
  17. Heheheheh, you're a worry :P I'm sure there will be plenty of fun along the way! Ahh bugger Goz :( That's fine though - although does someone have your mobile number if you want to come meet us for dinner in the city later on? guni dont be gay and come along, just this time maybe take road conditions into consideration before attempting fully hectic power slide opposite lock cornering ;)...be good to catch up over a parma or roast of the day....hope its cold but not wet for sunday :) Lol!! Well said :D
  18. Yep :( It's just poured rain here and Bendigo hardly gets it, so I'd say there'll be more over the weekend. Totally understand if you can't make it Guni :) We'll just have another one next month lol Just a note to all that this will be going ahead rain, hail or shine (preferably shine!) :) If it's raining then obviously we'll just back off the pace a bit and take it nice and easy and enjoy more of the scenery.
  19. Guilty. :P I reckon this suprise Tash said she's got is gonna be awesome. :P Can't wait to see it on Sunday. :D Heheheh might come in very handy if it's going to rain!
  20. No worries Reece, Future looks like a good set :D The next one might be like one we've had in the past where we just meet up somewhere and hang out without venturing too far. I'll definitely keep it in mind though, don't get down to Melbourne very often but when I do I'll let you know :) Getting very close now! Can't wait to catch up and annoy everyone with my chatter lol Although some of you are just as bad as me
  21. I know I am very late in all of this but I am so glad to hear that both you and your dad are safe and on the mend :) Whilst this would be absolutely heartbreaking (that was one hell of an Aurion!) I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason and there will be an upside to all of this, possibly a shiny near-new TRD :D Best of luck to you with the insurance and the hunt for a new car, will be looking forward to what you can produce before the meet in June ;)
  22. Ahh yes good old uni! Don't miss that after 4 and a half years hahahah XR5 would be good to see up close, he is more than welcome :) Just as long as he knows he'll be severely outnumbered! Will add you to the list now :) Well I've got a Uniden uh049sx which I got for Christmas, so looking forward to giving it its first run this weekend. Meant to be a pretty good unit :) Which reminds me, I better charge it up hahah
  23. Hahah oh of course! Hmm, well we will have to keep drumming up some 'business' - more of the big cars :D Lol whoops my bad! Oh well, it is the way that it is now so for this cruise it can be Lake Lilydale :P Google knew what I was looking for! If it's the stickers I'm thinking of they're pretty nice, just a white font with the web address and they're probably about 4-5cm high and maybe 30cm long. I know some of the guys have put them on their side skirts.
  24. Well I'm one Aurion owner in Victoria :) Well you should come along!! :) Heheh btw way Lee, what do you mean YOU feel so alone!? I'm always the only bloody Camry lol Except for that one meet-up in Melb when Kyle came along. At least you've got Nathan in the gold Aurion along most of the time lol So where are all the Camry owners in Victoria!? I know Reece would like to come along if he can but how about some of the others?
  25. G'day - would be great to have you along, I've just updated the first post with the final details so all is set for next Sunday. Hope you can make it! ** To everyone else ** Okay, so the FINAL cruise route is up, I'm not changing it again! Based on the feedback the meeting point will be at the McDonald's restaurant in Diamond Creek, off Main Hurstbridge Road, and the finishing point is at Lake Lilydale. From Lake Lilydale those who aren't participating in dinner can go their own way and the rest of us will decide on a dinner venue and go from there - I'd say most of the cruise pack would cruise back in via Eastlink so we'll still be together for a little longer :) So put your thinking caps on for a place to go for dinner afterwards!! Also just a reminder, I put all the groundwork in for this along with Nathan (Tofuboi) so I'm not interested in leading, so if no one nominates for this prior to someone will be nominated on the day. Thank you to those others who have provided feedback and suggestions along the way :) It was much appreciated! So now we've just got to wait for the day to roll around!! Come on Victorian members, would love to get a good turn out for this one :D * End essay *
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