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Everything posted by Tash

  1. Your doing okay so far ;) Keep it up Tash and put the Melburnians to shame! :lol: :P :P :P Heheh cheers Guni & Lee. Yeah I was a bit shattered that they're closed on Sunday's, it's a great venue. I didn't get the chance to update the route last night so hope to do so today at work or later tonight. Basically I'll just change the meeting point to the McDonald's and I'll end the cruise at the Lilydale Lake and we can decide on where we're headed from there. As you say Lee unplanned stuff can be great too :D It's going to be brilliant either way - I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all! Plus there will be a new 'performance' item on my car heheheheh..
  2. Don't have Open Office or anything? Definitely at 10:30 am to leave at 11, but I'll change the meeting point to the McDonald's at Hurstbridge. And I'll include the lake :) . I don't remember any potholes other than one right up the end near the car parks at the store.. But anyway I'll change the meeting point to the McDonald's at Hurstbridge, but still at 10:30am for an 11am kick off. *sigh* This is why I didn't want to end up having to plan all of this - I'm the one who lives furthest away and knows the least about Melbourne! Lol.. I'll just make our last stop the lake and we can decide on a dinner venue there. So the third version will be up later tonight! :)
  3. Okay the Garage Cafe called and they're not open on Sunday's :( So now we need a new dinner venue!!
  4. Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking, have probably over-booked already for ten. Just double checked and there are 5 down so far for dinner, plus a passenger I'm bringing along so that makes 6. Anyone else coming to dinner?? On another note the updated cruise route is now up! You can get it at http://www.gcompservice.com/tocau/TOCAU%20...Cruise%20V2.doc :) Once again, please make yourself familiar with where we're going and I'll see you at the meeting point next Sunday
  5. Heheh yes it's finished - initial meeting point is the same as we can all reverse angle park in a line to kick off and I haven't include the lake near Lilydale but I reckon if we want to do that on the day we can. The doco I've put together is basically an overall view of where we're going with some instruction, not a full-on set of directions. So it'll be up some time today ;) Oh and I also called the Garage Cafe last night but got the answering machine, so I've left a message for them to call me back. I will give them a day or so to get back to me and then call again. I've asked for a table for 10 seeings there are only about 4 of us who've confirmed for dinner and so there are spare seats to cover those who decide on the day. Or should I book a table for 15? Oh and I also asked for the garage space in there lol
  6. Hey Andy, this is what I was looking for when I first started the thread. Looks pretty good to me, will just cut out the Mt Donna Buang part and might include the lake. Macca's is probably a better meeting spot too although the car park is a bit of a funny shape. I checked out the Marysville to Cambarville to Reefton to McMahon's Creek to Warburton route last night and it looks good to me, so I'll just need to update the route to go that way, so I'll do that tonight when I get home.
  7. Ah yep I see the way that you mean. The roads are all meant to have been cleaned up since the bushfires as well, so that is another alternative we can decide on during the day. Although the Black Spur would be interesting to tackle from both directions :D
  8. Don't worry Lee, all fixed - heading back to Healesville after Marysville and then to Coldstream, and then to Lilydale. Just gunna check up with a friend later tonight who has proper road maps so I can confirm they're all bitumen and nice :) You follow the Maroondah HWY to Coldstream so surely that's a nice paved road all the way!
  9. Hahahah, I swear it's not intentional! Thank god I was chatting to someone today at work who'd actually driven it, otherwise it would have been another nasty surprise lol No worries Andy, would be good to see you again :)
  10. Well I have some *slightly* bad news - apparently the run from Marysville down to Warburton features around 5-10km of gravel road and is quite narrow, so if we encountered oncoming traffic we would have to move over onto the shoulder. So I will need to re-jig the end half of the cruise route this evening, probably go from Marysville back over the black spur and then look for another way back into Carlton. Will let you all know when I've updated the route and posted it again, hopefully Nathan is around tonight so I can get the newer version hosted lol
  11. Hey Darius, hope you can make it along - would be nice to meet you as well as have another Aurion along! Excellent Matt! Will be great to catch up with you again :) Will add you to the list now. Hahah Nathan, so basically we want more than the regulars?
  12. Alrighty well the first post has been updated with the finalised details!! We will be meeting at Peppers Paddock Reserve at 10:30am for an 11:00am SHARP departure on our cruise route, which is available for viewing at http://www.gcompservice.com/tocau/TOCAU Mar 2010 Cruise.doc Please have a read of the cruise route to familiarise yourself with where we're heading before the day :) Also let's get this attendance list happening so if you want to come along please post again and confirm if you will be coming and if you would like to join us for dinner. Thanks!
  13. Nice Lee!!! Looks like all that patience has paid off :D You chucking these on in time for our cruise? Heheheh...
  14. Done :D Excellent, would be great to see you :) I don't have any objections to a Rexy coming along ;) I've made a brief start on the route, don't imagine I'll have it up til Thursday night though as that's the only night I've got at home this week!! Hehehe..
  15. Okey dokey well I have updated the first post just to confirm to all the basic cruise route and the plan to end up at dinner. I hope to make a map early this week, don't think I can tomorrow night as I will be out and about but we will see! Anyway, thanks to Lee & Nathan for starting an attendance list - if everyone can keep following on with this and indicate by posting whether they will be attending the cruise and the dinner (or just the cruise and no dinner) then I will continually update the first post as well. I will make a booking this week so that we don't miss out but we'll need a more accurate number that we can provide the Garage Cafe with.
  16. Hey guys, just wanted a few thoughts on this before I bother ringing Toyota (the car is under warranty for quite a while yet). I can hear something, it sounds like a ball bearing to me, rolling quite distinctly in the left door area when I turn corners. This is only a problem when I carry passengers as I have to turn the stereo down hahahaha I've had a look at the repair manuals for the Gen 6 and I can't see any really small components that would give me an idea of what has come loose, would it be like a spring or something? The easiest way I can describe it is by mentioning the Maltesers advert where the malteser choccie rolls across the top of her dash, it sounds exactly as if someone is rolling a marble around in the door. Anyone else had a similar issue or have other ideas on what's in these doors? Was hoping to be able to narrow it down a little before Toyota go pulling my car apart. Cheers :)
  17. Cool as :D I will go ahead with putting a map together for that route then, we can meet up at the point we did in the October cruise, should be enough room along the shoulder there otherwise I'll look for another starting point in Hurstbridge. If no one wants to volunteer now to lead I reckon we can pick someone on the day, I'm along to enjoy myself this time rather than setting the pace. Will wait for a few more RSVPs to roll in as well and I'll book a table at the Garage Cafe early next week, reckon we'll need spots for least 15, but probably a few more. Hope you can get the day off Reece! And kolourhero you're more than welcome to come :D Hoping to get a really good turnout to this and have a really nice day :)
  18. Okay - this isn't set but more a rough plan of what I'm looking at putting together. Check out this link and let me know your thoughts: http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&sou...234589&z=10 The idea would be to meet at Hurstbridge again and kick off, then we go to King Lake, Healesville, Marysville and then down to Warburton and ending up coming back into the city through Lilydale - one of you Melbourne boys will definitely need to lead this part please. Then we go to the Garage Cafe in Carlton to have a feed and wind down afterwards :)
  19. Of course you can come along! Would love to see you there :) Hey well not really - I'd like to do a run to Marysville via Kinglake, what does everyone think?? I do not want to lead this time though so am leaving that up to someone else but if need be I can put a map together again. So yeah, I'm putting the call out to someone to be up front for this cruise and we also need a starting point. And as Lee said, no excuses this time people, lets get a really good turnout!
  20. Even though Daryl has already answered your question I couldn't help but mention something slightly off topic :) I own one of these cars and I couldn't recommend it highly enough, especially the manual! They're a great looking and driving car with plenty of potential (just take a look at some of the Gen 6's on here and you'll see), mine certainly turns heads hehehe :D
  21. Heheh thanks on both counts Matt :D Hmm - not sure how it would all work out, we'd probably meet somewhere in the morning (10 or 11) to kick off the cruise and then be back in Melbourne in the afternoon. Guess we could maybe finish up at the good old Garage Cafe for a feed at night? Has anyone got the original route I think Andy put together for the Marysville run?
  22. That's alright, you've seen it now :) Cheers, I might do that one weekend then - the licence plate globes were very easy in the end (just need to pull the carpet away harder!) but the parkers frighten me a bit hahah Might have to get some diff globes though, the pair of T10's I bought are nice, but the set I used in the rear whilst very white and pretty don't seem to be very bright.
  23. Yeah well that's exactly it, I reckon they have gone up a fair bit in price since the last time I looked at them :( Not cool.. Hahah Daryl & Nathan - I will stay out of that one! Isn't your rear sway bent Nathan? :P No, that was the lower front. Rear's fine. :P Hahah well in that case then..! Bugger. Because when I got mine, it was at the same price that is currently on their site... $323. Oh wells, I'm not complaining. Best money spent on this car for sure. Yeah well I'm thinking for these the price isn't really the deciding factor, judged on what I have seen/heard of the results afterwards and that it would be money well spent on a good mod. Just gotta save some $$ now!
  24. Thanks for those ideas guys, reckon I might try the soapy water approach and see how they come up :) 1Rocky, I find the Kenco microfibre clothes really good, plus you can wash and re-use them. Safe enough to use with product on the outside, and also good on the inside. BGPete got me my set as I couldn't find anyone who sold the pack here in Bendigo.
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