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Posts posted by Suprathai

  1. A bit of a toughie this one.

    Generally I would stick with one high quality sub rather then two high quality subs. No two speakers sound the same and they might work against each other.

    I don't know much about your current eclipse sub. But if its anywhere near the Boston Acoustics G5 or IDQ(MAX?) range of speakers then I'm pretty sure its all the quality and base you need. Anything higher really is following the law of diminishing return.

  2. Some auction places are dodgy though, just gotta be careful. My family usually goes to the pickles auction near kingsgrove when we are hunting for 2nd hand cars, and sometimes you can really really pick up a bargain!! Just don't get caught up with the whole auction thing or you could end up paying more and wasting your time.

    We got a car for $23,500, that would've costed $36-39K on the market. The NRMA inspection report didn't report anything, and the RTA checked it out cause they were worried as to why it went for that price.

    We drove that car for about 5 years and got it traded in for $21K, when it was time for a new vehicle!

  3. What car you got btw??

    Modern day cat converters are quite free flowing, with close to zero restriction. Most of the restiction that comes from an exhaust is from the pipe diameter, not really the packing that it holds.

    Better off saving your money and maybe getting your headers ported.

  4. meh, any device that is used to perform a measurement usually needs to be calibrated to ensure an accurate reading.

    Results can only be comparable if testing conditions are exactly the same and the procedure that was used, or if there are variations they are within the error that is expected.

    I still laugh at those pod filter test though.

    " And the <INSERT BRAND HERE> is the best performing filter beating the average by 1kw "

    Quite a good read as well

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Which fighter jet is that??

    I saw the vid where it was the bugatti veyron Vs the eurofighter?? Quite close given the conditions.

    Fastest Car I've Sat in

    Ra65 Celica with a boosted 1ggte, that thing is nuts.

    Fastest Car I've driven

    My sportivo

    Easiest vehicle to drive

    Honda CRV


    A beat up old hiace that needed a new diff and a serious tune up, it struggled to get past 60km/h!!

  6. You'll have some fitment issues, well thats what I encountered anyway. With the K&N, not sure about the drift filter, it fits quite easily in comparison. Unless your chasing every single last kw, there is not much of a point trying to find out which one performs best, not much between them anyway. This is on the CES CAI, I think most CAI are similiar.

    If you ask me how they sound, thats a totally different story. The K&N filter sings and has a slightly higher pitched induction noise, and the apexi just roars and is louder in general (IMO sounds better).

  7. Insurance just called up and said that other guy is trying to make me liable for the damages of the accident. I called up the police and said they still haven't come up with a final outcome with the accident at this stage, but the way its looking 'I should be fine, and the other guy should be getting a ticket'.

    I think he will be getting a ticket for reckless/negligent driving, the fiesta driver said its all his fault with the statement that the police took down. He didn't leave much room while changing lanes lol

    But I'm still a bit worried, being a pessimistic person and all.

  8. Just got confirmation from the police officer that the other guy is clearly at fault, there was a chance that I could've been the cause of the accident. But the magna driver is getting a ticket, double demerits as well yikes.

    Car will be towed tomorrow to an assessment centre and then probably to my preferred repairer....now I can sleep properly tonight.

  9. The police still haven't gotten back to me with the event #. Hope to bring it to the inspection centre this monday, depending on how booked out they are. Will be ringing the cops sunday morning and then the insurance after that.

    I'm with NRMA, so usually after the inspection I book a time with the repairers (usually I drop it off the same day).....unless of course the car is written off, won't know until the inspection.

  10. Just been in a car accident last night, hip is a bit sore (only one with I hope minor injuries). Happened on the M4 at around 90km/h just before coleman st exit, the guy that caused the accident must of been doing about 110-120km/h. Three cars involved, unfortunately I was not the one hit directly but I got caught up in the accident.

    The other two cars had to be towed away, one lost their front left hub/wheel assembly. Toyota FTW!! It pulled up quicker then the other two and in a straight line too!! Could of been much more uglier given the speeds that we were all travelling at, but fortunately everyone was ok except me.

    Was merging from lane number four (closest to concrete barrier) to lane three, the magna hit (driver at fault) me, got pushed into the concrete barrier but not too bad I suppose.


    If anyone is desparete for a fog light cover, you could try looking for it....



    Recently the car got scratched on the front bumper and I kept thinking about getting it fixed up....

    Drive safely on the road guys, but really I couldn't avoid this accident with the way it happened :angry:

    I was planning to have some work done on the sportivo as well, now I can't.

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