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Posts posted by (mr2)

  1. I have ARB on my 2001 Hilux, very happy with it. Security wise though none of these I would trust with a bit of moneys worth of equipment in the back, a lot of manufactures make loads of them using the same keys, the key number is stamped on the front of the lock so it is easy to get keys cut for them. For security it depends on what you need to lock up and how much you want to spend.

  2. You are better off getting an original key from Toyota instead of one of the ones from ebay as the ebay ones are crap and don't work, I have tested a couple of the Toyota ones and they are no good ( As with most of the ebay transponder keys)

    IF you went to Toyota they will need to replace the immo box so they can code in new keys, when they do this they normally quote on a new lock set too, this will sent you back around $2,500.... not worth it. Some dealers use Locksmiths to reset the immobiliser box so new keys can be added, if you take your car to them ( The Locksmith) they can do this for you so saves going through Toyota, this should cost you around $300 plus the $200 for the key. Once you have the Master key though you will be able to add/ delete keys and remotes yourself though.

  3. If you only have the Gray ( Valet key) Toyota can't help you as you need the black master key for adding/ deleting new keys and remotes. All remote keys will be coded in as a master and you can get a standard black non remote master key too.

    I will have to double check this but a more accurate way to see what your key has been coded in as, sit in the car and find the security light, it should be flashing, insert the key, if it is a master key the light will go out straight away and with a valet key it will stay lit for a second.

    If you only have the Valet key you will need to go to a Locksmith to get your new remote key coded in, I can give you more detail on this if needed. If you have the master key this will be a lot easier for you. It isn't a good idea to get the remote keys from ebay, even the ones that say they are the correct frequency still wont code in ( I get this a bit at work) and the transponder chip that is in them can also be incorrect. Toyota have finally brought their prices down to something a bit more reasonable, the remote key for your car is about $200, you then need to get it cut ( get it cut to code) and then coded into your car, again go to a Locksmith, that's what Toyota does.

  4. I have a 2001 SR5 Turbo Diesel, waaaay better than the petrol ones that I have driven. I have driven my car to a few remote places around the NT, down to SA and over to VIC, no issues at all. Only thing is because of the gearing it doesn't like going over 120KPH but that's fine for me.

  5. Tools you will need:

    A rag.

    A small flat blade screwdriver

    So, get down on your knees next to the window winder, push in on the door card so you get a gap between the card and the window winder. You should be able to see the metal clip holding the winder on, if you can't use the screwdriver and move the collar that is under the winder. Once you can see it look for the ends of it, insert the rag from this side and slide it back and forth, the rag will catch on the clip and pull it off. If you get a big enough gap you might even be able to use the screwdriver.

    This clip has also been known as the jesus clip, because when it springs off and you can't find it ( It's away's under the car :) ) that's what you will be yelling out.

    You can also buy the proper tool for removing the clips, I have one but always go for the rag, it's quicker and easier.

    With the replacement lock, you will be able to get this keyed to your existing key. Assuming that it's the 84 Camry your key is probably fairly worn too. If you get the new lock rekeyed it will be a good idea to get a new key cut to code, this will help your locks last longer and work better.

  6. What happens when you turn the key in the lock, does it feel like it is connected to anything or turns freely? If the remote is working fine and not the key I would say that the rod from the barrel to the locking mechanism is disconnected, or one of the links in between. Retrace your steps and look between the barrel and mech and you will probably see the issue.

  7. . With enough time and effort I could pick the lock to get inside the car but still cant start it so whats the point.

    It's not as easy as you might think :)

    Battery world mate,identical to original, 3 bucks.I dont know how true this is but they told me to sit in the car when I replaced the battery and using the buttons on the remote,lock and unlock the doors 3 times in succession,as they replaced a customers one day and the car refused to start,they rang Toyota and was advised of the above.

    Dont shoot the messenger I,m only passing on what they told me to do.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I replaced both batteries at the same time

    Mate try a computer shop,camera shop,they sell (button cell) batteries even Kmart/Big W,Chemists

    A lot of remotes need to be resynchronised once the battery has been flat/ removed for a couple of seconds.

    I do find it odd that there is no mechanical key in the fob, don't think I have ever seen one with out the key in it.

  8. I'm stuck on this one as well.

    I can't seem to get the indicators to flash.

    On step 5 when it says, turn off and on, does that literally mean:

    OFF is with the key in the position that you can pull it out in and on is 2 clicks clockwise, you have to do this step quickly.

    Mrsquiggle, what do you mean by standard cut key. It has to be a working Black ( master ) key to put the car into programming mode. Remotes from Toyota or a Locksmith are normally around the $60 - $80 mark.

  9. From what I can find it should be an Alpine Generation 1 wireless door lock control system, remote part number 0819120810. Toyota don't have that part number listed though and with the age of your car it wouldn't be worth using the OEM remote. You will be better off wiring in a new receiver to the existing central locking so you get a new remote, plus the new remotes are a lot more secure than older ones ( Rolling codes)

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