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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. welcome to the club If your in SYD, check out the End of Monthly Meet Thread (EOMM) for details and locations :)
  2. Who died?

    1. .gorgz
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      ^^ wtf goz so anti christian :P

    3. .gorgz


      would you prefer me to be an anti semite coz I do that pretty well too

  3. Sorry, This will not be happening. The best thing to do is look at the last page and the thread sub-title for all the information. Any cruises or "other meets" that do not relate to the EOMM should have a new thread / post created. /end iron fist ruling
  4. woohoo so I can get a gourmet ham cheese tomato sandwich on turkish bread plus a latte' and be happy paying $10 for it
  5. wow, you have a 10 hr sleep and BAMM! 15 prople 1. M.C 2. Juvenile 3. Clifton 4. VF-X [Dpending on when] 5. WS Echo (Saturday nights are good for me) 6. OHY34H 7. Ronnyboy (Maybe) 8. Brendan (Most likely) 9. ZR6XY 10. RO11ER 11. offzide93 12. synthetic05 13. cruzer 14. Seby123 15. riversandlakes (maybe) 16. BGPete 17. Schy - maybe if he ok after his flight
  6. Bouncy naked yum yum night! Where is the sign up for that! #awesomecubed

  7. an internet troll from japan?......no....just me behind the computer :P I move this topic be closed, binned and any links to NINEMSN be banned from the forum as they are just worry warts. /end rant
  8. "in marriage there are penalties for early withdrawal and desposting into another account" #goodadvice

  9. Sorry this was found on ninemsn was it............. /caseclosed
  10. Born to be mild - Car Shampoo. Not only is the name funky, it's a great car wash shampoo that cost next the nix per use! This awesome smelling shampoo makes great suds and glides across paint work with ease. pH neutral means it does eat away at your wax, It just takes the task of removing the dirt of your car and leaves the rest alone. One cap full (about 5ml) will be enough for ~8ltr bucket of water, so a 250ml bottle can go a long way and is truly awesome value for money. Again, with all dodo juice stuff I have found the initial outlay for the product maybe a bit more that your super cheap or autobarn brands, but the savings in the long term just cannot compete with the "supermarket" labels.Well worth the investment
  11. Holy smokes batman! Sunshine in Sydney #goodmorning

  13. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN! Normal Bat Time, Normal Bat Location!
  14. To be fair, I have 2 offers for this package, one offer has the cash ready to go today. I'll finalise shipping costs and PM the 2 interested parties. First one to request bank details AFTER I message back with the shipping costs wins.
  15. Will do on monday and PM will be sent
  16. if you required a whole replacement fascia, this would do the trick, but just the little "ears" on each side should work just as well
  17. I'll be serving some more phat pancakes soon :)
  18. Firstly....I assume you said "why aren't you in Victoria" Secondly, I will ship it at the buyers expense Thirdly, I was there one a half weeks ago.
  19. Sadly all good things must come an end. My holidays have been great. Great food, wine and people. Now the last 6hr grind begins

    1. jeffy


      have a safe tripp ! ~!

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