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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. RIGHT…..#Showertime #hammertime

  2. Mowing, working on the car. What a day #beertime

  3. Quote: "Its nice living in Canberra" #oxymoron

  4. Someone just smoked some kippers in the staff kitchen #stinkyMcgee

    1. Hiro


      Coiuld have been worse...they could have stoked some clippers instead.

  5. .....don't ask for respect, you need to earn it .

  6. FYI, i'm not going to tassie after the meet, my nikon D80 died in the a$re and I need a new camera........and being me....I see the chance for a massive upgrade :)
  7. Do you enjoy "smashing pasties"

  8. Need a garage and trolley jack for an afternoon of installing stuff on the black tin can. #gofastbits

  9. Bob Carr as foreign minister #wtf @abcnews24

    1. dutchie101


      Aww F#ck.... what a joke indeed...

  10. Planking is just Crowd Surfing for people that cant attract an audience #factoflife

  11. ....just remembered....I have a wedding on that day....so i'm out
  12. Just went #JDMyo crazy on JDMyo stickers #dammebay

  13. Sydney traffic can really be **** #nothappyjan #Sydneytraffic

  14. finished painting my Tapestry…..might visit the settlement tomorrow #greatwine #notanalco

  15. Since Daylight saving ends April 2, we need to have one last good cruise before then. This will become EOMM March to be held on the 31st March. Suggestions Include: Kangaroo Valley > Kiama > Home Redhead Beach (Newcastle) Bathurst Everyone put your suggestions down and I'll draw up the route for the most popular one :)
  16. ….I do what all geeks do on a saturday night, re-tag my MP3 collection #wow #needasociallife

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