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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. could I just suggest getting a blue ant super tooth II very good product, portable and rechargable it can be a problem with such a new car and not a lot of people "modding" it yet. Your best is to find a nice toyota service dept that might be able to help you out
  2. 69.NIX


    The Audi RS4 (and i dont mind the colour :D My all-rounder :D funny how it looks like an aurion? :P
  3. does the girl comes as part of the package? :P
  4. firstly, welcome to the TOCAU keep the sao. my mate has one, and I love driving it :P get some pics up soon eh peace out
  5. nice ride, cool setup its ok if you dont have a stivo, you can still be a member :P I drive a grandpa spec racer (v6 manual camry) welcome to TOCAU
  6. BUMP Xoom GtiBoy Big Pete this should be good if it just gonna be us 3, why dont I pick everyone up and go for a drive to the gong? :P
  7. 2 words that i use all the time "got milk?" i wanna see that in all it's metal and leather glory!
  8. Id do her Id do her Id do her Id do her Id do her, do her for sure need i go on? :P was it very "moist" up there?
  9. looking sweet welcome to TOCAU
  10. That should keep us going :D if I can get that on the back of a hilux, reckon the cops might have something to say about it?
  11. there goes the sunday roast!
  12. spotted MSROLA trying to LIFT my ar$e thru springwood at 4pm today! :P
  13. cmon man, the whole point of this cruise isnt to just go to sydney and see the sights they have to offer (altho the mountains are an exception :) )...anyone can do that in their own time when they have a spare weekend lying around.. the whole point of this cruise/meet up imo is to actaully put name to faces from this wacky forum of ours...and its not everyday that the majority of corollas in aus can actually meet up in the same spot and and have a laugh together.... be a bit more positive yO Here Here! this sort of event doesn't happen that offen, so if people wanna organise it, BRING IT ON! i'm willing to help in any way. just gimmie something to figure out. Remember, idle hands do the devils work :P
  14. that was a brill run (even in a domino's yaris :P) and it close to town KK's is a bit like maccas tho, they have a half life for 3mths :P, so 2 days shouldn't be a problem :P btw, I swear I saw KK's at brissy domestic, but I could be wrong
  15. does a toyota breakdown - never will top gear die after this news - never would i buy a kio rio? - never is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow - never I think you can see a patten here :D
  16. is that a whip I hear crackin? :P I could imange the S*it that might hit the fan if you dont bring back the yum yums as yes, we can keep it live and local, I think the northen beaches will be the trick (only prob is paying for parking :S)
  17. 69.NIX


    http://www.myspace.com/bigpete2311 no pics as yet, but i'm getting there
  18. its foundation day in springwoood on the 31st, but I should be able to make it hopefully i can get away by 6
  19. Jenolin caves would be good, but would we go there just for the twisties? or do the loop back to oberon? or go back the same way we came? could head out to Mt panarama from there? geeezzzz, ALL THESE IDEAS!!!!! I think my head will explode in 3....2...1...............BANG!!!!!
  20. DONT GET IT DONE AT Strafthfield Car Radio!!!!!!!!!!! just DIY it, or get a fellow member to do it for ya. you can bet it will be better than ANY dodgey Strafthfield Car Radio job i'm in teh blue mountians, but hey, i dont mind a drive
  21. worked saturday washed 2 cars today nice and easy
  22. with every new shape of car there will always be swings and round-a-bouts getting used to it. I do think it looks like a blown-up yaris. That said, the yaris does look good and a big borther version works 2 cents added to the money tin :D
  23. pretty sure i spotted Sportivo05 in Linden Bends today around 12:50pm white facelift with red stivo badge on the side and AWG-### rego
  24. glad to see some more sao's here now and update on where ya from? i know 97paseo is from the UK, but the others?
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