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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. with enough $$$$, wonder if kebab performance can do a number on my camry :P
  2. my little thing with OD if i'm pottering round town or in heavy traffic (stop/start) i drive with the OD off. I have noticed the car will reposed a bit quicker on teh gear changes if you need to give it the beans (like fast lane changes) once i'm crusing along at a constant speed (freeway / open road) flick the OD on, so the gear box and motor relax and save some fuel. remember OD has no power behind it, so the gearbox will kick down if you give it a boot full. Also, for those that are lucky and not have OD but have a auto, try this on for size. Family member of mine drives cabs in SA. everytime he comes to a stop, he knocks the auto into "N". I asked why, he explained that the auto clutch is still engaged and slowly burns the auto clutch therefore wearing the box out. Just be carefull not to knock it into gear and then gun it. Wait for the box to engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my 2 cents
  3. if there is a solid date set and HEAPS of notice, i can make it judging by this post, i'd better start planning :D
  4. so the big bum has a big hole now :P looking good
  5. ahhh call centre work in sales leaves pete surfing web pages all day
  6. if all else fails, get a hammer. it you fail again, get a better hammer
  7. still single, still looking (good, HA!) now moved to parra area :D
  8. wasn't really spotted, but my big web address on the back of my car got a few questions asked by people parked in a car park in parra might get some new members :D
  9. have to agree with Northy here. If you told me it was gonna be 2 weeks from today, i'd sit here and shut till then, but it has taken a fair while. I'm normally a cool relaxed guy, but I do turn sour when dates are set and then keep getting knocked back further and further. So i'll ask nice once, when will see the kits in NSW. If there is any screwing around, i'll pass details on to the right people to make sure your are not to undertake any more group buys. the money i spent could have been used elsewhere since i have been moving over the last 2mths and money is rather tight at the mo. I'm happy to wait, just no F*N around with del times and dates
  10. I'd get one, just for $hits and giggles :P
  11. drive it hard, maintain it hard! all comes down to your driving style and conditions rollaboy, you can do my plugs
  12. 69.NIX


    zeus, if your in sydney and have 1hr lying around call me it's not that hard :D
  13. does this mean that people outside of WA will get there order soon?
  14. i hope the $165 will cover the price of the globes and the postage!
  15. I'll be up for 6 :D once we get a final idea
  16. For most cam's you'll need H4 globes - the one's i'd require :D I'd be interested at that price, i'm based in sydney.
  17. This would be a great idea if we could all lock in a date. I know for the next few weeks i'm gonna be flat out. but if there a date / location, i'll move things round to get it sorted. I would suggest homebush bay BBQ area as it would be central to everyone :ph34r: :ph34r:
  18. happy birthday northy...... you old mole! :P
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