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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. 69.NIX


    pop the black surround off and undo the screwed located behind the ashtry. ir take the ash tray out and look behind there. once you pop the black surround out there will be 4 nuts you'll need to undo which will revome the whole of the centre dsh. be wary of cables pluged into the AC controls and wot not. you should then be able to remove the cage around the Headdeck and install a new one. If I was in SA, id pop over and get it done for ya. I did my mates GEN 4 recently and once I worked out where the screws were, I was fine. any questions, ring my mobile 0414186682. and NO private numbers as i dont answers them :P
  2. just throwing this out there, but wouldn't it be easier to put the sound deading material on the inside of the door panel. eg take off the door trim and use the side that facing away from the cabin and put the sound deading material on that? hey, hope I confussed everyone !?!?!?!?!?
  3. yes. good 'ol auto idle. when I start my car every morning, it's revs around 1800rpm then goes down rather quickly to 1200rpm. will sit there till normal running temp. so it's nuffin to be afford of :D
  4. 69.NIX

    Weight Loss

    QUOTE FROM JIMMY CARR...... ..........the camera adds 20 pounds! STOP EATING F*CKING CAMERAS! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
  5. 69.NIX

    Tyre Black

    how does one obtain such goodness. i'm willing to part some redies if that make for a smooth transaction
  6. a manual 1mz? I like ......................and clean that engine bay!
  7. old, but very nice. love the seats! and keep that shine on her :D
  8. 69.NIX

    GPS units

    my GPS "unit" leads to me to the ladies :P
  9. FINALLY something to spend my commissions on :P
  10. Full-Time CSR / Sales Rep for Leading Voip Company Part-Time Fire twirler (just starting)
  11. you can see the old doms car i used to drive around in :P
  12. ahhh yes my normal trucking route :D
  13. looks good champ. glad to see a differnt sound system working well in the aurion dash. I always had my doubts about it, but it seems you have pulled it off. keep up the good work
  14. every 100,000km service. mine is due soon @ 200,000kms
  15. tack on to my earlier point: if you aren't doing anything wrong, why worry? my understanding is if your not breaking the law, the cops cant get you for anything? correct me if i'm wrong
  16. I own a camry manual..... with a V6 under the covers :P
  17. TADA! my investment paid off yes. I drive a lot thru st ives and on the M2 as this is my normal drive to work each day :D BTW: if some does spot me that is on this forum, w00t the horn at me and also take down my mobile and call me :P (this need apply more to the ladies rather than the gents)
  18. Hi i'm peter griffin! you dirty whore!
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