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Everything posted by jeffy

  1. - 205 = Tyre width = 205mm - 45 & 50 = Profile = This is the sidewall height of the tyre e.g 45% and 50% respecitively of 205mm - R16 = Rim size = 16 inches. So diff is in the profile. A lower profile can provide more steering accuracy and grip however may compromise ride comfort. Lower profile IMO looks better though. A lower profile generally results in higher prices too. Hope that helps
  2. yup he's already posted in there, and, welcome to the club dude :]
  3. im azn, i use my lighter, or a spoon :P !
  4. jeffy

    Funny Pics

    hahahha very nice will ~!
  5. Here's a clearer shot of the red calllipperss
  6. Does it only happen to me where i wash the car and it rains the next day .... zzzzzz melbourne...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. itsmehuey


      happens to all of us in Melbourne -_-

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      thats why i havent washed my car in 3 weeks :D

    4. jeffy


      and yours still looks cleaner than mine <_<

  7. wonder why your forum name is 1st kill lee.. xD ~! trying to kill ducks ahhahah !
  8. ahh my bad >< thought it said "still need to be sold" and i read the first post first
  9. i think iVaz might buy your fire extinguisher, holdup ill give him a msg,
  10. ohh you mean DlCK SMITH ? :P and yup these are the 38sx, for sale at DlCK SMITH for $89.00 i got it off eGay for $51 + $19 shipping,
  11. jeffy

    Funny Pics

    ohh marshall erricsen.. :] !
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