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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. your're welcome.. I've seen it in a couple of other forums as well as the 3 word story and they are always popular and you learn a bit about the other people through them too :) speeking of which time to start another story I think anyone want to start the thread.. all that's needed is 3 words.. the last one turned out hilarious
  2. Agreed also, it's like the other thread that has now started into a competition of how fast you can go... Who really cares, how often do you drive at the cars terminal velocity... but back on topic... having had the track time and defensive driver training I personally find that I am now more cautious with everyday driving having found the cars limits on a couple of occasions, car control is improved and better understood. There is a time and a place for everything, Mark chose the right time and place to test the car out legally and properly. Reaction times are shortened dramatically at those speeds so he was lucky to get away with the little damage incurred, but I'm sure he is now a better driver for it!!! - calm seas do not make smooth sailors!!!
  3. do they come in matching left and right, I see all the pics are only for the right, but I'd prefer the left as access the the storage box is not hindered on that side.
  4. Now let's not get carried away... we all obey the speed limits here people... ;) Am I correct??? B) Zee - I think I was pushing 180 into the kink, even managed to push through the kink on a couple of occasions where I had a free run and the tyres weren't too squishy..
  5. Quick question... Anyone know where in Sydney I could find some of these fluids? Preferably the motor oil? The FUCH'S site didn't offer much help... ← look up Auto One in the phone book and find the one closest to you :)
  6. I'm with Beep Tag which is a min $70 account on sign-up and no deposit for the tag :) ;) It is the one advertised by the Cross-City Tunnel...
  7. look at Shao's video, there are trees all around the circuit, it looks very unforgiving, unlike Wakefield where you'd be more likely to hit a cow in the next paddock...
  8. I could be interested but depends on the date, they still haven't posted one <_<
  9. hey, what about my 'ni'!!!! :P ahhhhhhhh forget it.... roofing
  10. I looks like once the oversteer too hold he tryed to steer out of it and that assisted the slide. What he should have done was steer into the spin, to get the car turned around, to wipe off speed faster and avoid the grass. Though easy to say in hind sight, hard to do in the heat of the moment, plus if there were cars close on his tail then a spin may have ended up in panel damage or maybe even the chance of rolling it. :o :o :o As it was I think he was actually lucky the pond was there as water is softer then an embankment and less likely to do suspension damage like in a loose sandtrap.
  11. can't make the 22nd, got some important stuff to do at uni that week in particlar so impossible to get the time off... Late July, August would suit me as I'll have my springs in by then and maybe even a couple of other things done ;)
  12. glad to hear that everything is OK now, looks kinda scary, I would have been panicking :o
  13. MR22ZZ


    White and silver would look horid in my opinion, I know gunmetal looks awesome... see screaminrolla's car for a prime example!!!
  14. you'll actually do better if you use Toymods actual website :P
  15. incidents involving Toyota's and in particular Camry's.... no comment after todays cruise.... Dave and Dan know what I'm talking about ;)
  16. Had to watch F1 last night after i found out BAR was on pole but what a disappointment it was.. anyway good to hear you guys had fun cruising! Did Dave go in the Stivo or the boosted Celica? ← So did I, I grabbed 4 hours before, caught the end of the 250s and all the 125 race then stayed on for the F1 (best race all season for drama, leading the race was a Jinx) and slept at 5ish and up and 9:15 and at Homebush at 11:05 ...so what's your real excuse Zee :P
  17. doesn't take too long on dial-up, it only took me 4 1/2 hours to get Shao's 15 minute session around Darlington... but it was well worth it... The dyno vids look good too... I agree with you though Zee lets get a Sydney one going too now :D
  18. Azza - Brendon details cars not dishes :P at least I thinkit;s a good excuse Shao - that video is awesome, I'm itchin' to get back to Wakefield now, just need a few more mods and $$ (just a little though) Stu - Damn right the rush is soooo addictive, in Sydney I know we now have 5 stivo driving track addicts ;) Mark - :o :o :o Everything OK dude...
  19. thanks to Screaminrolla and KThaha for coming out for the run with the Toymods guys and gals. Some great roads were taken and it was a nice small well contained cruise... 9 there and 7 back... I'll post some pics when I get them uploaded off my camera :D Cheers Dylan
  20. also... do not balance the engine and supercharge as this also loses big time in HP and even more in torque
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