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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. I'm willing to take postage of all the ones to Sydney to keep costs down ;)
  2. Straight off the Bureau of Meteorology site Goulburn for Thursday Rain periods. Moderate east to northeast winds. Min:8 Max:13 there could be some clear periods for us to get some laps in yet!!!
  3. I'll see if they show it on the late news tonight!!!
  4. I dunno Azza if you look at the relative time each of us have been members you will see who the REAL post whore master is... EDIT: Blue_Stivo - 4.3 posts per day Azza - 5.9 posts per day those figures speak pretty loudly...
  5. I think you just nominated yourself wei wei... I know that's the way it works here in Sydney, if you suggest a place you organise it... :P
  6. MR22ZZ

    New Club

    come on Marcus, we are waiting for you now!!! :P
  7. you were soooo close, it's just in the General Chat section, but you almost made it :) Welcome... Hope the food it to your liking and the service is friendly... :D
  8. Is it possible for the Mods to individualise the Member Status Tags ie where it says Noobie, Member or Advanced Member... can we create individual titles for different Members (those that give an individual service to the forums and the Club whatever that may be) Suggestions 1ZZ-FE ----> Official Forum Clown Azza -------> Post Whore Extraudinaire 351 --------> Official Search Nazi you get the picture... Cheers Dylan
  9. MR22ZZ

    New Club

    The official forum clown has now joined the party... Love your work Carlo :D
  10. Same as Zee's only he went for 16's... They look BRILLIANT!!!!
  11. A pain I am also all too familiar with...
  12. PLACING BID.... Case of Beer + parts ← I'll have a chat to Dave on Thursday, I want to do the LED conversion also but not sure what colour to get, I'm actually thinking of Yellow can this be done???
  13. MR22ZZ

    New Club

    that club has also almost reached 1000 members so I'll have to add that to the list soon too :P
  14. there was a similar problem with the celica box but because of the types of people who buy it (hairdressers, sorry to offend those of you in the minority that actually drive your celica, but it's true) it went relatively unnoticed. I also paid a similar price to Zee, but in Adelaide, with a long list of extras too :)
  15. ok cool ..... as unfortunately one of my eyelids must have come off while i was driving as i went to check to see how they were doing and there it was only 1 eye lid and the other no where to be seen... Im thinking of maybe putting some sort of extra adhesive to help these things stay down..... what u reckon ? I also found it wierd that it flew off as i havent heard of any other members saying they had lost any of their eye lids.... my luck i guess ← Mine have had a similar problem Bill but I haven't lost them. The outer corners are rising off the lights but the rest of the tape is holding well. I cleaned the light assembly extremely well before sticking them on but I think that because it was a cold night when I stuck them then some water condensed onto the tape and reduced the adhesiveness. I also think I didn't put pressure on the outer edge for long enough to 'set' the tape and when I went for a drive about 45 minutes later the heat from the lamps may have caused some thermal stress to the polymer and assisted some water diffusion into the tape material. but I'll look at some small squares to fix the problem. I don't want to glue as I want it to ba easy to remove if need be. Cheers Dylan
  16. ← Are you sure this shouldn't be added to Budda's Jinglish thread
  17. it's only 30 minutes if you tie down and brace the cars etc etc, but no ont is likely to be putting out 250+kW ATW so this isn't really a requirement, it's simply roll-on, set up, run, roll-off.... 15 mins each!!!
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