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Everything posted by theDefiant1

  1. antenna: screw, my boy, screw. washers: can opener, chiseal and hammer. Well, not really. Never thought of doing it, so dont know right now.
  2. Nice wheels - i've always respected Felk trailers! :P I wonder when Lift kicks in... Need another shift light?
  3. Excuse all the double postings, but right now it's the only way I can co-ordinate myself. Kenneth: The new stickers appear to be outties, not innies. With respect to the 'sale', more info may be required: how much money roughly (eg $10-$500), and what form of currency is okay (ie, CC, cash)? I like toys.
  4. Those are club silver member stickers - Steve (chief mod, tocau g*d, forum maker extraordinaire) sends them out with every paid membership. Very nice stickies as well - they're on my car, so you can have a look next w/e
  5. Dudes! I met my wife-to-be at Murdoch = good memory!!! I'm surprised no one has said something along the lines of being kicked out of the pub, since that is *near* CP7! I'll give you ONE hint: look at my 'professions' spiel... (Edit: oh, I tohugh we were talking about me again. I have to remind myself constantly that it's not always about me, but it's sooo hard. Nice reply Seanious!) STICKERS: Stickers still cost $10. They'll cost me $10 to get in, so they'll cost you $10 to buy EACH. Nothing I can do about that. Feel free to tip me. They look like this: On a car, they look like this: Next thing you'll want is awards for 'best on show' categories!
  6. cor blimey! And I should even be here for it!!!
  7. I was always intending to over order, but I don't want to be left with too many unsold ones. At this point in time, I'm thinking of getting 10-12 in, but they must be ordered by Monday to stand a chance of getting here by the weekend. Lately, mail coming from the east has been unpredictable.
  8. TOCAU Sticker List: Name (number of sticker wanted) theDefiant1 (1) V6Kamree (1) Haiison (1) and1 (2) ...
  9. IMPORTANT TOCAU STICKER INFORMATION: Hi guys, I can get hold of the new club stickers. You do not need to be a member to purchase them. You can see them here: Tocau stickers (forum topic) They are $10 each. If you want one, you have the next couple of days to tell me so I can order in roughly the right numbers. Reply here or PM me. I will also try bring name taggies to the meet... maybe we can have a photo shoot of the car + owner for reference purposes (though who could ever forget my face). Anything else, PM.
  10. Where are you located? It may be easier to find someone who knows how to pull it apart and check.
  11. You never call, you never write,

    I think you do it all to spite.

  12. Apparently Honda is entering a WRC spec version into the FIA WRC. Should be interesting... I think if it does well, it could almost kill Lancer Evo sales. I wouldn't mind seeing TMC enter a car into the WRC given the successes in the ARC.
  13. Yes, we all miss Sarah! YES, the meet is NEXT weekend. YES, i'm full of $H1T YES, i'm going to sleep now cos i think i need it! Until tomrrow...
  14. I've put the word out to get some stickers sent over. With some luck, they'll get here before next week end. Talking of next weekend... FFS, i thought the meet was tomorrow. oh, F*&^%$#K This is why I need Sarah - she organises me. *sigh* I miss Sarah. I need a surrogate.
  15. Shall I have some stickers sent over for distribution?
  16. Figuratively, not literally. $h1t did happen though, and it was flying!!!
  17. OH CRAP!! TYPO! CARPARK 1111 not three!!!! i think i know ur bad exprience .. anyway phone related? :P Phone related? Umm, no, but that does sound interesting! Care to elaborate? Reminds me of a story when someone tried to call security and they weren't there... And I will say categorically: i'm NOT the Murdoch stalker!!!!
  18. hahahah, ok we will stay far from CP7. but i am very interested in what it could be. maybe i could guess. it would be most fun. LOL! You'd have to be psychic to get this one, but do guess away! I'll reveal the answer when I see you! PS: The map photo looks as though it is pointing at CP7, not CP3.... maybe you were walking to class, and there was this really hot, and hot i mean SMOKIN. and you went up to talk to you and then she turned around and she said to this nerdy ugly looking guy "come on babe" and you wanted to kill him and her for making the worst decision of her life??? or... you were mobbed??? or... someone hit your car???? or... i have ran out of things. but please do share The Hot Chick: Fairly close, but not quite: After chasing her for 6 months she finally relented and said yes to dating me. I'm now marrying her ... Hold on a sec, I AM THAT NERDY UGLY GUY!!! Mobbing: I pity any person who would voluntarily mob me. No. Car hitting: If i spotted a certain individuals car there, it will be hit. By me. Repeatedly.
  19. hahahah, ok we will stay far from CP7. but i am very interested in what it could be. maybe i could guess. it would be most fun. LOL! You'd have to be psychic to get this one, but do guess away! I'll reveal the answer when I see you! PS: The map photo looks as though it is pointing at CP7, not CP3....
  20. Danny, it's soooo much more convoluted than that! I get murderous tendencies when I'm near CP7. I turn murderous when IN CP7. Let it then be stated (not that anyone will really care): I will NOT attend the meet if it is in CP7. CP1, 2, 3, ,4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are allll okay. I'll explain it on the day if anyone is interested.
  21. SO, is it CP1 or CP3? I think CP 1 will be easier to find and get to - more direct route, whereas CP3 is around the back, around the corner and up a hill :P Not to mention CP3 is right next to where I really really really don't want to be. :( :( :(
  22. I dont think many of us know each other exactly.... would anyone like me to bring name-tag stickers?! and cor blimey, i have actually noticed your car around, but i was convinced it was a chaser! See you there!
  23. Never having looked at one before, that interior (trim etc) is what the stivos should have been, eh? Beeee uteiful, that care is.
  24. who's paint doody-jim elan? the car cleaning guy... Maurice... Autoglym oh hahaa..dun sweat it man..i'll bring more of my boss's name cards then haha ...and that's just what i was thinking...
  25. who's paint doody-jim elan? the car cleaning guy... Maurice... Autoglym
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