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Everything posted by theDefiant1

  1. I would never buy a Honda - personal preference. There, I said it (without justifying it). BUT on paper, I would sooner buy a 2nd hand sportivo than the CTR. I would certainly be more tempted by the XR5 (and currently still am). With the unveiling of the new Lancer, I think Honda will be forced to make some hasty additions to their type-R range...
  2. el defiento is in Albury at the moment, and will not be back in time for the next meet. Should be back in Perth early / middle of december
  3. oooooookaaaaaay I was really hoping that they were just photoshopped, but apparently not... What's with the anterior/leading wedges?
  4. To quote: The resonance frequency created by the Fuel Plus realigns the hydrocarbons in your fuel which means the fuel burns more efficiently. Damn, my understanding of physics must be way off then. I normally just shout at the fuel to resonate. On bad days, I just bounce in my seat, manually resonating my fuel. While this does not necessarily improve my fuel consumption, it does entertain me, but gives me a sore throat and throbbing... @$$. I feel sorry for all you poor buggers out there whose fuel does not resonate. Anyway, to each his own. For $20 if it doesn't work, there IS always the fridge that can benefit!
  5. Maybe condensation building up in the speaker cone due to high humidity? The doors should have relief holes in the bottom to drain water collecting in them, so you would most probably notice overt leaks such that rain was getting past the rubber seals.
  6. On a purely aesthetic level, I'm impressed. When I wanted to actually find info, everything was in an intuitive and predictable position. I can almost see what the guy in the photo had for breakfast! It's good! (I didna read the text, but the enbolding was effective and eyecatching)
  7. 999,993 I envy the person who lands 666.
  8. The engine oil must be above a certain temp (60 degrees?) in order for lift to kick in, and the limiter to set at 8K revs. Are you revving the engine in neutral?
  9. I know for certain that the 5Y model is the late 2005 model which is the facelift.
  10. SO tempted to do a write-up on brain physiology and chemistry with respect to the effects of hormones in adolescents. But I have so many better things to do with my time. When I was learning to drive, my mother gave me the best piece of advice: When you're driving on the roads, just remember - you're not only driving your car, you're driving everybody elses. This way, it makes bad drivers more predictable. I will now keep an eye out for Aurions. Thanks mum.
  11. My first impression was that it looked great, but on closer inspection, I'm not so sure. Take out the i/c, put normal rims on... and it's a plain Jane. BUT who cares when you hear the sound of a s/c spooling up??
  12. There has been a recent epidemic of miscreant poles. Bad luck!
  13. Honestly Tayles, why would I know about my nuts when I have someone taking care of them? *Ahem*. *cough*. Aircraft grade, eh? Going to send my nuts flying? Would my nuts get damaged if I mounted the curb? Okay, enough. :)
  14. He never calls, He never writes, I think he does it... just for spite. I've also had trouble contacting him, but understand that he might be going through *something* at the moment, and we should just give him time. Poor lil fella *pat pat*
  15. What makes the nuts so pricey? I realise that they are forged and made to strict specs, but still, they are seemingly lumps of metal...
  16. Gotta love the small print! You can smuggle loaded kebabs in the pipes... I can just see it: Order 1 header, get 4 kebabs FREE (while stocks last) :)
  17. I was talking to an exhaust specialist in Perth who has good experience with Toyota parts and he indicated that any gains would be minimal in the absence of other engine and exhaust mods. However, he did not state what these were.
  18. Yeah, those mags do the car justice! Very nice profile to them.
  19. Yes; roughly. I've had much experience with the flashing while crossing the Nullabor, and have been able to travel almost 100kms with it flashing (though I did have a fuel can with me just in case). Keep in mind though that this was most definitely country driving!
  20. Ummm, dunno - has your mum signed up yet??? :P
  21. sunday.. it is too well in that case ill make an appearence would be interesting to see the times before i make some major changes i can tell ya u will beat the **** out of stock lancers :P like smoke them.. haha thats about all i would beat at the moment but would be fun anyways thats the best part thou :P getting pwned by a corolla.. those lancer kids can shove thier faces down the drain (sorry if anyone here drives a lancer.. well if u do.. ur not suppose to be here neway) speaking of which.. as much as i hate lancer.. i think i hate those hyundai xcel more.. i saw one today.. CF hood fully jazzed up.. fked.. i swear it looked nice when it came from my rear view mirror.. coz the whole front was changed.. but once i saw the car.. i almost crashed.. coz i couldnt believe how **** it was... like a hyundai :S man.. angelo go beat up some hyundai too! I think I saw Mrs CF hood in Mount Lawley a few days ago, and really could not stop laughing - along with most of the other drivers there. I would never let my mother drive my car.
  22. AND... Starting a sentence with "ok", "so" or "ok, so" does not constitute an exposition. Those aspiring to become business gurus, earning squillions of dollars, please note: Your = personal belonging eg: I like your car. You have money in your wallet. Your grammar is exemplary You're = You are eg: You're as good looking as your car. There = yonder distance. eg: You're as good looking as your car, which is over there Their = personal belonging eg You're as good looking as their car, not your car, which is over there. This is not a dig; this is rarely taught well in schools, so I really do hope it clarifies some english grammar and syntax issues. PM if you have any questions. Also, although I am relatively new to the forum, let's face it: there are a finite number of things that can be done to cars. The list is exhaustive, and perhaps we are nearing a saturation point. However, as stated earlier, with the introduction of new (young) members, the same old questions get asked. This is a new novelty to them, and the old hands here will probably enjoy explaining how they can about modifying their cars. Which means explaining the subtle differences in CAIs, and just how expensive and difficult it is to turbo/supercharge a 2ZZ. When I first joined, I had doubts using the search engine because I didn't know how timely or accurate the info was - I though maybe the info was old and inaccurate, so just posing the question in a new topic would be efficient and provide me with the most up-to-date info, which it did! Many were kind enough to even point me in the right direction. On the other hand, meeting people has been fun. Perth just had its 3rd meet, and it was great. Over 20 (different) cars (only 2 Stivos!), and dozens of people. That was not old; it made being a participant on this forum feel worthwhile. *shrugs*. And of course, we do have limited buying power as a group, as demonstrated in the group buys section. Anyway. Time for a coffee.
  23. The specs look great, but the look of it doesn't do anything for me - it looks out of proportion. A cross between the 350 and the new Lancer? Doesn't look skyline-ish...
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