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Everything posted by theDefiant1

  1. It's ok. You should be able to make it to the next Perth meet Elan. Where abouts is Peth though? A HAW... Some here (in Perth) would argue that Peth is short for Peth-etic (pathetic)! Perth has a dearth... Like, so, whatever. I;m hungry. Lunch time.
  2. This is really stupid. I want to buy a new deck for m'car. Given the number of breakins I have had historically, I am limiting myself to a cheapie off eBay (I said it was stupid). Can someone help me choose one that has the best bang for my buck? I've been looking at the Eonon range of double DINs (+7'' screen) but I think a pop-up screen will be in a better position for viewing. Open to suggestions on that one. I was also looking at combo units (bottom is radio and controller, top is 7'' screen). I like the idea of USB/SD plugins, and would prefer a divx-compat player. Naturally, a higher audio output would be nice, but not necessary as I have my Fusion Powerplant 4-chan amp - speakers are still stock tho, which is why I have not connected them to the amp. Bluetooth also would be great, but again I have a BT earpiece. I'm very interested in the Eonon 900, as it comes with GPS stuff, but my PDA also has one, so again not entirely necessary. If I can get one for around the $300+post, I'll jump. The reason for all this is that I will be driving very long distances regularly, and would like something to watch the occassional movie/TV on during breaks. Feel free to PM for privacy ;)
  3. Be wary of ketoacidosis in low carb diets. Bad headaches as well. If all else fails, try liposuction.
  4. Lift is working perfectly, but there was no chance of hitting it during these two 'attacks' unless I dropped to 2nd or 3rd, not that I tried.
  5. Driving across to Narrogin (country WA) a couple of days ago, I encountered a strange one: Whilst cruising at 110kmhr, the tone of the engine changed very slightly, and I felt (I think) a bit of a twitch through the accelerator pedal. Noticing this, I tapped the accel pedal which would normally see the car jump from, say, 110 to 120 quite quickly, but instead the response was dismal. A very slow increase in speed, and the car seemed to labour to it. I pulled over, swtiched off, checked fluid etc, no overheating... nothing. Started up again, and the problem was gone. Hooray! A few hours later, same thing happened again - lost accel power. I came to the crest of a hill, put the car in neutral and coasted down. At the bottom, back into gear to accel out, and everything was fine again. Addt: I also checked the air filter So, any ideas? BTW, I was privy to a few laps around the speedway there and hit 160 at the top of forth (was a slight decline tho).
  7. Very nice rims! I've been past that sign no less than 9 times in 5 years...
  8. Maybe Rob has really really really bad aim? Applying deodorant to the wrong parts?
  9. Just reminding you that this is normal on a cambered road. Test either i nthe middle of road, or find a very flat one
  10. The gheyest word I could think of for that Camry is: ghastly! But this was coming from 2 dudes too cheap to buy a second microphone!
  11. I'm sure I saw a turbo kit for it on ebay... Same one that fits the stivo
  12. Black stivo @ dogswamp shops today (tuesday)
  13. Yesterday... Porsche Turbo S All because I stated to the owner/driver that I did not care for his driving style (I called him a pussyfoot) So he threw the keys to me. Didn't go fast (only to 80km/hr), but the torque and grip was nice. Turbo sound was not convincing either - pretty subdued.
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