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Everything posted by theDefiant1

  1. I need to install my rear sway bar. I can do it myself, but buying the jack, wheel wedges and stands will set me back about $70. Or I can have it installed professionally for anwhere between $40-$100. What should I do? Anyone in Perth with the right tools for the job?
  2. The best bit of all is that you can easily double your power by expanding the yellow power gear. May require more beggies tho. Is that a rubber glove on the engine stand? I hope it is...
  3. I hear you, but it's on a very low setting with minimal pressure. As it is, now that all the cr@p is off, I only use water and an old sponge. It would take too long to do the rims constantly with the steamer. My attention span isn't what it used to
  4. Oh FFS. Thank you - just made attending this site worthwhile! :P
  5. I prefer shampoo. Clean hair is better over silky dirty hair.
  6. ... though if you wanted to stop in Albury and say hello, I'll be here! And as far as I know, there are at least 6 permanent cameras between Albury and Melbourne, both ways. Between Albury and Sydney, not once have I NOT seen multiple patrols, and they are ruthless. Otherwise, it is a nice, and easy drive. On average, it takes me approx 2.5-3 hours to get to Melbourne (Tulla airport), and 5.5 to Sydney (Bondi Junction). No speeding involved.
  7. Good idea. As I have found in my dealings with breakins etc, if you put something into your car, photograph it for evidence. It makes any claims somewhat easier.
  8. I'm very interested in purchasing a Eonon - unless someone can tell me otherwise with respect to quality etc (Yes, I hear you eXo). At their prices, I don't see how far wrong I can go. DS - what are the issues re the double DIN you were talking about? Is it because the rolla's face bracket sticks out and would interefer with screen clearance? I'm looking at getting either the 626 or 675...
  9. Yeah, I'll 2nd that. It may be expensive to do, but lowering the car will make it look the goods. Really emphasise the rims.
  10. Should I buy these, and then purchase fronts, or just save up for D2s? king springs
  11. Roads have feelings too, you know.
  12. Ahhh yes, my job here on earth is done!
  13. OMG 5th gen sexy sry man the plan for enterin AS08 is cancealed We can try for AS09 can't w8 to chek out your car on 25th i love 5th gens :) still deciding either 6th or 5th :( Haiison, apparently my father is interested in selling his 6th gen Celica. You still on the prowl for one?
  14. I'll field this one fellas... Super simple answer: wait until you're off your P's before you start fiddling with engine power. If you're wanting a turbo (don't we all), then wait for it, otherwise you'll be spending your money on half-measures that may not make you happy. Also, before others bring it up: there is a reason why P platers are restricted. Nuff said. Honestly, just wait. Save your money. Buy something good and respectable engine-wise when you have. Hell, buy a second car to do up and rally around the backyard!
  15. I saw window socks advertised for about $5 (pair) at Priceline a few months ago. Maybe give them a quick call to query stocks.
  16. oooh maybe - maybe email them and ask them for the dimensions. Also keep in mind you'll have to buy a grille...
  17. Definitely got the badboy look going for it, particularly the headlights and front spoiler flares
  18. Keep the car, shoot your brother.
  19. I know more about the human body than I do about cars. As a result, sometimes I have really really stupid questions that I would like answered, and that are difficult to find via the search engine. Many people who ask silly questions that have been answered before get flamed for not searching. I present this thread to those with supposedly silly questions to ask them without the threat of being flamed. Those who find silly questions annoying need not view this thread, negating personal plames. Those who enjoy helping people and whom have a good knowledge of what is on this forum can redirect people via links to relevant threads. Let's test it and see what happens. I suggest making this a sticky for now would be appropriate to evaluate its usefulness (or lack thereof).
  20. Why not treat noob questions that have a sticky like sellers abusing the forum: Close the thread, direct them via a link to a page that lists all the relevant stickies with some small print suggesting that if their questions are not answered they may go ahead on repost without flaming?
  21. Hell, I don't even have a CAI and on a cold day while the engine responds shortly after starting, it's definitely not happy. Very chokey in the mid range while in 3rd. Gives me a bunny-hop kinda feel, which is okay when a large busted gal is by my side. Does anyone know of a large busted gal to sit by my side early in the morning?
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