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Blade Hunter

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Everything posted by Blade Hunter

  1. I hear ya. My car gets cleaned when I smash it and it goes in for repairs :D
  2. Yup, based on this, im still gonna have to go with Cascade Blue CLEARLY being the best colour :D
  3. Actually if you add all the colours together do you not get Black??
  4. Im with ya, Cascade Blue is clearly the only choice, all other colours were simply for when they ran out of stock of Cascade Blue
  5. Actually, I wouldn't mind respraying mine in Yellow, I reckon it would look hot in yellow or the plasticy looking blue used on the R34 skyline GTR would rock too :D
  6. |------------------------------| ^ | | | That big :P :P :P :P :P Sorry, couldn't resist :P
  7. This is fairly old news and was something we worried about when I got mine in 2003, apparently they use different bolts now (now as in from before the begining of the Corolla Sportivo) and even if it does break, it can be replaced :).
  8. Black one, Paramatta rd this morning around 8:00 looked stock. Had some sticker on the back for some sporting team, rabitohs I think but im not sure.
  9. As in San Diemas high school football rules? Bill and Ted??. ← That's what I was thinking too... ;) B) STATION!!! ← OH, That was nice of us :D. Oh you beautiful babes, for whom we have traveled through time, Will you go to the prom in san diemas with us? We will have a most triumphant time. Hahaha, im so gonna watch those two movies this weekend now :)
  10. As in San Diemas high school football rules? Bill and Ted??.
  11. Hmmmm, maybe that why I never noticed, I never sit in the back of my own car :D
  12. Mine seem to be fine, it sounded odd for the first few months because I was not used to a system with Tweeters and drivers split at the front.
  13. Spotted a black one this morning at Tempe Tires in Tempe (NSW) around 11am :).
  14. Hang on a second here, so IM not allowed to theorise about something I HAVE ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF but what's this here IMEK???? I actually don't need to add anything else, you did all the work for me on this one.
  15. Imek, its not theory, its fact, if you rev your car up to the limiter then dump the clutch your going to break traction, broken traction is inneficient to taking off. If you then back off the accelerator to allow it to grab traction your revs drop to the rev's = the speed of the car's movement, this WILL drop down so that you are not in lift. how is this more efficient than holding the revs at say 4,000 where the VVTI is active and slipping the clutch out?? its not, there will be no wheelspin, decent power and a smooth take off, then when changing to second slip your clutch to hold the revs at 6,200 and stay in lift. You just told me you get the lowest times in your group. Just try my method and then report back. Cheers Blade
  16. As sonon as you grab traction Imek its going to lower the revs to the speed of the car, you cannot take off in lift this way it simply will not happen. If you try and slip your clutch out to hold the revs in lift, good luck in not frying your clutch. Think about the physics of what you are saying, its not physically possible. Note, I am a lot more civil in this response as you were, so long as you stay civil then so will I. There may well be a difference in our cars that allows you to do this but a) our will not do what you suggest and b ) I can't see how it could be physically possible. Every time you dump the clutch at 7,000rpm you are putting MASSIVE strain on your drivetrain. Do you yourself not find it amusing that you said I clearly had no idea about the 2ZZ drivetrain??. Lets just agree to disagree yeah?? but I tell you now, if you come on here and start telling us we do not know how to drive again, im gonna give you another serving, you have no right to do so without any knowledge of us or our driving abilities. I have people on here who can vouch for mine.
  17. No worries man, anytime :). Once you land it once, the rest comes natural. As I proved today thought, its still very easy to get it wrong the first time :D
  18. Whats wrong little man, did I hit a nerve??. Your really pathetic, you come in here, preach to us about how we can't drive and tell is that you dump the clutch at 7,000rpm to take off. YAY FOR WHEELSPIN IDIOT. I think your completely full of it really, you don't communicate properly, you insult various members time and time again yet you still want us to take you seriously. Im gonna take a guess here and assume you really didn't have a lot of friends at school did you, picked on were we??. No go away and grow up, I don't need to justify anything to you sunshine, why? you may ask, simple, I just showed someone on this very forum how to get the most out of lift in a stock car. I might go shopping this afternoon and scan the docket then post it up, that should prove how good of a driver I am to you. Bloody idiot.
  19. Ummmmmmm I like it, I liked it at the motor show and I like it now :).
  20. Hehehe can you imagine the stress on the internals?? Man when I had my mini and I put fat tires on it and worked the motor, in the space of 6 months I went through 2 bell housings and 3 drive shafts. Cars are not designed to have things like that done to them.
  21. Imek, the more you say the more you look like you can't drive. This is NOT efficient, you will experience major wheelspin, MASSIVE wear and tear and good luck getting the revs up to 7,000 with the clutch in, the computer will not let lift kick in without the clutch being up so your revs will bounce on the limiter at 6,200. Do you even think before posting??.
  22. You want to repeat that in English - Bro? ← Azza, there is a sign up that say's "Do not feed the animals" :D
  23. Dude thats like saying where is Maccas :D There are tons of them, look them up in the yellow pages for your closest one :).
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