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Blade Hunter

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Everything posted by Blade Hunter

  1. Hehehe sounds like that movie "The Castle" "Dad............. I dug another hole"
  2. I just realised the other night I made a booboo and spliced the wrong wire on the front pasenger side. Not a biggy but the rear AND front passenger door switches activate it. It makes little different though it gives the desired effect :). Ya know, I just had a thought I wouldn't mind getting one more sill, chopping it back and mounting it just behind the gauze of the sports grill and wiring it to trigger with my headlights, that would be pretty cool :D
  3. Well this really is just evolution, I read an article years ago which said the car companies try to grow the car with the people. For example: Corolla use to be a small car Now its bigger but the Starlet / Echo was introduced to fill the gap that was left. Same with the Astra, The Civic and many others. The areticle was making a point that the manufacturers are going with the theory that a person can be brand loyal for their entire life ie the car type grows up with them. Its a pretty good theory and with things like this Civic you can really see how its working.
  4. I think there is something wrong with me dude, Cos I really like those exhaust tips :). LOL! it sure does... did u see those triangle shaped exhaust tips? ←
  5. Nope, it costs me $70 to fill the tank on Premium 98. My Fiance and I drive to work together, we pay about $70 a week in Tolls (these figures cover our weekend pleasure driving too) so realistically for $10 a day each, we get to drive to work, doour weekly tripping around and when you look at it this way, a saving of what, less than $1 each a day is it really worth it??. I think I will stick with the 98 :).
  6. The detonation packs more punch, this can do one of two things, give you more fuel economy by the fact that you do not need your foot down as hard for the same acceleration OR more power if you put your foot down hard. If you are a driver that accelerates hard then you will notice little in fuel economy changes but as noted, more power.
  7. You do know that most EBay sellers allow bank transfer (Via netbanking) as a paymet option now :). Saves running up a CC bill :).
  8. Visa seems to be accepted in more places.
  9. if you zip it into multiple 4 meg files then send me the two files one at a time :). I really don't know what the free hosting services are like so I don't see any other options :(. How big is the video? If its under 5 meg you can email it to me and I will host it on AusXBox for you :). ← Thanks, but its 7mb... Any other suggestions? ←
  10. How big is the video? If its under 5 meg you can email it to me and I will host it on AusXBox for you :).
  11. Ummmmm dude, I live like 35 K's from work, there is no way in hell im cycling :D. We do car pool though so its a bit better than most ;). ← i agree with that... its a 55km trip to work for me... and its early in the morning... and its about 4 - 10 degrees at the time i leave..... imagine how early i would have to get up if i rode to work and what the temperature would be then.... i cant car pool with anyone... noone lives down near me... the closest is only 5km from work... so that is useless ← Hehehe I car pool with my Fiance, we live together and she works in North Sydney so I drop her there on the way to my work then pick her up on the way home :).
  12. Ummmmm dude, I live like 35 K's from work, there is no way in hell im cycling :D. We do car pool though so its a bit better than most ;). But on a serious note, anyone who honestly believes that the entire fate of the petrol companies rests on a 24 hour period needs a reality check, what about christmas day, heaps of servo's are closed and therefore have no business but they don't go out of business. For a snigle 24 hour period if no one buys fuel guess what happens tomorrow, twice as many people buy fuel, there is no way this could work unless it was an organised national USE no fuel for a day, but for simply not buying it they will get your bussines tomorrow. From the fact that its all in caps im going to guess you received this in email. Unfortunately it will most likely be a spam letter devised by some kid simply to clog peoples mailboxes and unfortunately has no factual information in it.
  13. Yeah mines dreadful too, I need to book in for a fix :( Can you get warranty repairs carried out at dealers other than the one you purchased it from?
  14. Hehehe not for me mate, im half Indian, my Fiance may suffer a little at first though but im sure she will get used to it ;) Moving to QLD AND buying a convertible? We have one word for you: SUNBURN! B) ←
  15. Hmmmm, 2006, I doubt if I will buy another Stivo unless they bring out a convertible. If they have not done so by late 2007 Im sorry guys but im going to have to sell Sammy and buy a convertible Mini Cooper S :). It looks like we will be moving to QLD at this time so we want a convertible :).
  16. In the old days, the insurance definition of a sparts car was "A car with 2 doors" consequently at the time they wanted to charge me $2,500 to insure my 1978 Mini :(
  17. Are these the ones?? If so, we had an organised group buy of them but im pretty sure someone wrote up a detailed install guide, it was not too difficult, im completely dumb and retarded with things like this but with the help of a certain few individuals, I was done in under 2 hours :).
  18. The dirty colouring is due to bur, carbon, debris and any other gunk that gets in there. An old car will generally have really dirty oil because the engine is becoming worn and has carbon deposits on internals and various other gunky bits. The cleaner your oil is when it comes out the better condition your engine is in. As far as I know, it's a good thing for engine oils to become dirty. It means that the oil is doing its job. ←
  19. I wouldn't worry about over indulgance "too" much, mine is 2 years old now and I give him a good thrashing now and then, im a liftaholic, he is still running beautifuly and the oil still comes out clean :).
  20. Im really not a big fan of the whole spinning the wheels to hold lift thing, I mean when you slam your car into second and floor it the stress you put on the internals is intense, I would much rather slip the clutch a bit and replace it 2,000 K's earlier than you normally would with everything else surviving longer :). gees no need for the sarcasm i think the obvious has been stated the extra power has made it so much easier to do it i know you still need to be good on the gear changes but if you are half decent at it then the extra power to help the tyres spin help you hold it above LIFT i never said more power makes peoples shifting better did i ←
  21. Hehehe I got slightly over that, I believe I was also the first person to hit lift in 6th but my record was pailed in comparison a few weeks later when someone hit lift in reverse :P
  22. I get one at a discount because I work for one of the Sony affiliates :)
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