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Everything posted by Kenneth.

  1. No problems! @LEGEND888 - Yeah, the black brackets came with my MTEC HID kit. I think most kits come with brackets.
  2. Thanks! Do you mean water damage to the ballast? The ballasts are water proof. On top of that the ballasts have been oriented that way so that the connectors are facing down rather then up to prevent water to the connectors. The connectors also have this rubber like grommet to keep water out. I've had it running like that for a long while now, in both dry and wet weather and have had no issues to date. haha *touch wood* Hope that helps =P
  3. I would say it took close to 1-2hours, as it was my first time, and was finding places to route cables, ballasts etc. But second time around I'd say 1 hour would be a plenty!
  4. If you really wanna do a neat job, you can do it like the following. This is on facelift corolla, but it should be the same on pre-facelift. Right Ballast mounted neatly: Left Ballast mounted neatly: All cables tucked away: There is no modification to the car chassis. There were already two holes in the chassis beams to mount the brackets. Goodluck! =P - Kenneth
  5. LOL, "Get a shot of the pulley. Right there, is the pulley for the turbo." *** bless you American Ricers..
  6. Did you do something to your foglights? They look so yellow? Tint? haha loooks great!
  7. LOL, you're cutting away very very thin layers each time. So unless you buff it EVERY HOUR of EVERYDAY each year, i would say no it would not be gone after 4-5years. Don't worry mate, your headlights ain't going to run off to anywhere anytime soon! =) Just polish it in nice circles with moderate force, you don't need to apply TOO much force when polishing. Continuous rubs in circles will buff out all the scratches etcetc.
  8. Oh it is too! I wouldn't have noticed until you pointed it out. Anyway, very clean ride mate!
  9. I use to have the genuine headlight protectors on the headlamps. Once i removed it, it had this pretty bad haze on the actual headlight themselves. I haven't put my headlight protectors back on ever since. I doubt the protectors will prevent it from yellowing or hazing, but instead add to the hazing.
  10. The scratches are gone. Autosol is a polishing compound. So it works like REALLY REALLY REALLY fine sandpaper. The scratches won't come back unless you decide to sand your headlights again, heh. But your headlights might yellow or haze up in the future. So just grab the autosol and polish it again! Please note though, each time you polish it using autosol, you're cutting the plastic thinner and thinner. Btw! Headlights are looking great! Good job!
  11. Spotted a white Levin (?) parked on George St outside Hungry Jacks tonight. It had black rims with a polished lip. It was sitting pretty low as well! Very nice! =P
  12. Headlights which are buffed will never look the same as the original one. A panel beater can perform this, but i'm not sure of the costs involved. You're probably better off using autosol and polishing it yourself. There is a guide on using Autosol to restore headlights on ozhonda. I'll go find it and post the link here. edit - here you go, here.
  13. The autosol will polish away the scratches left from the sandpaper. Just keep buffing it in circles using autosol and a clean cloth. Unless they are really bad deep scratches? Wet sanding should leave very fine scratches.
  14. Autosol is a metal polish, you can pick up a tube from your local Repco store. You polish it just like you would polish a car's body. And just re-apply the process once you find that the headlights are yellowing or fogging up agains. I'm not sure if the UV protection can be added on again. But I think that is what keeps our headlights from yellowing in the first place. Autosol, magical stuff mate! =D
  15. LOL. The beach has sand as well as water. The seaside could mean where the cliff that meets the sea.
  16. I believe our headlights have a UV protection coating on it. Once you buff through it, it will always end up like that after a period of time. You'll need to continuously rebuff it all the time. LOL But if you want to buff it, try autosol. =)
  17. Flemington Markets or (AKA Paddy's Markets) HAHA =)
  18. There aren't any shops that stock the C-One wing tips on their shelves. You will have to buy the tips from eBay. =)
  19. Where did you get that front lip?! I WANT! Do I smell TRD Front Skirt?? Yummm...
  20. Spotted a prefacelift corolla on the M4. It was the grey'ish blue colour and had a front bar paired with sportivo side skirts and a rear skirt. It also had chrome altezza lights and was sitting very low! It was definately someone from this club as it had an 'au.toyotaownersclub.com' sticker on the rear windscreen. Anyways, nice ride!
  21. Haha, maybe so! But the space between your tyres and the wheel arch seems so small.. awww now I wanna get kings lows too! You've inspired me! Only thing is I'm scared of is scraping on all sloped driveways. Anyways hot ride once again! Congrats, it's gone such a long way in such a small amount of time! =)
  22. Looking good Silly-Karr! How come your Corolla looks like it sits so much lower on Kings Lows? or is it just the angle which you have taken the pics from?
  23. 19 now, turning 20 in January next year =( There's quite a large bunch of young drivers in here! I didn't know that... awesome! =P
  24. Or for a prefacelift black sportivo, look up Northy's ride. LOL =)
  25. I haven't done the Black Headlight Mod, but I use to get some condensation in the headlights too. But what I've done is, get a packet of those silica satchels and taped it to the high beam cover. Now my lights have never fogged up ever since! I hope that helps! =D
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