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Everything posted by and1

  1. and1

    Evokes Rolla

    Cheers and1. Will we see you in the coming year in melb? Haha would love to mate, but we shall see what unfolds ;) Btw how much were your eyelids? They're the ones from Topstage aren't they? I'm considering if I should get some
  2. Hey guys. I'm thinking of getting some seats that hold me a bit better and I was wondering. What seat rails can be used with little to no modification to the rail itself. ie from what car? Do the older model rollas use the same configuration on their seat rails? And btw I am not looking for aftermarket rails as I'd like to keep it cheap. Oh and my car is a zze123 rolla. Also anyone know of a place in Perth that will do custom rails? Any help would be very beneficial. Cheers Andy
  3. and1

    Evokes Rolla

    Mate nice stivo you have there. Very clean.
  4. LOL well its true. Oh btw I forgot to thank Hai for helping with making the holes in the tail lights LOL. Oh and for checking if they worked
  5. Cars looking good man, im in the middle of doing my tailight mod on my facelift stivo 2, so does it only light up the inside light when you hit the brakes? not when you just turn your lights on? And i cant get any solder 2 stick onto the electrode. Well that's how I see every other facelift doing it. I don't think its physically possible without making another holder. So yeah only brake light and tail light :( post a pic andy... im sure everyone here wanna see the results... hMMMM>... will be waiting for it :D I would but I need someone to step on the brakes for me <_<
  6. Tail light mod is done now. But I wanted a tail light too not just a brake light, but oh well. Looks good :) .
  7. I believe your everyones b!tch jer haha. So not many people goin eh?
  8. You know you wanna Nice clean ride kenneth. Silver FTW!!
  9. LOL at the way this thread started. Vanessa Hudgens is so f***ing fine!!! Anyways I would be pretty bummed if my gf of 3 years and I split :( Cheer up bud. Plenty more people to meet. Keep your best friend. You won't regret losing contact with her down the track. If she turns out to be a real b!tch towards you, just walk away from the relationship. Man I feel like a c0ckhead saying all this :P All the best mate.
  10. Guys with facelift tail lights.. Is it possible to make a tail light and not just a brake light without much modification? I was testing some things and the only result was that I shorted the 5W and the 21W was constantly on.. I think the problem is that there is only one conductor going to the the extra globe socket. I want the tail and brake to work not just the brake. Any help would be good.
  11. and1


    I've got an 18th/dress up halloween party tomorrow night. I'm going as FBI B)
  12. Yeah man nice to finally meet you :) Your car looks the biz in the flesh. I just realised you go to uni next to my house eh. Coz I live in North Perth and Mt Lawley campus is around the corner. My friend actually noticed your car. Kinda funny that..
  13. Me! I'm in :) . Just gotta get past these damn exams <_<
  14. Yeah, are there any dates or a rough idea when it's going to be held? How many Westies are going? C'mon boys and girls! I would be interested if the date suits.
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