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Posts posted by PC XT

  1. Welcome DownUnder mate and thanks for the info. My slim PS2 runs on a 8.5V/6A power supply and I already have a 12v power supply that it runs fine on (this model was apparently between an older and the current model that runs on 240v which need an inverter).

    Your Pilot setup was very professional looking, thanks for the pics. I will look for a local price on the Vizualogic headrest screens, and that's the setup I think I'll try and create rather than a single screen on the roof


    Hi Andrew go the dual screens Mate as I gave up trying to get my factory unit down the year before last, I still have a wire running across the roof lining to connect the external speaker system I put in at the same time....the kids haven't used the factory head phones for over 12 months....(Transformers animated edition does get very repetitive/annoying whilst on long drives...thank good they changed that DVD....)

    The screens is a bit of a pain when dropped looking rearward

    Good luck with the PS, I think that would be a bad move for us with 3 boys fighting over it!



  2. Hello Guys and Happy New Year for 2009

    After suggestions, experience and advice because I'm In the hunt for a large roof pod and cross bars as the new Kluger wont be big enough for all our gear on a two week trip and I'm not taking the trailer to Tassie! :rolleyes:

    From what Ive seen the Thule brand seem to be the go but cost around $800.00RRP for the ATLANTIS 780 which is the size we would require, add roof rails, I have feet that should fit from my Subaru's bars that I have never used and still your looking at around 1k which seems very steep for something that will probably only be used once a year! :)

  3. My footbrake is ok as well after service.

    The auto headlight is still ****. Turning on under the bridge. I suspect they bloody did nothing!

    So do Lexus doing 110, I doubt you can fix it!

    My car is all aligned now but magically they cant give/find the original alignment details......the printer was out of paper :( :huh:

  4. Got my AWD New Gen Kluger booked in for it's 20K service.

    I don't want them to touch the tyres and definitely don't touch the wheel alignment.

    All the tyres look like the day I picked it up in late Nove 07.

    For me, it's don't fix what an't broken even if I'm on a fully maintained Novated.

    Guess I'm lucky with the wheel aligments.


    I launch a boat on steep ramps and the foot brake won't even hold the vehicle on it's own in my driveway with a far less angle.

    This will adjustment number 3 todate.

    One thing they did fix was the foot brake! :rolleyes: I dont like rotating tyres either but I have to get them to do as the tyres are too expensive to churn out this early in there life especially when there heaps of meat left in the middle and other edge.

  5. My KX-R FWD front tyres look good, which is surprising as I get massive wheel spin if I put my foot down anywhere below 70km/h (50km/h with the snow button on).

    I did however have the wheel alignment done 3 times until I was satisfied at the 1000km service. The steering wheel was about 3 degrees off centre when I got the car.

    The Grande AWD has only done 2000km and has no wear at all. It also never spins and has nowhere near the acceleration of the KX-R.

    Toyota SAID My wear was not excessive compared to the old Kluger :o They don't care as they don't have to pay for front tyres at 25000k if I reach that far at 16 k now

    I still have to go back this week as they did not rotate my tyres front to back and they can do the wheel alignment again and give me new and old figres....you cant trust any one today to do reliable work. :angry:

  6. I must say I don't really get it. Are you saying you want your head to be touching the headrest while driving?

    Yes, yes, yes. 99% of time the back of my head is touching the head rest while driving. It has been so as far as I have been driving and never ever have any problem/neck strain until now. <_<

    After driving the Kluger to work, to get it serviced (My wife drives it 99% of the time) I under stand what you are talking about the head rests, my head does hit/touch them more than the XT seats head rests,...... very straight angle indeed.

    I have no solution for you :( !

  7. Are you sure you need help ?

    You alias infers IBM "PC XT", with the 8088/8086 processor - I had one of these computers back in 1989 with a monochrome monitor, hercules card, and a whopping 30MB hard disk !?


    Thanks guys no the new ones a bit better than most house hold PC's ...its a quad HP Work station! Which will be out of date..................................................... now!

    How much did you pay for that Monochrome job I had a Osborne that cost over $5 back in 1989...ahh Technology Now 4Gb of ram is still not enough! When will it stop?

  8. Professional drive (cough cough...) don't use head rest. The correct position of driving should allow gaps between head rest and your head. You should sit upright and forward enough so your wrist will rest easily on the steering wheel.

    And I don't even use the head rest when I have a helmet on...

    I think it is time to get your driving position professionally checked like in advance driving school.

    Well put especially the last line and I recommend the driving course I did three of them in the Mazda car club in the late 90's, I enjoyed them that much....and it pays dividends in the long run especially if you are going to drive on our roads nearly every day of your life as I do :) :D :P

    They where the days you could have a whole day’s theory, one on one, practical, and a bit of fun track time at the end for about 1hr all for less than $100.00 and they through in a banquet lunch to top it off!!!! :toast:

    I hope we have not scared you off Kerby if so its not intended bad habits are very hard to break I just wish I could keep both hand on the wheel when I’m city driving :blink: Im getting lazy in my old age :unsure:

  9. Did alignment/rotation etc today (10K). Guys in the shop confirmed what was discussed here - front wheels needed alignment.

    Mines going in on Friday to be 4x4 aligned, serviced, dash rattle removed and foot brake tightened well soon see what the out come is besides $220.00 required for the service and alignment job

  10. I don't have problems with the headrest when I'm sitting in the vehicle. However, sitting in the passenger seat and trying to have a snooze is a damn challenge!!

    Compared to the VE Commodore, the head rest is the Kluger is a dream!

    Ours is fine too if you are positioned correctly in a seat/vehicle you should never need to use the head rest its mainly there to stop neck injury in the event of an accident if people do let me know I'm getting of the road when you come!

    How do you people observe whats around you if you want to put your head on a headrest, its like using a race seat/harness on the road not much fun and not very practical in the real world. :whistling:

    :idea: Solution try a bit of neck exercise or dont drive on the road!

    I fractured my neck when I was a kid so I know what a bad neck feels like

  11. Useless unless you can elaborate a bit more. What are you logging into? Windows I assume? What 'process'? You try and use Internet Explorer and it hangs?

    I'm lost.

    I assume you also have SP1. Regardless though, Vista is renowned for its finicky Admin profile.


    This site (TOCA)! :blink: Work PC with XP IS OK Home with Vista is no go as I said it starts to log in then it the same refresh it doesn't, The page should say at the top Logged in as PC XT but it doesn't, also cant post or see any Pictures or Avata..etc..etc from Home PC. Yes I have SP1

    Is any one else having a problem with this?

  12. Yeah, it's a trap if you don't know about it - the odometer apparently reads pretty close to spot-on, but not the speedo - go figure!!!


    Thanks Andrew.

    Just a bit off topic if you don't mind. I would like to get some sort of GPS to verify the actually traveling speed. What sort of GPS do I need for that? Is GPS same thing as those Sat Nav that fixed to the windscreen? Would it tell you the traveling speed?


    Yep they are they ones! Or compatible phone or PDA will do the trick

  13. It must be coming around to first birthday for some of the little babies very soon!

    Happy Birthday all.

    Not sure when ours was but we have owned it over 12 months now and it was the dealer principals pride and joy before we got it with 3k on the clock!

    Happy birthaday to all the other lttle one year olds on hear as well.

    I live in Sydney and travel across it every day and see more and more every day too :yahoo: .

  14. Hey guys, jut got back from 5 days in USA, i didn't see not even ONE new model Kluger, and only about 2 of the old ones. Did see lots of other common and very American cars of course, but we see more here than over there for sure!

    Thats the second person this week I have heard this from that has been to the states and no Prado's either

    All I can say, it was good to be one of the first of something big in Australia (Our Blue Kluggie was the first order of Klugers in Oz!)

  15. As I said before its never been a sports handler the XT run rings around it, when it comes to cornering even in stock form but if you know how to drive to its limits and not go over them you should be fine

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