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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. name a date and ill see if i can be there :D
  2. love your TISM don't you rob... i choose not to watch big brother... just ignore it and be ignorant like me... its awesome...
  3. haha... actually that seems to be a big thing at the moment... you'll never catch me doing it... ive been toying with my other corolla... its so much fun... such a vintage beast :P
  4. haha you wish... like 3 posts too soon!
  5. total cost - $1400... doesnt seem worth it...
  6. no funny video section would be complete without russel peters... here's the funniest one ive found... its damn long though (45 mins), so only watch if you're at work :P RUSSEL PETERS
  7. DAVE!! how did you go in your exams?! did you pass accounting! :P
  8. yeah totally agreed... i think for the kiama meet we had 1. kiama meet cruise (all the details) 2. kiama pics 3. kiama video... we should have a DETAILS thread in the upcoming meets section... (and the first post should ALWAYS be updated with clear details) and then have another thread in the past events section... winner idea. get on with it mods :P
  9. yeah ill be there, and ill be heading up to palm beach... but i won't come into the city with you guys...
  10. im so jealous... if you're not careful im going to have to buy one... its alright though... wait till this 73 KE20 is back on its feet - it will eat sportivos...
  11. where can you buy replicas from, and how much are they likely to cost? i searched everywhere for some when i was looking for wheels, but couldnt find any :(
  12. only if it means getting people to post more... otherwise, no.
  13. must have left them in the pocket of your other pants...
  14. far out... charms was one of the biggest players in this game... its going to end sometime... but keep posting people! its a great thread!
  15. DAY OFF TODAY!!! wooooot! im working on my KE20 rolla today... out to pick and payless in a tick, see what i can find... i need a new dash and other bits and pieces...
  16. KING?! DAMMIT i spent too long reading the last page...
  17. i think we all know that i am coming... add me to the list... seeing this will be going ahead (i just made it final :P), can someone please start up a thread that clearly outlines all the details (time, place, date, where we're going, how we're getting there, and "THE LIST" of who's coming...) otherwise i can make one... just makes it clearer for people who only skim over the forum... people want to pop in, get the details, and pop out... good on ya aimee! planning cruises months in advance always means a good turnout!
  18. OH MY *** UNI RESULTS ARE OUT... im going to check... keep you updated :P WOOOO!!!!! I PAAASSSEEEDDD EVERYTHING!!! 2 passes and 2 CREDITS!! i didnt expect a credit in anything! WOOO!!!
  19. haha well the sweet deal is my old man is paying for my rego and insurance on the new rolla... but he won't pay for my hobby car, so thats my only insruance/rego cost... and trust me gloria jeans doesnt pay me enough... once you start doing up your car, noone pays you enough...
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