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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. yeah ill put my hand up for being lazy with that one - i took a bunch of pics but i havent put them up yet... when i get home tonight ill get round to it
  2. TURNS OUT I CAN'T EVEN GO TOMORROW!!! DAMN PARENTAL RULE!!! we'll go next sunday instead.. THREAD CLOSED... (please mods)
  3. what are you when both your parents are poms, but you were born here?
  4. hey everyone, i know this is really ridiculously late notice, but im heading up to newcastle sunday morning to check out the place we're going for our newcastle meet on sep 10th... if you wanna come this sunday, here's the details: DATE/TIME: Sunday August 6th at 10.00am WHERE: Thornleigh Maccas (just off pennant hills road near the start of the freeway) CRUISE TO: Newcastle via Freeway or O.P (depending on what people wanna do) We'll grab lunch in Newcastle, and get a few ideas of how this cruise on September is going to work... reply here, or PM me, or something to let me know if you're coming...
  5. do you guys fancy having a "mini-meet" for some sydneysiders on the saturday night or the 26th of august? i think me and jason and some others will cruise down there on saturday and head home sunday...
  6. i love my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. the kebab theory still sounds like the most likely one...
  8. to be honest, i found pirates 2 to be pretty boring... its just the same old story as the first one, few different characters.. its only made watchable by good old jonny depp - he's fantastic..
  9. friggen... he better not be bludging! he has a job to get for me! :P
  10. these jokes are getting sicker! :P
  11. oh man... morning... went to uni today... turned up at the classroom... noone was there... turns out there's no tutorial for that subject this week... so i went to uni for nothing... start work in 45 mins... i dont wanna go to work... i just made a breakthrough with this diff, and it can all go back together now, but i dont have time today... how lame does it get?! anyway... what is everyone up to today?
  12. wednesday is a great day... no uni and no work... terrific! i finally got the axles out and the diff replaced on my ke20 corolla.. i took a video of my using my car and some rope to get the axles out - ill post it up sometime soon... in silvers :P
  13. and there's a Mr taylor in there too... wow its like you're almost part of the show
  14. i got my exhaust done at some guys called auto performance mufflers.. they are in north parramatta, on windsor road, on the other side of james ruse drive to bunnings... they are a little workshop, but a great bunch of guys and were the cheapest quote i received for my extractors/cat/catback system... they were fast too :)
  15. well a new day and a new king... even though there's been 4 posts today here already... anyway new king! EDIT: WHAT THE HELL YOU ***** I HAD KING AND YOU STOLE IT!!! thats it im going to go hammer parts off my ke20 for a while...
  16. yeah i saw you standing there on level 2 of the new building and was going to come say hi but by the time i finsihed talking to that guy you were gone... there was another nice rolla parked at the UWS carpark - silver with silver 6 spoke rims.. had a toymods sticker in the back window... who was your passenger?
  17. that thing is absolutely beautiful!! good ol toyota. you'll never manage to stop them running...
  18. yeah its a toyota cruise rob... you're not invited :P nah really bring the escort- i wanna check this beast out! if the hairy lemon is registered by then she'll be coming for the haul.. i dunno if it will make it up the freeway... we might have to cruise at 80 for me :P NOTE: I HAVE UPDATED THE DIRECTIONS AND DATE OF THE CRUISE!!! 10TH OF SEPTEMBER!!! When i get home from uni tonight, I will update the maps too. Thanks to Mintos for showing me where everything is in Newcastle. If those directions are wrong, please tell me so i can fix them up.
  19. HAHAHA thats ridiculous!!! did you find that yourself?
  20. thanks pete... ITS JUST NOT COMING OUT!!! lol the guy i bought it from was like "yeah the crown wheel is riding up on the pinion... so you'll have to take the diff out and rebuild it sometime... shouldnt be too hard, all the parts are here in this box for you... and he's like "just unbolt everything then you can just slide it out..." unbolt everything... what an understatement...
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