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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. woooo!!! time to party!! DUE TO AWESOME WEATHER IN SYDNEY... NEWCASTLE CRUISE WILL BE ON!!! (unless is still bucketing down in newcastle, which i cant see happening) ok well not awesome (just went outside)... but the clouds are thin enough and the sun is bright enough that i dont think it will rain today... anyway we'll decide when we get there... see y'all soon...
  2. hey everyone sorry i havent been around last couple of days... my internet went down friday morning and only just resolved the issue with telstra... anyway sorry to all those people who came out today (saturday) for the meet... shows you're really keen which is great to see.. as mish has said the meet will be on regardless of the weather (unless its hailing, in which case i suggest you keep your cars safe and stay indoors)... we will be meeting at P6 at homebush and if there's doubt as to whether to head up, we'll just do a vote and go which way the majority of people want to go... so tomorrow.. homebush P6 9.30am sweet :D
  3. hahaha i love the kebab jokes... and hexx's avatar... but not as much as i love that figure!! far out man and thats only stage ONE!!! good on ya bill... you must be well pleased with that result. .. now hurry up and come up with a genius plan to make stage 2 go ahead!!!
  4. i just found this on ebay... it looks nuts!! must be looouuuddd!!! COROLLA BOOT INSTALL starting bid is $2900!!!
  5. bill i reckon if you get a few more people saying theyre keen on this forum, go ahead and set a date so people can roster themselves off work and the like...
  6. oh man they are nasty... geeeeeez some people must have died in those accidents... :( i always wanted to do rally, but flying into a tree at that sorta speed freaks me out too much...
  7. im going to stay out of the hug... but i agree - this club is very good with its attendance at meets, even if its not your cup of tea (of coffee, cos its better).. i hope to see everyone at homebush ready for an awesome time regardless of what we're doing... wooo not long to go!!! i have an exam tuesday but who cares!! :D
  8. dont believe what micky says... he never comes to things :P ill run if i get this exhaust leak thing fixed... otherwise ive done a dyno before, so there's no point doing it again.. of course ill be there though!!
  9. jase told me this secret: get some of that glade 20 stuff... and spray it directly up the vents for your feet... up as far as it will go... then you should be right.. alternatively, locate your air con filter and give it a spray with something nice... most corollas dont come with one, but your camry might..
  10. if its been drizzling and newcastle sounds like its not too wet, then we'll go for sure.. its just if its pouring in newcastle and sydney and its just miserable.. i dont fancy standing up at redhead in the rain.. id rather go bowling..
  11. black tivo.. you're on the list.. . CHECK THE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES MADE!!! in brief: - we are getting pizza cheap from big pete.. pizza's will be $5 each, or you can get 3 slices for $2... - we are meeting at homebush rain or shine, but we have a backup plan if its raining (see 1st post) - we will cruise to redhead VIA the foreshore (see 1st post for more details)
  12. well... just to steal northy's thunder :P i made myself a new screen mount surround thing... whatever you want to call it... over the weekend as well.. i was on msn all weekend to northy discussing how our individual projects were going.. i finished mine off yesterday.. its pretty rough, and im a bit disappointed in it.. so if you have a look at think "he could have done better.." im aware of that, but i got to the point where i wasnt going to battle the fibreglass or fillerover and over and sand my stock surround down to nothing, so i got to a point where i was happy it looked alright, and painted it... oh and if you're wondering why i needed to do this, i ended up breaking my old screen, i think i was overloading it with the 13.8 volts the car supplies when its running when the screen was only meant to handle 12V.. so i bought a new one and thought id go a totally different custom design.. here's the pics: Starting Out: Progress: Painted: FINISHED PRODUCT: AGAIN: i am not proud of the finish.. but its the best i could do the time and resources i had... one day ill do a more professional job. i am, however, proud that ive chopped the whole thing to pieces, and integrated the buttons in a different location, and the screen still works!! cheers :D Tom
  13. wow first time in a while we've had 2 people post in the same thread at the same time... i remember the days when there was 3 or 4 people trying for the next one... remember how nuts the picture thread went? that was awesome... ahh the days when TOCAU was at its prime... anyway... R - Rat.
  14. P - partridge... in a pear tree... G.A.Y.
  15. i swear that guy is such a spook... yeah up the top the banner that says somehing about supporting the club.. click that and follow the easy instructions.. you just need paypal.. J O I N !!!
  16. WOOOOOO!!!! congratulations mish!!! whats exactly is the job? :P
  17. holy crap craigs been here... HI CRAIG!!
  18. yeah looks crap - mine's better :P nah man that looks tops.. like people have said, not a factory look, but a VERY clean effort... mine doesnt look anywhere near as neat as that :( northy and i have been battling it out all weekend to make our respective screen mounts.. i just got a new screen.. we've gone in different directions so be sure to check out my carputer page for my effort when its done... congrats again corey - turned out VERY nicely :D
  19. just a quick update: we will no longer be selling food up at newie... instead we will get pizza from big pete (still gotta talk to you pete).. otherwise we'll get you all to bring something up and we'll just eat a big of everything... further update to come.
  20. man im biased because i own one... but i made my purchase based on hours of reading reviews and feedback... get a jaycar response 4x50W RMS amp... you wont be disappointed. they are cheap as (slightly more than boss), but they produce very good CLEAN power... the thing with the cheapo strathfield brands is they seem to have a decent wattage, but thats at FULL ball, and usually is distorted... i have the 4x100 jaycar amp, and ive never turned it right up cos its just too loud with my splits and sub... i have a boss amp in my other car (73 corolla), and whilst its loud, its just not as clean... anyway thats my biased opinion... just look around and pick what best suits your needs...
  21. if his car was going 60km/h and you were accelerating away from you, he would have grounds to fine you.. doesnt matter what speed you were going... but i think you could appeal that if you were so close to changing lights... cos if they go green while im still rolling ill put it in 2nd and get back up to the speed limit quickly.. in that sort of situation, if you were accelerating quickly, a moron cop could just take that as you're a hoon and you must have accelerated past the speed limit... i reckon go for it...
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