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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. hahaha... yeah its a 360 no its just a normal chipped xbox with a 360 skin.. in other news - who's getting a carPC these days? i've heard random reportings from so many different people saying they wanna put a carputer in their car now, and are buying bits and pieces... its crazy times.. just a warning to all you people seeing cheapo touchscreens on ebay - be careful... if you want to get a decent output from your computer, you're going to need to get VGA with USB touchscreen. many are just RCA in (many computers won't output RCA), and the touchscreen is only for controlling say a built in TV, not acting like a touchscreen mouse for a PC... the cheapest i've found is the one i bought - a lilliput... i think i paid like 320 for it?
  2. thanks micky... much appreciated - ive been going to the gym to stay in tip top condition...
  3. well i was going to suggest maybe it was lift that was causing the jizzing... but i realised it wasnt a corolla stivo...
  4. my wheels are very much like the sportivo style, except they don't taper into a point, but they do taper slightly...
  5. are you sure it's coming from the audio system? when i turn my car on in the morning, the CAI makes a *ssshhhhh* sounds for a while when idling, but it goes away when the car manages to warm up... now you might not have a CAI, but you'll still get a faint sound happening when the engine is dead cold... apart from that i dunno what it could be... is the audio system stock?
  6. blue_rolla


    just looking at the tags of both of them... how exactly did you manage to come across them?
  7. looks like bill's finally let the cat out of the bag...
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... yeah ok my mistake... 1 + 3999 would be 4000... but what was the occasion?
  9. ok folks... a couple more progress pics... doesnt look too much different to last time, but its got more coats of lemon, and its almost ready for sanding and a top coat... loving it... for anyone considering spraying a vehicle, don't freak out - its really easy... but you gotta make sure your body is good before you bother, which i didnt really spend long enough doing, but its a damn sight better than it used to be...
  10. shame there wasnt one more person to make the magic 4,000.... no but really - thats a freaking huge effort... wish i could ride a bike that far... id probably be over it and buggered after 1 km... what was the occasion?
  11. mate thats a terrific write up... its about time my rims were sprayed properly. all the paint is flaking off mine now.. ill definately use this guide when i paint mine. thanks heaps! :D
  12. starts this thursday with weird languages and stuff, then the first main english exam is this friday... good luck man, and good luck to anyone else on here thats's doing it...
  13. yeah man i found that site a few weeks ago - looks like a great place to get stuff, especially when they become a distributor for centrafuse when it eventually goes commercial.. you'll be able to get the destinator maps you need to run GPS on centrafuse and i think they'll be selling the program and the maps as a bundle with permission from flux (makers of centrafuse)
  14. another sedan... cool... those wheels look awesome man - well done.. welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay :D
  15. eyyy didnt realise you were already here... enjoy your stay, ask questions, and enjoy lift you lucky bugger... make sure you come to the next meet :)
  16. i wish toyota would syle a nice steering wheel! the one in that sedan just looks out of place...
  17. yeah agreed... probably could have been done by PM... but its good to see that an attempt is being made to fix this up..
  18. ive already done an advanced driving course - cost alot more than that, but its well worth it. im confident that it has saved my life at least 3 times now... ok well maybe not my life, but saved me from having an accident... if you have an opportunity to go on one, take it for sure.. especially if it's free!
  19. there ya go - my desk at home... TOCAU is on the laptop screen.. bonus point?
  20. department (i havent been in this thread for sooooooo long... hi)
  21. noticed that DBA sell brakes for the KE20.. may have to invest in that, given the power that thing will be producing :P ... seriously though i might look at getting the upgrage for the 1zz... maybe if we have enough interest we can look at a group by with these guys?
  22. oh wow nice one... when did you get those? show us a side on pic of the car and show both front and back wheels! lookin' good though :) EDIT: just found your new wheels thread... im liking that alot.. not a fan of chrome but you seem to be pulling it off..
  23. i believe that may be the case, yes...
  24. micky... 10 for av, always loved that pic... and 8 for sig... i like that when you click it actually goes to your garage, unlike mine, which i cant be bothered to fix... yours is a little big though...
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