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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. happy birthday to one of the most genuine people on this forum! hope you've had a good one!
  2. sweet ill have to grab RC5... i never got RC4, but i read that it had a few more annoying bugs than RC3... This front end hasn't crashed on me since RC1, so i'm pumped for the official release... let's hope its not too expensive, but if it comes with maps, im sure it will be...
  3. no way!! once you go white you never go back! ill get them powder coated white most probably...
  4. i'd put it in the 73 corolla... oh wow... yeah get it checked out - but dont let a bargain like that go to waste if its any good!!
  5. no not yet... i have no way of getting it to his house :P but when its on the road its the first place its going...
  6. let that be an example to all of you! nice car too :D
  7. i had my rims painted by the place i bought them, and they did the crappest job... seems to be one thin layer of paint, and half of it has worn off already.. there's nothing wrong with spraying them - i thought it looked good, but make sure you do the right steps.. primer then paint a few coats... otherwise powdercoating seems to be a great way to go about it to...
  8. i'd say there's 1 of 2 reasons... or at least there's 2 reasons i want a head deck in my car: 1. USB FM receivers are terrible, and its better just to run off a head unit.. i've finally got my USB receiver working alright, but reception is still dodgy. 2. if you have a head unit with AUX in, you can run line out from the PC and into the AUX in of the head unit, and do all your sound control off the head unit... actually 3 reasons: carputer takes a good amount of time too boot up (at least my crap one does).. so if you want some music straight off the bat, thre's your answer.. ok sorry to hijack your thread daniel... i'm loving your carputer setup - the PC specs absolutely demolish mine... how did you change the centrafuse logo to sportivo?
  9. i never grasp mine from the back (and im constantly removing mine)...instead i remove the ashtray, and then grasp the shifter surround by the front, sticking my fingers in frmo where the ashtray was and lifting... it comes out very easily for me..
  10. seconded. and i guess i may as well slap up an update: - coilovers to be installed - full kit is slowly being put together... aaannndddd.... i got a lukey muffler out the back now as my dented sportivo muffler got more dented, so they lukey'ed me up for free :)
  11. hahaha yeah well hopefully this one will turn enough heads.. but sideskirts ftw indeed.
  12. thanks for the tips man - i'll be installing them as soon as i can afford my $2500 premium to change to justcar insurance :P thanks andre!!! you're a legend for doing this group buy from start to end... :D
  13. craaapppp... i have 2 babies and 1 parking spot... which to choose?!
  14. YES!!! 2 more sets in today!! got mine, and had limz_rolla's delivered to my place too... sweeeeeeeeet....
  15. nah we don't get sat radio - they decided it wasnt worth it here or soemthing... we're a pretty small radio market.... the head units will work, but im pretty sure the way they tune their FM or AM radio is different to us, and so you won't get certain radio stations... i honestly can't remember the specifics of it... but yeah apart from that CDs will work, and volts are volts no matter where you are, so all that stuff will work too...
  16. i'm not in melbourne... but i had a little "we missed you" note from fedex slid under my door when i got in from work... 2 items (so andrew yours must be in too)... can't wait for tomorrow...
  17. PCD doesnt make a difference... if you had 5 of them then you could put them on a 5 stud car... the thing to be careful of is the thread spacing... im pretty sure most are 1.5mm, but you can get 1.25mm too... obviously you have to have the right one if there's any chance of the nuts going on more than half a turn...
  18. its one of those revesible L/P plates, so when you go from Ls to Ps, you just flip them around and away you go... saves' you buying another set of $3, plates, or even putting on the plates the RTA gives you for free.. pretty crazy story but - it doesnt matter how much experience you've had, that would scare the crao out of you... i feel sorry for the guy who thought he was paying for the real deal, but got ripped off... at least he had intentions of coughing up the bucks for the quality product...
  19. merry christmas! hope santa was good to y'all... keep it safe on the roads today - i dont wanna hear of anyone's christmas being ruined by unsafe driving... and remember: DOUBLE DEMERITS FOR SPEEDING AND SEATBELTS!!!
  20. PHOTO EDIT!!! we put the windscreens back in the car today - it was so easy.. if you're ever wondering how to put a windscreen back in, what we did was put the rubber seals on the winscreen, then got a bit of nylon rope and slotted it in where the seal wraps around the car (that probably makes no sense)... and we just pushed the window down onto the car and pulled the rope out bit by bit and it made the seal wrap around the car... it seems to be watertight so far - been raining all night and from what i could feel it was dry as a bone in the car when i went and checked... next its a new set of axles and front hubs to change the wheels... come on next pay day!!
  21. sounds like waiwong... he's not a real racer like you... auto 1zz, but im sure if he could, he'd get more power at the blink of an eye - he's spent thousands making that car what it is... it will also stick to the road like **** on a blanket...
  22. hey hey... i guess it's time for an update... now that the painting's done, we're focusing on the interior... we've done the easy things, like ridiculously fluffy seat covers (to match the vintage of the car), white speco/autometer gauges throughout, new wood grain steering wheel etc... there is new carpet to come, as well as a new dash pad.. wheels are coming soon, when we can find the right axles and front hubs to change the stud pattern into something a little more common... after that, she'll be registered for the road, which will be great fun... then not too far down the track, the 4age will be going in... we have the engine already, all shined up, just trying to find a gearbox and other bits and pieces we need.... everything for car's is sooo expensive... it's ridiculous... pics to come hopfully tomorrow... gotta upload them at work, my USB cable is there...
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