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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. damn the aurion is such a nice car... those rims are nice... sort of completes the car... that's all you'd have to to do an aurion in terms of looks..
  2. hahaha this has made its way to work... one of the guys near me plays it every four seconds... and he's shown everyone and every now and then someone will call out "chaaarrrrllliiiieeee"... its great... i love the leoplurodon thing...
  3. grimlock wanted to sell his actual carbon fibre engine cover... dunno if you're after that design or not... maybe PM him and see if he has a pic of it?
  4. That's what i said... happy birthday andrew!
  5. I HAD ONE OF THOSE CAKES WHEN I WAS 8!!!! I forgot about it till now... best cake ever. Happy birthday lim! treat yourself to some coilover installing for your birthday!
  6. why do you assume its your responsibility/right to put people in their place? this is why you get the stereotype.. most people would just say "yeah whatever mate.." and that's that... but you feel the only reasonable reaction is to "put them in their place"
  7. what issues did the 1zz's have? and at the end of the day, the sportivo is a better car.. sure, made in S.A, but that is easily made up by the fact that it has a 2zz engine in it...
  8. hahahahahahah that's awesome!! too bad if something went wrong... you could be flying for some time...
  9. what the ****? who in their right mind would actually say po-po?!
  10. hahahaha oh man... thats so ridiculous... i bet he still thought it was worth it the next morning...
  11. i've got the shift CAI installed with a hurricane pod, and its slightly smaller than the TRD one. You can get an even smaller one, which is only like 6-7cm tall, and you wouldnt have any troubles or loss of power from installing that over the full sized one...
  13. damn right its a great thread!! 15 posts till king...
  14. i dont spam... only offer valid ideas...
  15. the forum hates me... spot the difference.
  16. seems they've been confirmed... welcome aboard!! awesome to see all these newbies signing up to silver membership - look at silver_stivo... 13 posts and he's already a silver!! niiice... and to pete... its about bloody time!!
  17. i love that this thread is still going...
  18. i thought it was a bit sad... i found it funny that she was speeding, and they saw her pulled over... but the reality is we're the same sort of people that WRX drivers are calling "ricers"... we drive fairly low powered japanese cars and we put all these accessories on to make them look mean... i'm as much of a culprit of this as anyone else, but who are we to laugh at this when as soon as we get pulled over, there'll be a WRX driver go past and go "HAHAHA ricers..."
  19. ... you wanna know what i want? you wanna know what i want? i want fat old men in the government to stop piling sh#t onto us P platers... I read the latest on how they want to ban us from having handsfree phone conversations in cars... what the hell is wrong with them? if they stopped arsing about with all their 'lets not let them do this' bullcrap, and started using their brains and maybe a bit more of the budget... they'd realise the best way to stop P platers ending up dead is to teach us to drive better!!! you will never EVER stop P platers going above the speed limit and doing silly things, its just the way it is. but if everyone was forced to take a defensive driving course, maybe when we do act like dickheads, and the car starts to go sideways towards a tree, we might be able to do something about it, rather than go "**** it im dead"... im sick of it, and if i could be ****d, i'd be standing on my soapbox in public and cutting the politicians down...
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