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Everything posted by SecaBoy

  1. i have a DSLR camera... but i've lost my tripod... so i can try to take pics, dunno if they'll work out or not though... :(
  2. okay... i've decided i'll bring the silvia... hopefully there aren't any defect stations setup at the meet... i wont come on the mountain run part, but i'll come to the meet up... :) i'll apologise now for the loudness of the exhaust and the excessively loud bov that it has... my mate at autobarn told me to buy this bov cause it was good... he failed to mention that its the loudest fuqn bov EVER... he thought it was quite funny tricking me into buying it... :( now i just look like an idiot... HAHAHA
  3. thanks HEAPS... i'm gonna order a couple right now... its exactly what i'm after... :D thanks again!!!!
  4. Definately not! Ha ha ha ha. Bring whichever you want! :P It's still for sale yeah? I'm keen to see it in action. yeah... its STILL for sale.. i probably shouldn't take it out on a thursday night... its not exactly the quietest car on the street... i'm probably just asking for trouble taking it out on a thursday night... well, there will be another TRD there, so people who havent seen the TRD up close will still be able to see that one... Can the Silvia keep up is the question that should be asked LOL straight line, i think it'll be the fastest car there... but around corners, no way in hell... the tyres that are on it are shocking... the squeel like a bitch just going around a corner a little too fast... lol i need new tyres badly!!
  5. i should be there this week... its been a while since i've come out... dunno which car to bring though... the TRD or the Silvia... would the silvia be welcome?
  6. i find that it depends on the specific pump you use. on all my cars, i've had similiar experiances... sometimes you can just shove it in the hole and it works... other times you have to play with the angle and the pressure... edit: okay, so that last part could be taken WAAAYYYYYY outta context...
  7. Pumped: i'm not sure mate... i've never had a look under a normal aurion to see if the intake is the same... but i know that the guy who's doing my intake said it'll be a 3" pipe with 6" pod... so it'll be massive... maybe too big for the normal aurion? i dont know enough about intakes to comment on that one though... Soloman: good luck with it... there always has to be a guinea pig... then people will follow in the masses...
  8. if we get more people buying it, it works out cheaper to make one order and get it posted to one person in each city... (ie all the brisbane/gold coast people make one order shipped to one person) these are the figures i worked out: (in USD!!) 1 = $348.55 delivered 2 = $330.20 delivered 3 = $324.05 delivered 4 = $321.00 delivered 5 = $319.15 delivered and it keeps getting cheaper by a little bit until like 10 = $315.50 so its not THAT much of a saving, but the difference between 1 and 3 is like $24... i'm also looking at getting one made locally here, and i believe it will be working out to be cheaper than that... so i can post up details of that if people interested...
  9. easy as... 1995 was the year that the cowboys entered the premiership...
  10. yeah... obviously, i'm not gonna go bargain at macca's... but myers, etc. then definitely bargain... ;)
  11. but i bargain here in Australia... let alone an asian country... if you dont bargain, you will always pay full price when you could have had some discount... :)
  12. why not just post some over when you're in thailand?
  13. they obviously have NO idea what they're missing out on aye!!! :D
  14. why not just get a TRD grill?? they dont have a dip in them...
  15. well i got home from work and passed out... then i woke up at 10.30pm and went for a drive to see if anyone was out.... sorry guys..
  16. damn... i wish i had of known earlier... i just put my name down to work on sunday... :( ah well... next time, i'll be there... :)
  17. yeah, i'll probably head over... its been a long time since i came out... plus, the trd has been washed today, so may as well show off the clean black paint while it lasts... oh wait, it's like in 8hrs time... so it'll be dirty again... :( fuqn black cars...
  18. guess who heard a rattle from his dash this morning... :( going in for service very soon, so i'll mention it to them and see what comes of it... :(
  19. mine is VERY stable at 220km/h... well, at least, so i've been told...
  20. i've just moved to a place which is close to my work.. so i'm doing 100% city driving now... and its only about 10mins each way from home to work... guess where my fuel economy is sitting now....................... 18ltrs/100kms... :( hahahaha
  21. danny, the TNS in the aurion's are part of the screen... well, at least mine is anyway...
  22. i wanted to come out this week because its been FAR too long... but i'm crook as well... :( **** flu/cold/whatever-the-****-it-is needs to go away... i've been sick for 3wks now!!!! :(
  23. i've tried it, and it works to a certain extent... but in saying that, i wouldnt want to be doing it often... correct me if i'm wrong, but braking and accelerating at the same time would be like "stalling it up" when you're at a standstill... and thats not good for it at all... but i could be completely off track here..
  24. its only turned itself off on that one occasion... and it was the whole VSC system... not just the TC... i believe it was due to the exhaust being removed and therefor all the hot exhaust gases were just going under the car... so maybe it triggered a fault... either way, its not a big deal... as soon as i bolted the exhaust back on and started the car, the system was 100% normal again... :)
  25. blinkybill is correct... it gets VERY frusturating when it comes to driving "spiritedly" around a mountain... when you want it to hold that gear, it doesnt... then when you've finished breaking and want to get on the gas, the auto has to think of what gear it needs... quite disappointing really...
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