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Hey all...thgouth id chuck my 2 cents worth in..........been doing a fair bit of exercise now since march 14th.....and started a whole new training routine on August 10th......only reason i did it was for myself and the fact that i want to get as fit as i can.....through highschool tipped scales at 95kg..although did competitive rowing.....but mummas home cooking over compensated any loss (1/2 italian....so food is always a plenty).lost abit at college..2003.(no home cooked meals...lots of drinking and bit of exercise )..start of march 2007 weighed around 87.......now sitting on around 77kg....now that i have hit a fitness level i want i am dropping cardio back slighty and mixing it up with boxing, riding and running....was really solely doing running 4-5 times per week to initially break into some decent fitness level (achiles began to get sore...over stressed from too much training and hill running....heaps of hills around home) and increasing weights etc (new routine, bulk up now to add weight)...........its all here on my Blog it shows every bit of exercise i have done since march 14th.....did it as a motivator for myself....log my progress.....compare fitness over time (as this is a lifestyle change not a fad = longterm) etc.....and is now just a habbit....had nearly 2000 views so that also aids as incentive as dont want to see myself slacking off.....as far as intake goes i eat heaps more now than i evr did.......crave breakie at 6.30 am snack on fruit and nuts/yoghurt at work.....massive lunch.....big salad roll....500ml soup...sushi etc....snack after work and nromal size dinner........didnt have to change diet really as harldy eat any junk food and have had about 20 beers for the year....i know sounds sad but im just over drinking really....can of softdrink maybe once a week.....and i love my vegies....meat...porridge...etc....i guess its become habit to only have one choc biscuit if someone offers and pass on the cheesecake or desert etc....have it once a week or something.....cheers

Best statement ive heard about weight and exercise is something along the lines of "humans werent made to sit in offices....we began life running...climbing and hunting our pray in open pastures....humans are built for exercise and can handle lots of it.......1 hour per day of exercise is just enough to break even and maybe lose a little weight.". (dont quote me on this :) ).....dude who ran a bootcamp i attended for 10 weeks had a simple motto " 1. Eat Wild (stick to unprocessed foods) 2. absolute min of 4 X 30 min exercise per week 3. limit alcohol consumption

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yeah.....dont want to be in the 70's kg range...seems scrawny....lol..wanna sit on around 85kg ish but muscle and fit....not flab like used to be....new routine is the bomb......really good........if ne one is keen to research fitness etc.........i found a really good website....mainly on muscle building its on my blog......and has a link to the site on date Friday 10th August of blog....its a link to a guys personel website...45 yr old...bodybuilidng for 25 yrs...shows perfect form to use and technique....proves thoery that big weight isnt whats needed.....perfect form......slow reps and knowledge is key....for eg....i was doing dumbell curls 17kg per arm....no i drop to 10kg er arm and it hurts doing 3 sets 10 reps per set.........as i am using perfect form......slow reps....2 sec up and 2 sec down......keeps muscle working for longer each rep and then doing back to back sets with only 60seconds rest between each set really brings on the burning of muscle fatigue and knowledge that your really hittin em hard.........with focussed workouts on muscle groups....only really need to work each muscle group once per week.......or twice max.....just ensure you leave the maximum number of days possible for rest before doing the exercise again.....ie...3 days if want to do it twice a week.....say monday hard session full focus on muscle group and fri add one exercise of that muscle group to the end of the exercises for other muscle groups on the friday etc.


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true! its not the amount weight that you can pull.. if your not doing it properly then its a waste of time! i can pull 20kg dumbells if all i wanted to do was swing the weights round... frustrated me when i saw people doing that in the gym!

do it properly! FEEL THE BURN!

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When I was at my heaviest after a foot injury that saw me give up footy I lost 30kg in 3 months by swimming at pine island every day when I was suspended from school + school holidays.... Im getting back into the gym 4 days a week these days to loose the weight I put on after dislocating my knee 2 years ago, I pretty much gave up on physical activity because that was 1 pain I didnt wanna experience again...

Edited by Simo
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I signed up for the gym a couple of months ago to improve my cycling fitness and do 2 - 3 spin classes a week and two weights sessions.

One of the weight sessions is with a personal trainer. Money is a bit high (they charge heaps) but it is really worth it to ensure you are doing it right and working the correct musles. He is really working my core at the moment and I can feel the results. Back etc was stuffed after a hundred years sitting at a desk and computer and it's feeling a lot better now. the mountain biking has improved with the extra strength.

Will move towards working on the luv handles but I do like chocolate etc and when you have kids there always seems to be chocy biscuits and bad stuff around to eat.

Two tips I can give is:

- do it with someone else where you both make a commitment to each other (its easy to say I just give today a miss and catch up tomorrow but if someone else is relying on you you don't)

- enjoy it and don't believe you have to kill yourself in the first week.

PS I had to laugh when reading this some one said do long bike rides and then said off to do a 13k ride - a long ride for me is 100k's or 4 -5 hours on the mountain bike. No offence there but.

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  • 2 weeks later...
PS I had to laugh when reading this some one said do long bike rides and then said off to do a 13k ride - a long ride for me is 100k's or 4 -5 hours on the mountain bike. No offence there but.

That's awesome. Yeah it took me 45 mins to finish a 13k ride when I had my bike. Now that's gone all I have is the exercise bike :(

Long for me would be about over 25k. I do sprints on the exercise bike now with low resistance to burn more.

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PS I had to laugh when reading this some one said do long bike rides and then said off to do a 13k ride - a long ride for me is 100k's or 4 -5 hours on the mountain bike. No offence there but.

Same thing when people go for 'runs'. They get excited because they did 2km :blink:

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nowadays a long ride for me is driving home trying not to spill my large coke after leaving maccas drive thru... or driving home after overfilling myself @ chillis on the great western... hmmm... chocholate chip paradise piee..... uuuuuggghhh

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  • 2 weeks later...

my experience, as i m trying to lose body fat and building my muscles, currently sitting on 73kg

significantly reduce the intake of carbohydrate *i havnt had rice or noodles for the past month or so, considering i am chinese...*

plenty of protein, from soya milk, meat *not fatty ones* etc, and plenty of fibre

keep a regular 3km run at least 3 times a week, along with muscle training...

i lost 4kg in one month... keeping it for another 2 months:D and wen summer comes... hahaha~ gonna love it

i miss my maccas and kfc... as well all the junk foods like the chip + coke...

but again~ its all worth it

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  • 2 months later...

Well the doc cleared me 2 weeks ago to hit weights again. I was ordered off them because of that stupid lame liver condition I have. 4 blood lettings later my iron levels are managed now and I don't black out when doing heavy lifting.

I dropped to 69kg's in that time and i've put on about a kilo of muscle again in the 2 weeks. Training mainly for size now. Big weights, Big pain barriers and Big eating lol.

I'm sick of being the runt I turned into. Time for...BEEEEEEEEEEFCAAAKKEEEEE!!!

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I have definatley lost fat after starting lifting weights again, but i am still hovering around the same weight......


Be patient and keep going dude. Building muscle and doing weights consistently speeds up your metabolic rate like crazy. You'll reach a point where you'll stop losing weight because your body fat percentage will go down heaps.

I still have a midsection like a tree trunk don't worry lol (i'm working on the V shape though ;))

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the only **** I'll ever trust is the following:

1) Lifting big weights, and training HARD out...

2) Eating natural foods high in protein, complex carbs and low gi carbs, and separating them throughout the day

3) Protein powder when you wake up, immediately after you workout (a powder with 1:1 protein to carb is good here, as the complex carb will reduce muscle breakdown) and before you sleep.

Having said that though. BSC Lipoburn looks like a supplement for fat burning with training?

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Just looked it up.

Low carb is a no no for me!

Muscles need carbs still man. I think there's a bit of marketing being done there with that product (and a lot of them for that matter). You'll lose weight, but you'll lose muscle as well with that if you don't back up your diet with more carbs.

Carbs are needed to help the muscles with breakdown issues man.

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Low carb stuff is for people with lazy exercise regimes. Eg - those who come home, do a half ****d workout, take the protein shake and then go to bed (believing that the shake is helping them to get buff while they sleep.)

On the original note of this thread - whinging fatties - i suggest people read, or at least peruse the book "French Women Don't Get Fat".

Besides being a middle class, independent woman, sex and the city type, fashionable, and somewhat w4nky read... its basic premise is so simple, and culturally accurate. In short, something like this...

What do we (in the psuedo american world) do with diets? We find a fad diet, and then stick to it in nazi fashion - depriving ourselves of junk/comfort food (eg. chocolate, alcholic beverages) in an effort to convince ourselves of our self discipline. Yet we tend not to stick to it for very long. Eventually we step out of line, or (more often than not) convince ourselves of how much we 'deserve' a reward. So for the first time in weeks, or occasionally months, we pick up a chocolate bar and revel in its glory. And then we have another one. And another one....and so the cycle goes. We deprive ourselves of these luxuries for long enough that when confronted with them, we lose self control.

On the other hand, the decadent french seem to eat rich, fatty, creamy, aromatic, foods (pastries, cheeses, chocolates, wines) all day long, and still be at the forefront of world fashion. Why? Self discipline. And I dont mean 'lite n easy' portion control either. Rather, they enjoy their food - in large varieties, not quantities. In a single day, the french may consume all of the following: croissants, wines, gateaus, truffles, cheeses, creme brulee, risottos, duck a l'orange, pheasant, double creams, etc etc. In other words, their whole diet consists of luxury goods.

So why don't french women get fat? Again, portion control. Any food should be eaten in moderation - meaning you could eat them everyday if you wanted to, providing you counterbalance it - which is the premise of the book. The french wake up and have their pastries for breakfast, they snack on rich cheeses and creams, they sit by the fire with a glass of champagne. EVERY DAY. But they dont gorge themselevs- they, too, eat their garlics, onions, and asparagus'. Rather than eating a whole cake, or drinking a whole bottle of wine, they are quite fine with having a single piece/glass everyday. They have a little bit of everything, rather than an overdose of a single item.

Compare this to the western version of having bland cereal in the morning, dodgy sandwich at work, and then plain meat with some boiled vegies on the side for dinner. Then eventually, you have time for dessert. What does dessert inevitably become? The largest course of the meal...

So, to reiterate the point, if you eat a bit of your comfort food everyday, you wont feel deprived; and thus, wont feel the compulsion to overdose. Balance it with all other manner of flavoursome food, and you will find that your diet will balance itself. Balanced diet = balanced body.

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By all means cut carbs back if your fat index is going up (to be honest I was loading the hell out of my body with carbs, way too much to be honest).

3:1 ratio of protein to carbs for me now.

If you cut carbs back completely then you can die long term.

Look at that Atkins guy who invented the diet. Didn't he die from organ failure or something due to it? lol

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The AIS website is a good place to gather info and its all free and unbiased (obviously a dietian would be ideal).

I'm no expert and I don't understand half of your beefcake lingo Rob, but three hits of protein a day seems high. There is little evidence of the side effects of too much protein, but calcium loss is one of them. Check this link out about proteins, http://www.ais.org.au/nutrition/documents/factprotein.pdf. I like their alternative to protein powder, powdered skim milk.

Each person is different, but on my last protein powder I just couldn't lose weight, then I started reading the nutrian label. It was about 1:1 protein to carbs. The new powder I have is almost carb free, which is good because I eat a lot of carbs as it is and I only have one shake every second day at the most.

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I was told by my trainer to smash at least 2 whey protein isolate shakes a day as well as eating like a healthy pig because your body thinks of them as a meal and raises your metabolism.

if you get one thats low in fat and carbs it seems to have some effect, but thats me personally.

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The AIS website is a good place to gather info and its all free and unbiased (obviously a dietian would be ideal).

I'm no expert and I don't understand half of your beefcake lingo Rob, but three hits of protein a day seems high. There is little evidence of the side effects of too much protein, but calcium loss is one of them. Check this link out about proteins, http://www.ais.org.au/nutrition/documents/factprotein.pdf. I like their alternative to protein powder, powdered skim milk.

Depends on how you're training dude. I'm literally murdering the hell out of my muscle groups in the gym now, so from what I've read and been instructed it seems that a max of 4 hits a day is what actual size trainers need (because they destroy so many muscle fibers).

When I say 'murdering', I'm basically piling on the weight, going through around 6-8 reps and then being spotted slightly. I only stop lifting the weight when my muscle(s) simply can't take anymore and they're screaming. I'll stop lifting when I literally 'can't' lift anymore lol.

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