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Help our doggy win!


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Hey guys, my girlfriend and I have just entered our doggy Shadow in a Vote My Pet competition, all votes are very much appreciated :) We rescued her from a family who had given her a poodle clip and treated her terribly poorly, the poor thing didn't even know what playing was. After a couple of months of her having a lot of health issues (including her hair not growing back from the previous owners poodle clip), she had surgery to remove her lady bits and immediately after her recovery was amazing. A couple of months later she has almost her full coat back and is absolutely full of beans. She loves being around people and going for rides in the car.

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Edited by the_random_hero
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Thanks dudes! After only signing her up last night, she's already #12 in her electorate and #136 in QLD :) Thanks to everybody who has voted, I'll be sure to get some more pics up tonight, although you really need to meet her in person to see how much of an awesome dog she is.

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