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missing all night, drunk stories?


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Hey all, just thought id ask if this has happened to anyone..

Last night i dropped my brother off at a mates to head of into the city while i go to my brothers... 2am, i get a call from my mate saying my brother is missing, for up to 2 hrs.. i thought ah um ill head into the city and help look :unsure: went there, looked till 445am, we looked in the back of the ally ways, street, dumpsters... went back to fairfield (mates house) my mate fell asleep, while i was awake worried, brother is lost somewhere in the city drunk as... phone off ( and its never off !! ) so its why i was worried...

Get a call from 1800 mumdad or something like that at 550am.. .. it was my brother, @ st Marys... i dropped my mates cousin of at her work and went straight to st marys station.. he had no idea how he got there, lost his wallet... phone was pucked, mud all over him, wet from the rain... cant walk or talk straight.. saying *how did this happen* and i said " it was the booz... it happens to the best of us "..

called up the bank to cancel his cards as soon as i picked him up, someone used his american express for cab charge, $111 and $130..

i asked him what happened.. he told me he bought a shot of blue label and a drink, paid for it, and did something stupid while waiting, the bar tender called security and kicked him and his mate outside without getting the drinks, mate went outside while my brother stayed in the club somehow *its why we thought the worst when he didnt listen to the bouncer* then BAM ended up in st marys... :blink:

any drunk stories for u blokes? / gals...

Edited by 123R-Prozak
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Man I have so many drunken experiences that it's enough to make me reconsider my drinking habits... though the idea never sticks. So much to sum up but basically I have a really bad habit of disappearing once I've reached to high of a threshold. This point is usually when I'm about 1 or 2 drinks away from completely passing out. I've been known to be there one moment and then gone the next. It's like a flight response.

Somehow though, I always manage to find my way home. Usually by walking. I've walked home from the Valley once (here is a map for reference), and tried to walk home from the City another time, but got picked up by cops when I was on the highway.

Apart from that, what I'm really trying to figure out is how I manage to pick up chicks when I'm in a blacked out state. I'm not that good at picking up chicks, but many times I have snapped out of a blackout to find myself with a good looking chick on a dancefloor or elsewhere and for the life of me, I can't remember even meeting the person and what I could have said to them. Also had situations of quite the opposite when I have snapped out of a blackout to find myself being pretty offensive to someone and realising that it's probably time for me to leave.

I've made a resolution this year to avoid drinking for the purpose of getting completely smashed now.

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i dont really have anything special. once i started in petersham for a friends birthday, then went all the way up and down newtown, crashed in leichhardt at some guys house, i dont even think he was part of the birthday thing. but there were others from the night there, so i suppose it wasnt too bad. oh yeah, and when i went to urinate in his back yard in the morning, his rottweiler came up and marked me as his territory.

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I have an alter ego when I'm drunk.. I become a super hero every Friday night (usually spiderman), on the way home I try to stop cabs by web slinging at them and once I even tried to climb the CUSTOMS building in Docklands coz my mate said they had his guitar in quarentine there, I told him that I'd go get it for him..

Also if a fight breaks out somewhere, I'm usually the guy one the side lines yelling "YEAH, HIT HIM!! HE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR MUM!"

I've also fallen asleep standing up while waiting for my kebab to be made outside sunshine fun city kebabs at around 4 30 in the morning lol.. Usually your supposed to get lathargic when your drunk but my friends tell me its hard to keep up with me when I get drunk.. I never remember this stuff, I usually see it on my mates mobiles the next day or hear stories about it which usually follows with me face palming myself :blink:


Another thing, best trick to play on a drunk is get them to pick up 5 cents of the floor.. they'll be there for hours trying to do it and I guarantee hours of lols

Edited by jdmwhore
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... I usually see it on my mates mobiles the next day or hear stories about it which usually follows with me face palming myself :blink:

Yeah, photos are the worst. Even made more worse when your friends have something to laugh about that you don't know.

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... I usually see it on my mates mobiles the next day or hear stories about it which usually follows with me face palming myself :blink:

Yeah, photos are the worst. Even made more worse when your friends have something to laugh about that you don't know.

lol I haven't done anything completely embarressing yet.. I'm just one of those drunks that goes to bed at night with a huge grin on his face thinking 'Alcohol is fun' and everyone that gets drunk with me absolutely loves me for it haha!

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I often do the same as daryl... just go completely AWOL towards the end of the nightand wake up in my bed hours later wondering what the f*ck happened, sometimes covered in vomit...

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DJ; its confidence. girls like confidence, and when your drunk...you become confident :lol:

I dont really have any drunk stories, cause i usually remember everything for some reason. But my mates on the other hand....

We were at this house party and long story short, my drank a whole bottle of straight smirnoff, 1 hour later i saw him in the toilet with his pants down, shirt off spewing his guts and my other drunk mate hosing him off.....in the toilet. This particular mate was my ride home -_-

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DJ; its confidence. girls like confidence, and when your drunk...you become confident :lol:

I would like to think it's that, but if it's to the point that I black out, I would imagine my speech would be slurring pretty bad by then.

I dunno, maybe when I black out, I don't appear drunk anymore. I guess it's one of those things I'll never know because of the first problem that I tend to disappear and no one else can tell me what happens :lol:

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DJ; its confidence. girls like confidence, and when your drunk...you become confident :lol:

I would like to think it's that, but if it's to the point that I black out, I would imagine my speech would be slurring pretty bad by then.

I dunno, maybe when I black out, I don't appear drunk anymore. I guess it's one of those things I'll never know because of the first problem that I tend to disappear and no one else can tell me what happens :lol:

Alcohol is a huge Confidence booster, But I'd like to remember if something (or someone) went down that night.. :lol:

Also there is the beer goggles which could be a problem, you won't quite remember what you'd wake up to the next morning.. and remember beauty is in the eye of the beerholder

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Alcohol is a huge Confidence booster, But I'd like to remember if something (or someone) went down that night.. :lol:

Also there is the beer goggles which could be a problem, you won't quite remember what you'd wake up to the next morning.. and remember beauty is in the eye of the beerholder

I've been pretty lucky to snap out of the blackout before things get busy. My (dare I say) standards seem to stay intact when I'm drunk which is pretty lucky as well. From there on in... I never question it at the time.

Those are the good times though. Alcohol has also led me down the wrong trail many a time. I'm starting to grow out of it luckily. So I think anyways.

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everyone :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: my brother rang the bank, so it got higher... 111, 130, and another 40 hahaha... on cabs :o

i remember i was at schoolies, got trashed on tequila i ran like forrest gump, and screaming names... fell down face first, on my chin... bruised the whole week up the coast...



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When i was about 19-20yrs old (long time ago) i got really pizzed with a few mates,i'm not sure to this day how we got seperated but i ended up on a bus to fark knows where,anyway i curled up on a seat down the back and fell asleep...some time later i woke up to find me and the bus parked at it's yard,so i gets out and stagger over to an office to find out where the hell i am,after they 2 guys stop pizzing themselves laughing they tell me i'm in the clayton Ventura bus depot...so i ask where the main road is and stagger off looking for a cab,got home slept don't remember much else. :D

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Well this wasnt what i did ( i dont drink much) but one night after karoke i was walking to my car when i spotted a group of my mates completely smashed off their faces so i go up and say hi and one of my mates said to me "hold my phone i need to chuck a *****" i replied with "there isnt any toilets near by" then he says " theres one right here" as soon as he said this he pulled down his pants and asian squatted over the gutter and layed a brick.

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Well this wasnt what i did ( i dont drink much) but one night after karoke i was walking to my car when i spotted a group of my mates completely smashed off their faces so i go up and say hi and one of my mates said to me "hold my phone i need to chuck a *****" i replied with "there isnt any toilets near by" then he says " theres one right here" as soon as he said this he pulled down his pants and asian squatted over the gutter and layed a brick.


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Got plastered at a mate house couple of years back, we got a bit cold so we decided to light a fire. So we fill up this metal tin with petrol only to realise 5 mins after lighting it that theres a puddle leaking out the bottom of it.

5 more mins pass and we're wondering when this puddle is going to light up when.........whoosh, flames everywhere. Stupid us decided to start this fire under my mates awning, nearly burnt the entire house down.

Things ive learnt from that night:

-Salt puts out fires........only if you have access to about 2 tonnes worth of it, not the amount from the salt container out of the kitchen cupboard

-Never try to put out a fire with a metal mop bucket (trying to cover the flame) as it heats up very quickly lol

-After failing with the bucket.................dont attempt using a nylone shirt.lol

-And dont stomp it either or youll end up looking like johnny flame from fantastic four with your shoes on fire.

-Water does work................eventually........it just looks like floating fire for a while.lol

Another time, we threw a cigarette into someones otto bin (thinking it was out of course), only to see it turn into this massive bonfire minutes later, taking out two bins and flickering against the power lines....thank god for the fire brigade

For some reason, everytime i get smashed, i seem to nearly burn someones house down......... :huh:

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