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Your Aurion


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Yesterday a friend and i went for a bit of cruise took in some of the local sights, some of which i hadn’t been to since i was a kid even thought they are all in a 100km circa from where i live lol :S Anyway point of the story is this been Tasmania means some of the best driving roads you'll ever come across and the roads i drove yesterday were know different and i have to say my car didn’t nothing but surprise me i love that car even more then i did before, they way that thing handled them bends some tight near hairpins and others fast sweepers, "s" bends and everything in between was crazy the whole time i was thinking i didn’t know you could push this car that hard, you shouldn’t be able to! A half powerful FWD car should not turn in like this! it shouldn’t pull out of a tight bend like this i should be in them tree's over there with a dash all light up with traction aid's that more resemble a Christmas tree!

It truly surprised me! & i thought i knew my car pretty good which got me thinking could you really of had much more fun in a HSV or even a Porsche without been a total d!ck and risking your safety and your license? Only complaints i have is that when going through "wash outs" at highway speeds on some of these back roads when the springs fully compress the exhaust system at the rear "y" section where it goes to the mufflers scrapes the ground :S and after some repeated strong brake applications the pedal goes a bit spongy and you start smelling near cooked brakes lol. Tasmania loves this place :P

so guys, how does your Aurion still surprise you?

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Yep. Every time I drive out my driveway. I can be driving out around my street and look down and "sh!t, I'm going 90"! Its incredible. When I picked her up from Hobart the other week I came back through the back roads through Campania and Richmond and that, and I certainly wasn't pottering (cough...160kmphs straights... cough) and some of the corners through there are tight as a ducks ****, and she just pulls around and grips. Its awesome!

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My old Aurion would always continue to 'surprise' me. I had done many many mountain runs (Mt. Nebo FTW) in it, and each time I would be able to push ever so slightly harder than before. No matter how many times I would do it, I would always finish satisfied in what it could do, especially when travelling with other 'performance' based cars.

I never got bored of it. I did however desire more power... but I guess that is sorted now. This car surprises me every minute just driving it anywhere.

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ha oh yeah man the roads around Campania are pretty sweet it's got to be said & 90 around town? damm be careful dude i got done for doing 54 in 50 :( :( well the roads we hit was lake barrington which is sighned 100! short of a F1 car i dont think there is a machine on 2 or 4 wheels that could travel that road at anything near that speed it would need some pretty special stoppers! im a big fan of the road that goes to "no where else" the one between barrington and Sheffeild main road? a few nice big straights than tight 90 degree corners get to hit some nice speeds then jump on the anchors wash it all off turn her in fire it out the otherside then do it all again. Other good road we was on yesty was the one to Leven canyon? that's decent as every type of corner you can imagine is on the bit of road, made a VX SS look pretty silly! have a look in my gallery took a few pics of the day.

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Do you place the gear in Auto/sports mode when hitting the twisties?

Funnily enough I have not taken my car through the twisties since purchasing it last year, I hope to head out this weekend and have not thought about whether to manually shift up and down or just leave it in S or D.

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Do you place the gear in Auto/sports mode when hitting the twisties?

I always use 'S' mode and adjust gears manually. If you were to do a tight mountain run with in in 'D' or having it in something like 'S6', you will quickly find that it is really sluggish.

You want to keep it close to the gear for the speed you are going. I usually toggle between 2nd and 3rd (keeping the revs above 4000RPM), with the occasional shift to 4th on the straights that need it when you top out 3rd.

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Much the same, I usually use S in the twisties. As much as I still think its a woeful excuse for a 'Sports' or 'Manual' mode, after giving her that good run down Hobart way, I've at least been convinced that its not completely useless. I drive it between 2nd and 4th and I use my gears for slowing a bit too.

Nah, Matt, 90 wasn't so much around town. I live out Spreyton near the golf course, so its just suburban streets, and since its happened a couple times I keep a bit more of and eye on it now. Never taken the Aurion to Barrington or Nowhereelse. Furthest I've been up that way is Acacia Hills up Nook Rd a bit. Through Forth isn't too bad. If you come off the highway at the Braddons Lookout turnoff and follow that road and hang left at the pub, that road back to Don Rd is pretty good for it, and the turn off to the right halfway along that road takes you towards Spreyton and Barrington, thats got some good bends as well. I'm thinking once Summer comes I might take her for a run down Coles Bay or St Helens. Lake Leake/Coles Bay road were good fun in the Lancer, and it'd also be interesting to see how the Aurion handles St Mary's Pass.

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Considering all my life growing up, our family never owned "nice" cars but more so bombs because we could not afford newer cars. As I was growing up I was always admiring new cars and wished that one day I would get something new myself. I first started off with an old Camry that was given to me from my dad as a start off car on my P-plates. I'm glad I drove that car because I was able to smooth out my driving skills as I hit that car a bit from miss judgement of corners etc.

Now, driving a car like an Aurion is my wish come true. I love this car and everyday it surprises me.

Last time coming home from a mates place (3am), there was no traffic so I opened the throttle up and I loved the take off. It put an instant smile on my face.

This car always surprises me! Considering its a Toyota too (knock on wood), I have high hopes that it will give me years of trouble free driving.

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these cars must have a good reputation, the number of passengers who get in and say "these cars have a bit of grunt dont they" I am more than impressed with the power and handeling of the SX6. on a side note I do use the "S" mode on tight or hilly roads, even with the 2009 software upgrade its still slow to react when shifting. there is a demo of this in "air intake mods".

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its still slow to react when shifting.

I've noticed that if you take your foot off the accelerator when shifting it seems to respond a lot quicker.

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Posted Today, 12:23 AM

Much the same, I usually use S in the twisties. As much as I still think its a woeful excuse for a 'Sports' or 'Manual' mode, after giving her that good run down Hobart way, I've at least been convinced that its not completely useless. I drive it between 2nd and 4th and I use my gears for slowing a bit too.

Nah, Matt, 90 wasn't so much around town. I live out Spreyton near the golf course, so its just suburban streets, and since its happened a couple times I keep a bit more of and eye on it now. Never taken the Aurion to Barrington or Nowhereelse. Furthest I've been up that way is Acacia Hills up Nook Rd a bit. Through Forth isn't too bad. If you come off the highway at the Braddons Lookout turnoff and follow that road and hang left at the pub, that road back to Don Rd is pretty good for it, and the turn off to the right halfway along that road takes you towards Spreyton and Barrington, thats got some good bends as well. I'm thinking once Summer comes I might take her for a run down Coles Bay or St Helens. Lake Leake/Coles Bay road were good fun in the Lancer, and it'd also be interesting to see how the Aurion handles St Mary's Pass.

Hey mate, yeah i can see your point, wouldn’t take much to speed along the road to golf course its dead straight and as wide as a highway lol. Yeah I’m familiar with the road you mean :) Adam Gowans actually took me along that road a few times to give me a few pointers and so I’d have some idea of what the car was capable of. Was a bit of fun with a race car driver behind the wheel :P. yeah St Mary’s pass would be a bit of fun, elephants pass would be another good one? Also I’m trying to get a few people together to do a Lyell "HWY" run before the weather turns crappy, that'd be a legendary road trip lol.


Posted Today, 08:38 AM

these cars must have a good reputation, the number of passengers who get in and say "these cars have a bit of grunt dont they" I am more than impressed with the power and handeling of the SX6. on a side note I do use the "S" mode on tight or hilly roads, even with the 2009 software upgrade its still slow to react when shifting. there is a demo of this in "air intake mods".

Scoota makes a good point i here the same thing pretty often too so yeah somebody must be saying good things lol bet there not reading it in Wheels or motor mags though haha!

I do also use the S mode on the back roads, usually use 2nd through to 4th, My car too has the new software update and has had the fluid replaced and for sure i feel it’s a little smarter defiantly smoother, the flare is going and it seems to listen and be more direct in S mode, also if you’re going slower enough when you push the shifter across it will default to 3rd instead of 4th. the AI's learning ability seems to of grown now, has a few more tricks up its sleeve and even I’ve noticed since my run on Friday every time i go down hills instead of dropping one ratio as usual if i so much as lightly touch the brake it’ll drop another so you get some serious engine braking which will then hold you at your desired speed without needing to use the brakes anymore. Also sounds pretty trick too :P

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I find it quite a shock still when I have a fully loaded car, travelling up-hill, yet can still overtake slower cars with ease and find myself doing 150! Then of course finding somebody in a holden or a ford thinking they are kings of the road, only to find me pulling ahead in a FWD family car! The look of shock is totally worth it!

But I think the best thing about it for me is just the fact that I have yet to find any major flaws with it, even after two years. There are no major rattles, no huge design oversights (I have owned, serviced and modded a mitsubishi magna for many years, and basically magna = total design travesty!). I am more than happy enough with the performance, the fuel economy, the comfort, handling... and as DJKOR sadly experienced the hard way just recently, they are very safe cars too. If they keep making the Aurion, and just improve little things like the poor transmission behaviour and the "cheap" feeling door handles, I'd definitely buy another one without hesitation! I think the only thing that could make it better would be AWD, but even then I can live with it being a FWD regardless.

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its still slow to react when shifting.

I've noticed that if you take your foot off the accelerator when shifting it seems to respond a lot quicker.

I do take my foot off the accelerator when changing gear, but the lag is longer 2nd to 3rd gear. and I have noticed the on the change back the quickest response is the 3rd to 2nd gear change the others are a bit slow to go back.

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Now I'm going to preface this by saying that I usually always stick to the speed limit but I was running late for the train early this morning (managed to turn off my alarm whilst still asleep :-) so I needed to give the Aurion a bit of a punt to get there on time. There was a bloke in a new Audi who took off from the lights in a hurry, the look on his face as I went out around him was priceless. He was certainly surprised by the Aurion's ability.

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Sorry to bring this topic back to the top. Last weekend I finally managed to take the Sportivo for a nice run thru Old Pac, I have to say i was very impressed. It was so smooth and powerful going around the corners. I can't wait to get a new set of tyres and take it for another spin, although the current ones do appear to have a lot of life in them yet.

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Its a good car...^^ like you I took it up the Pacific Higway but I was sooo choppy...*Sigh*

alot of left foot braking was needed to rein the front in.

Maybe we should have a Aurion cruise! LOL put the putty road.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That white one looks good - all airbags deployed and the passenger cell looks uneffected - impressive for what must have been a pretty nasty shunt

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every one always under estimates the aurion that why i love it so much because it gives such a shock in drag racers and how much grip you get from it, i got the back out a little which was so much fun. :D

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Also Im trying to get a few people together to do a Lyell "HWY" run before the weather turns crappy, that'd be a legendary road trip lol.

I would be in that, born and bred here, but never driven those roads.oops stuffed up the quote box again!
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Also I’m trying to get a few people together to do a Lyell "HWY" run before the weather turns crappy, that'd be a legendary road trip lol.


I would be in that, born and bred here, but never driven those roads.oops stuffed up the quote box again!

Lol yeah same here, haven’t been on those roads for about 10 years, from what i remember the roads are just awesome! And with Targa in town I’m more keen then ever!

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Indeed as you all have mentioned my Aurion also surprise's me every day, As you shall read below (TRUE STORY)

I needed to head to "Bunnings"this afternoon so made my way to the M4 entered it at Emu Plains I saw a undercover f6 on the left, since I was entering the free way I put my foot down, I went past the copper all within the speed limit, to my surprise the police car follows me to Bunnings then pulls me over, he says " your car sounded loud when u went past me i thought to my self what has he done to the car" his (exact words), he then did a breath test and asked to see under the hood he thought my car was a TRD as we spoke i sort of educated him on the difference of the TRD he then congratulated me on a nice car and said his good byes all in all a nice fellow...

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Also I'm trying to get a few people together to do a Lyell "HWY" run before the weather turns crappy, that'd be a legendary road trip lol.

I'd be keen as mustard for a Lyell Hwy run. Might be even worth talking to the rest of the ToyoTAS boys, see if we can get a joint cruise happening maybe? Though the weathers been a bit iffy lately.

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