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Toyota's Loyalty ethics!

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Came home tonight to the missus wearing a s**tty face.

Walk inside to her standing there with a Speeding Fine ($800+) with a WTF look on her face.

Looked at the fine and yep, it was for the Aurion :nono:

With a bit more of a look, I noticed that the fine was in fact issued by the State Debt Recovery Service and that the initial penalty notice had been 'fowarded' onto us by our local Toyota dealership where we purchased our vehicle (demonstration vehicle).

Then I noticed the date the offence occured, mid Feburary. :g:

I thought to myself, gee, don't recall actually owning the Aurion that long, looked at our purchase receipts and sure as s**t, we didn't take receipt of the Aurion till mid March. The pricks at our local Toyota dealership gratiously nominated us as the 'responsible' party, 4 weeks before we acyually bought the car.

That was me off the hook with the missus :whistling:

She then got onto the blower to the dealership, the same salesman in fact, and gave them the same WTF....

The salesman argued that the date on our invoice must be incorrect and that we were rightfully the ones at fault and then couldn't get off the line quick enough.

Some customer loyalty $35k buys.....

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Came home tonight to the missus wearing a s**tty face.

Walk inside to her standing there with a Speeding Fine ($800+) with a WTF look on her face.

Looked at the fine and yep, it was for the Aurion :nono:

With a bit more of a look, I noticed that the fine was in fact issued by the State Debt Recovery Service and that the initial penalty notice had been 'fowarded' onto us by our local Toyota dealership where we purchased our vehicle (demonstration vehicle).

Then I noticed the date the offence occured, mid Feburary. :g:

I thought to myself, gee, don't recall actually owning the Aurion that long, looked at our purchase receipts and sure as s**t, we didn't take receipt of the Aurion till mid March. The pricks at our local Toyota dealership gratiously nominated us as the 'responsible' party, 4 weeks before we acyually bought the car.

That was me off the hook with the missus :whistling:

She then got onto the blower to the dealership, the same salesman in fact, and gave them the same WTF....

The salesman argued that the date on our invoice must be incorrect and that we were rightfully the ones at fault and then couldn't get off the line quick enough.

Some customer loyalty $35k buys.....

If I recall correctly, nominating another driver is a Statutory declaration - meaning it's an offence to sign one stating something you know is incorrect. I would lodge a complaint with the toyota customer service department, then get in contact with the penalties enforcement registry using the details on the fine and declare this information to them. They'll probably want to see the receipt, but if you can obtain bank records and perhaps even registration records from your transport authority then the toyota plebs will have alot of explaining to do.

Granted it will probably result in nothing but a "whoops, we confused the paperwork" response from toyota, but at least it gets you off the fine.

Good luck

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Came home tonight to the missus wearing a s**tty face.

Walk inside to her standing there with a Speeding Fine ($800+) with a WTF look on her face.

Looked at the fine and yep, it was for the Aurion :nono:

With a bit more of a look, I noticed that the fine was in fact issued by the State Debt Recovery Service and that the initial penalty notice had been 'fowarded' onto us by our local Toyota dealership where we purchased our vehicle (demonstration vehicle).

Then I noticed the date the offence occured, mid Feburary. :g:

I thought to myself, gee, don't recall actually owning the Aurion that long, looked at our purchase receipts and sure as s**t, we didn't take receipt of the Aurion till mid March. The pricks at our local Toyota dealership gratiously nominated us as the 'responsible' party, 4 weeks before we acyually bought the car.

That was me off the hook with the missus :whistling:

She then got onto the blower to the dealership, the same salesman in fact, and gave them the same WTF....

The salesman argued that the date on our invoice must be incorrect and that we were rightfully the ones at fault and then couldn't get off the line quick enough.

Some customer loyalty $35k buys.....

Go to the RTA and get them to look up and print out when you took delivery of the Vehicle as the dealership would of informed them the moment you drove out of the driveway.

A similar case happened to me when I took a new VU commy ute for a test drive,it was only when I went in and changed my address with the RTA and they asked me if I still owned the commodore ute, the A-Holes at the dealership put down that I purchased the vehicle after handing over my License for them to photocopy prior to the test drive, after a bit of talking with the pricipal at the dealership and tha RTA intervention I had the car legally removed from my name,

So dont give up in desperation find all you can even something that states when you went in and took the Aurion for a test drive,EFTPOS reciept,fuel docket anything to support that it infact was not you behind the wheel,$800 what speed was it clocked at;;;;;;;

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^ yep do that; drag them over the hot coals. I hate dodgy pricks.

If you have receipts and bank details showing the date of the transfer they haven't a leg to stand on.

Davo I agree totally, for the fine to go to Toyota they must have been the owners of the vehicle at the time of infringement,so thats where proof needs to be shown that at the time and date shown on the notice they were no where near the dealership let alone the ones driving.

mr_grumble2010 what state are you in,and can you narrow down the dealer for us without disclosing its name and would you really trust the pr*cks again? I sure as hell wouldnt.Once you have all the proof needed front up at the dealership and nice and politely ask to speak to the Customer relation personal and the Manager and calmly lay it all out in front of them whilst sipping a coffee, you know youve got them by the balls and the look on their face will be priceless

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So dont give up in desperation find all you can even something that states when you went in and took the Aurion for a test drive,EFTPOS reciept,fuel docket anything to support that it infact was not you behind the wheel,$800 what speed was it clocked at;;;;;;;

We're situated on the Central Coast of NSW (as is the dealer), which is some 75km north of where the offence was commited (Lane Cove tunnel - Sydney). If they want to push for the excuse "that it occured when we were test driving the vehicle", even though it was some 2-3 weeks prior to even having set foot on the dealers lot, then I hardly think that the're going to permit someone to take it so far from the dealer in the first place.

As for the fine itself, it was 74km/h in a 40km/h zone (they often do road works in the Lane Cove Tunnel which reduces the speed limit from 80km/h down to 40km/h)

mr_grumble2010 what state are you in,and can you narrow down the dealer for us without disclosing its name and would you really trust the pr*cks again? I sure as hell wouldnt.Once you have all the proof needed front up at the dealership and nice and politely ask to speak to the Customer relation personal and the Manager and calmly lay it all out in front of them whilst sipping a coffee, you know youve got them by the balls and the look on their face will be priceless

The Dealer, well without naming names etc, if your familiar with the Central Coast (or google for that matter ;) , there is only two Toyota dealerships and the're owned and named under the same person and as a side note, the vehicle in question, even though it was listed as a demonstrator, was actually the dealer principle's own 'for personal use' vehicle.

As the aurion is registered under my wife's name, she's heading in to the dealership today to rip some new *#%holes, I really do pitty them if they don't fall to their knees in forgivness :clap:

nominating another driver is a Statutory declaration - meaning it's an offence to sign one stating something you know is incorrect.
This will come in handy as the opener to them I think....Cheers :spiteful: Edited by mr_grumble2010
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when i bought my wrx from a 2nd hand dealership, a few weeks later i got a fine in the mail from melbourne...

i called up the cops down south and said "this wasnt me, please explain!"

the chick said "what is your car?" and i said "its a wrx", then she said "oh, well, its definitely not you because the car i'm looking at in the picture is a porsche"...

i called up the dealership and said "WTF" and they appologised and said that they must have made a mistake when they looked up the plate number in their system... they got one character wrong and the result was a porsche they sold around the same time as my wrx... :lol:

all i had to do was make a stat dec saying it wasnt me...

so just make a stat dec saying it wasnt you because you didnt take ownership of the car until XYZ date, and here is the receipt to prove it...

might also pay to get your rego papers and show that as proof that you didnt get it rego'd in your name until XYZ date...

good luck... it should be a easy fix... :)

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$800 for going 74kph - jeezus NSW are a bit tough aren't they, I thought it'd be something like 200kph in a 100kph zone.

Bit off topic but I remember the last fine I got in NSW, was driving back to QLD from Sydney and got done doing 120kph in a 100kph zone near Kempsey (saw the cops early but couldn't get on the brakes as I had a smart-a*se in a commodore tailgating me at the time), so the highway patrol guy gets out of his car and I had to try so hard not to laugh - he was dressed head to toe in black leather, including a little black leather cap - looked like something from the Village People, suppose its meant to intimidate but he looked like he was ready for Mardi Gras. :lol:

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Seriously.. This dealer shld get their a** kicked for holding you responsible for the fine. How can a computer generate a wrong date in an invoice paper.. Isn't all automatic these days? :blink::angry: You better get compensated like extended warranty for wasting your & the wife's time.. :lol: :lol:

$800 for going 74kph - jeezus NSW are a bit tough aren't they, I thought it'd be something like 200kph in a 100kph zone.

Bit off topic but I remember the last fine I got in NSW, was driving back to QLD from Sydney and got done doing 120kph in a 100kph zone near Kempsey (saw the cops early but couldn't get on the brakes as I had a smart-a*se in a commodore tailgating me at the time), so the highway patrol guy gets out of his car and I had to try so hard not to laugh - he was dressed head to toe in black leather, including a little black leather cap - looked like something from the Village People, suppose its meant to intimidate but he looked like he was ready for Mardi Gras. :lol:

The fine is usually harder if you speed in a 40km zone. It's either road-work / school zone hence the high penalties.

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$800 for going 74kph - jeezus NSW are a bit tough aren't they, I thought it'd be something like 200kph in a 100kph zone.

I did think this at the time so I just checked on the RTA website.

30-45km/h over the limit is $647 and 5 demerit points.

30-45 km/h over the limit in a school zone is $816 and 6 demerit points

so not only did Toyota do the sly on me, but the RTA also %&^$#@ up by assuming that 40km/h in a TUNNEL means it must be a school zone.

Can't remember the last time I saw school kids wondering around a 3-lane motorway tunnel !!!!

You better get compensated like extended warranty for wasting your & the wife's time.. :lol: :lol:

Well, knowing my wife as I do, I'm fully expecting to see a set of kidneys sitting on the kitchen table that she tore from the salesman's **** today :clap::clap::clap:

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$800 for going 74kph - jeezus NSW are a bit tough aren't they, I thought it'd be something like 200kph in a 100kph zone.

I did think this at the time so I just checked on the RTA website.

30-45km/h over the limit is $647 and 5 demerit points.

30-45 km/h over the limit in a school zone is $816 and 6 demerit points

so not only did Toyota do the sly on me, but the RTA also %&^$#@ up by assuming that 40km/h in a TUNNEL means it must be a school zone.

Can't remember the last time I saw school kids wondering around a 3-lane motorway tunnel !!!!

You better get compensated like extended warranty for wasting your & the wife's time.. :lol: :lol:

Well, knowing my wife as I do, I'm fully expecting to see a set of kidneys sitting on the kitchen table that she tore from the salesman's **** today :clap::clap::clap:

Mate I know the dealer you are refering to,when the wife and I went to have alook at their aurions all they wanted to do was try and sell us a new KIA, :blink: figure that out as I sure as hell cant.I too live on the Central Coast but we went up to Newcastle to buy,bugger those down wally,s down at WY**G & GOS***D. :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After being refused a face to face meeting with the dealer principle who wasn't in the slightest interested in our views on their "customer service" and not even a murmer of an appology from anyone involved in the sales area, my wife and I thought we'd not hear anything more on the matter.

However, we received an email this morning from the State Debt Recovery Office legal department.

Informing us that after we submitted evidence to suggest we had not actually taken delivery of the vehicle at the time of the infringement, that we were no longer liable and that they would appreciate our assistance in possible prosecution should they find evidence that it was an intentional misuse of a statutory declaration on xxxxx xxxxxx Toyota's behalf.

I need to book in for a service very soon, wonder if I can get it in before they get the bad news :spiteful:


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Great outcome mate. It will be better if they lay charges, but all Toyota needs to do is claim a paperwork error. It will be highly unlikely that SPER will obtain a warrant and investigate it fully, which is a shame but in the end probably the best use of tax payers money.

As for the deal principle not caring to hear your complaints, go higher. Head office if you must. If you've got an upcoming service, then you could probably haggle a free one considering the **** they've put you through.

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After being refused a face to face meeting with the dealer principle who wasn't in the slightest interested in our views on their "customer service" and not even a murmer of an appology from anyone involved in the sales area, my wife and I thought we'd not hear anything more on the matter.

However, we received an email this morning from the State Debt Recovery Office legal department.

Informing us that after we submitted evidence to suggest we had not actually taken delivery of the vehicle at the time of the infringement, that we were no longer liable and that they would appreciate our assistance in possible prosecution should they find evidence that it was an intentional misuse of a statutory declaration on xxxxx xxxxxx Toyota's behalf.

I need to book in for a service very soon, wonder if I can get it in before they get the bad news :spiteful:


Mate what ever dealership you bought it from go to the other one for your service as they are both owned by the same mob.I personally couldnt and wouldnt go back to the a*seholes who tried passing a $800 fine over to me after forking out all that money to buy the car.The pr*ck responsible wants hanging out to dry and relieved of his position, but dont feel guilty about the State Dept Recovery looking into it.Just think if it was the other way around do you think and feel for one moment that they would care what happens to you;;;;;;No I didnt think so.Some of those ba*tards would sell their grandmother and it wouldnt worry them one bit

Edited by CONROD
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I'd like to avoid both our local Toyota dealerships (as their both owned by the same people), but that then creates a bit of a headache as far as servicing's concerned.

We're an hour north of Sydney and getting the car to a sydney dealership, leaving it there all day then getting back there to pick it up again is a real PAIN :angry:

Anyone in Sydney know of a Toyota dealership that services in the evenings ?

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I'd like to avoid both our local Toyota dealerships (as their both owned by the same people), but that then creates a bit of a headache as far as servicing's concerned.

We're an hour north of Sydney and getting the car to a sydney dealership, leaving it there all day then getting back there to pick it up again is a real PAIN :angry:

Anyone in Sydney know of a Toyota dealership that services in the evenings ?

For normal service, Toyota sydney offers an hour service while you wait. Grab the cookies, read newspapers and walk around the Toyota / Lexus showroom. I can even spend more than 2 hours looking around the showroom itself.. xD

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They're great and within reasonable grounds. Yes, they fix problems and actually DO something about it. Btw, that 1 hour is only for service. Any complaints that isn't part of the service will need longer than an hour of course..

In terms of Customer Service, 2 thumbs up. When I booked a service through them, I got an sms as a reminder 1 / 2 days before the servicing day. And like after a week, there's a phone in regards to the fixed problems and feedbacks etc etc.

Give it a try

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Whats your opinion of them, any good.

Do they take onboard any problems you may have at the time with the vehicle and actually do something about them ?

We take both our vehicles to Charlestown Toyota @ Bennetts Green,its only 1/2 hour north of Doylo lights.

Found it very hard to fault these guys,they are upfront,courteous,being going there now for the last 6 years.Thats

probably the reason we have purchased 4 vehicles off them.Yes they do take any issues even minor ones as serious as a

major fault.We have a good relationship going with those in the service dept, which to us is just if not more important

than buying the vehicle in the first place,but if you work in Sydney surely there is a dealership down there who could do

your serviceing whilst you are at work.If your car is still under new car warranty you can have it serviced at any Toyota

dealer but if they gave you an extended 3year /175000 km warranty through them at the end of the new car warranty thats

when you have to take it back to them for serviceing.I would be inclined to start up a good rap (so to speak) with another

dealer and down the track see if they will honour the extra warranty,I dont like your chances though,but what have you got

to loose,all they can say is no sorry,best of luck :rolleyes:

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They're great and within reasonable grounds. Yes, they fix problems and actually DO something about it. Btw, that 1 hour is only for service. Any complaints that isn't part of the service will need longer than an hour of course..

In terms of Customer Service, 2 thumbs up. When I booked a service through them, I got an sms as a reminder 1 / 2 days before the servicing day. And like after a week, there's a phone in regards to the fixed problems and feedbacks etc etc.

Give it a try

I also take my car to the same Dealership VF-X does. I've used their service for over 6 years.

And i agree with everything Vick says.

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Whats your opinion of them, any good.

Do they take onboard any problems you may have at the time with the vehicle and actually do something about them ?

We take both our vehicles to Charlestown Toyota @ Bennetts Green,its only 1/2 hour north of Doylo lights.

Found it very hard to fault these guys,they are upfront,courteous,being going there now for the last 6 years.Thats

probably the reason we have purchased 4 vehicles off them.Yes they do take any issues even minor ones as serious as a

major fault.We have a good relationship going with those in the service dept, which to us is just if not more important

than buying the vehicle in the first place,but if you work in Sydney surely there is a dealership down there who could do

your serviceing whilst you are at work.If your car is still under new car warranty you can have it serviced at any Toyota

dealer but if they gave you an extended 3year /175000 km warranty through them at the end of the new car warranty thats

when you have to take it back to them for serviceing.I would be inclined to start up a good rap (so to speak) with another

dealer and down the track see if they will honour the extra warranty,I dont like your chances though,but what have you got

to loose,all they can say is no sorry,best of luck :rolleyes:

Funnily enough, Charlestown Toyota was where my parents bought the AE102 new from, and it has never gone back there since (various reasons). All warranty work on both my parent's Toyotas was done at Newcastle Toyota (where we bought the Camry a year earlier, and who have been excellent to deal with). Granted, Charlestown Toyota have probably improved over the last 10+ years, and our issues with them was the Sales team not Service, but it still stuck with us............although we did get a free cooler-bag and stuffed Toyota chicken from Charlestown, Newcastle gave us nothing :P

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Whats your opinion of them, any good.

Do they take onboard any problems you may have at the time with the vehicle and actually do something about them ?

We take both our vehicles to Charlestown Toyota @ Bennetts Green,its only 1/2 hour north of Doylo lights.

Found it very hard to fault these guys,they are upfront,courteous,being going there now for the last 6 years.Thats

probably the reason we have purchased 4 vehicles off them.Yes they do take any issues even minor ones as serious as a

major fault.We have a good relationship going with those in the service dept, which to us is just if not more important

than buying the vehicle in the first place,but if you work in Sydney surely there is a dealership down there who could do

your serviceing whilst you are at work.If your car is still under new car warranty you can have it serviced at any Toyota

dealer but if they gave you an extended 3year /175000 km warranty through them at the end of the new car warranty thats

when you have to take it back to them for serviceing.I would be inclined to start up a good rap (so to speak) with another

dealer and down the track see if they will honour the extra warranty,I dont like your chances though,but what have you got

to loose,all they can say is no sorry,best of luck :rolleyes:

Funnily enough, Charlestown Toyota was where my parents bought the AE102 new from, and it has never gone back there since (various reasons). All warranty work on both my parent's Toyotas was done at Newcastle Toyota (where we bought the Camry a year earlier, and who have been excellent to deal with). Granted, Charlestown Toyota have probably improved over the last 10+ years, and our issues with them was the Sales team not Service, but it still stuck with us............although we did get a free cooler-bag and stuffed Toyota chicken from Charlestown, Newcastle gave us nothing :P

Both Newcastle Toyota and Charlestown Toyota are owned by the same people and have both recieved new dealer principles in the last 12 months or so.

But I do agree with you HIRO when the salesmen carry on and act like d*ckheads,and treat prospective buyers that same way people remember that bad experience for a long time to come, and they take their money elsewhere

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After being refused a face to face meeting with the dealer principle who wasn't in the slightest interested in our views on their "customer service" and not even a murmer of an appology from anyone involved in the sales area, my wife and I thought we'd not hear anything more on the matter.

However, we received an email this morning from the State Debt Recovery Office legal department.

Informing us that after we submitted evidence to suggest we had not actually taken delivery of the vehicle at the time of the infringement, that we were no longer liable and that they would appreciate our assistance in possible prosecution should they find evidence that it was an intentional misuse of a statutory declaration on xxxxx xxxxxx Toyota's behalf.

I need to book in for a service very soon, wonder if I can get it in before they get the bad news :spiteful:


:clap::clap: I'm guessing the State Debt Recovery Office contacted our local Toyota dealership today regarding their false declaration.

We received a call from the Dealer Principle this morning asking for us to meet with him to discuss the matter.

It was on the way home (and we were curious what had changed since our last encounter), so we called in.

Seems State Debt Recovery dept have every intention on persuing the mater with the intention of fining the dealership and/or the individual salesman.

The Dealer Principle was keen to distance the dealership from the salesman's actions, so they intend on terminating the salesman's employment and leaving him with the fine to deal with. They did say the fine can be up to $100k in some cases.

This all took place with the salesman in question glaring through a glass wall in the next office, knowing exactly what was coming.

Ended up walking out as they were still not interested in making amends ($$$). One last wink to the salesman through the glass on the way out, classic, thought the top of his head was going to explode :toast:

Sydney City Toyota sounds like it might be my best option, is close to work and if they can turn the car around in 60 min, that's tops !!!

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