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Point-to-Point Speed Cameras

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An excellent idea IMHO.

ATM these take the form of the Safe-T-Cam you generally see on highways.

But they've only been monitoring trucks.

Briefly: Takes a picture of your plates at the first Safe-T-Cam, then another one at the second camera and uses the time between the first and second shot to measure your average speed.

Don't know how it'll run with variable speed limits, but on the highway where speed is usually constant, this would be a way better idea than normal speed cameras.


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The current system is flawed so I don’t want any more on this sort of thing.

I think getting people who don’t indicate can't use roundabouts, tailgate and other such things are areas that need attention.

Also some flashing lights when its a school zone would show they are serious not about saving lives not make more money.

I say this as my car was written off when shunted into a truck by poor driving (the driver that did it to me was doing under 25km/h).

When I see a P plater in WA not indicate in a worked WRX speeding while on a mobile ....... :rolleyes:

Anyways I have had my say B)

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The current system is flawed so I don’t want any more on this sort of thing.

I think getting people who don’t indicate can't use roundabouts, tailgate and other such things are areas that need attention.

Also some flashing lights when its a school zone would show they are serious not about saving lives not make more money.

I say this as my car was written off when shunted into a truck by poor driving (the driver that did it to me was doing under 25km/h).

When I see a P plater in WA not indicate in a worked WRX speeding while on a mobile ....... :rolleyes:

Anyways I have had my say B)

All good points, but lets face it, road safety doesn't pay for the policeman's ball, does it? :P

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thats right its up to the indevidual to wake up to themselves and stock being such ****s

they know the laws and if they get cought tuff titties

silly things like driving with mobile in 1 hnd and smoke hanging out of the mouth and trying to turn in a manual car i think is completely stupid and that person should be taken off the road

such a dangerous hazard when people like that are driving around

it doesnt even matter if he is speeding or not the fact is he isnt paying attention to the rd

i know when i put my foot down i always ark up and eyes straight on the rd everything else dulls out all my concentration is on the rd cus i know what i am doing is unsafe(so i try to make my act as safe as possible)

but some people just dont care

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Because I drive in peak hour traffic to and from work every day, and then some, I kinda get use to seeing all sorts of bullsh17 traffic offences that don't get picked up that would probably cause more accidents than minor speeding infringements.


If anybody knows the intersection of Gympie Road and Beams Road at Cars-eldine (I put the dash in it so the swear filter doesn't pick it up) then you are away that the traffic banks back up the Gympie Arterial for a few km's EVERY MORNING.

Rather than sitting over the hill and catching the speeding motorists doing 75 - 80km/h in the 70 zone, why don't they hide behind the trees and catch the motorbikes doing 80 - 100km/h in the EMERGENCY STOPPING LANE.

On the stretch of road between Narangba and Bald Hills, there has been a number of deaths from motorbike riders doing this to get past the traffic. They usually hit something in this lane that was left behind from a car that had been broken down there and the fall onto the road and get run over (usually by a truck).

I have never seen this policed.

How many people here are aware of the fact that it is technically illegal to smoke a cigarette while driving? Or drink a can of coke for that matter? Probably not too many.

There is a law in Queensland, and I am sure other states have it, that states that you must maintain TWO hands on the steering wheel at all times unless you are performing an activity that directly relates to the operation of the motor vehicle (such as indicating, changing lanes or using your wipers).

Driving with one hand on the wheel while using the other to light your cigarette with your head pointed down and squinting from the smoke is illegal. I see it every day on the roads, and would be positive that it has caused accidents somewhere.

I have never seen this policed.

When travelling north along the Gympie Arterial in Brisbane's North where the road merges with the Gateway Arterial, there is 2 lanes from the Gateway that merges with 2 lanes from the Gympie Arterial.

Between lanes 1 & 2, and 2 & 3, there is a solid unbroken line, about 150 meters in length. It is illegal to cross this line.

I have lost count how many times I have come up the Gympie Arterial in the afternoon, travelling in what becomes lane 3, looked across the lines into lanes 1 & 2, to see what is there before I changes lanes after the solid line. Then when the lines break, knowing there is nothing there, attempt to change lanes from lane 3 to 2, then nearly collide with someone that crossed the unbroken line between lanes 1 and 2.

I have never seen this policed.

When I exit the motorway, lane 1 becomes the off ramp and all traffic in this lne must exit. I am sure that you have all seen this type of exit before.

Anyway, an unbroken line appears between lanes 1 and 2. I have lost count how many times I am doing 100km/h in this lane getting ready to exit, and the knuckle head in front realises (after about 12 signs) that he doesn't want to exit, then hits the brakes, hard and realises he shouldn't cross the unbroken line, then says to himself, stuff it, I'll cross it anyway, then stops again because of the traffic in lane 2.

Then you get peeved off and attempt to go around him using the emergency stopping lane, then he takes off and goes down the exit anyway. Meanwhile there has probably been an accident in lane 2 from people stopping to let him in.

I have never seen this policed.

I use the motorway in Brisbane's outer north every day. Each trip (not day, but trip) I count endless number of vehicles, doing 100km/h in the right lane while travelling next to a vehicle doing the same speed in the left. They are blocking the road and breaking the law. Should you with to be doing 105km/h on a fine sunny day when the conditions are excellent, this driver creates frustration, tension and agression.

Should the driver then be hasseled, bullied and then become a victim of road rage, what implications are there or punishments for him as the original comitter of the offence....none!! It comes down to the fact that you should not be going 105 in a 100km/h zone.

My point is that there is many people on the road doing very stoopid things and we all see it everyday, and it is rarely policed because it is too hard. Catching someone doing a few k's over is way easier for the authorities.

Like I said, I do not endorse speeding, however technically speeding is defined as doing any speed excessive for the condition of the road, meaning that you can be booked doing 100km/h in a 100km/h zone of the road is slipery, greasy wet and built up.

If the highway is clear and dry on a fine sunny day, i'm sorry, but doing 105 - 110 in a hundred zone is not a life threatening offence. If I hit a pedestrian or oncoming car, your FUBAR'd anyway at 100km/h. Another couple of k's is not going to make a difference.

This appears to be nothing but a pure revenue raising activity.

My 2c worht - Please don't flame me... :)

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I guess my last fine was defined as going the wrong way down a one-way street. What I did was cross over a 1 way street (from Mobray terrace in East Brisbane) to get to an opposite road. As I was going at a 47 degree angle not a 45 degree angle it was deemed that I was going down a one way street ! :rolleyes:

Aww they a few cars there and that’s all they were getting people for. I think it is more dangerous to travel down the 5 skinny back streets to get to the same place.

Since moving to WA I am amazed that lanes on the freeway just disappeared. And people don’t merge one for one al the time, that really, super frustrating but once again not policed. :unsure:

Instant driver training course for these people.

Also in the Army apparently you need a special licence for a 4x4…. Just food for thought :)

Think I have given 5c worth now ;)

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hmm i hate traffic haha

and in saying that i dont indorse speeding either

but i find it HIGHLY inlikely that ANY stivo driver(well HARDLY any especially on this form) has never drivon over the speed limit and never hit lift before therefore, braking the law in more than 1 way hehe

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I guess my last fine was defined as going the wrong way down a one-way street. What I did was cross over a 1 way street (from Mobray terrace in East Brisbane) to get to an opposite road. As I was going at a 47 degree angle not a 45 degree angle it was deemed that I was going down a one way street !  :rolleyes:

Aww they a few cars there and that’s all they were getting people for. I think it is more dangerous to travel down the 5 skinny back streets to get to the same place.

Since moving to WA I am amazed that lanes on the freeway just disappeared. And people don’t merge one for one al the time, that really, super frustrating but once again not policed.  :unsure:

Instant driver training course for these people.

Also in the Army apparently you need a special licence for a 4x4…. Just food for thought  :)

Think I have given 5c worth now ;)

Maybe to authorities should actually start fining people for failure to give way.

Do you know how many people there are driving on the roads that do not understand give way laws.

1) If your lane comes to a defined end (ie like an on-ramp to the freeway) then you must give way to the traffic on the flow-through lane.

2) If your lane does NOT come to a defined end (ie, two lanes to one with neither lane having to cross a dotted/broken lane to form into the other) then the vehicle behind has to give way to the vehicle in front, regardless of who is left or right.

3) When there are 3 lanes of traffic in one direction, and a driver in lane 1 as well as one in lane 3 wish to merge to lane 2 at the same time, then lane 2 has right of way as you must give way to the right in this situation.

4) Traffic signals out? You must stop at the lights and give way to the right unless there is a traffic control event in progress, ie a Police Officer or Traffic Controller.

You'd be amazed how many people do not know these basic, then cause accidents and plead ignorance...

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i totally agree i see incidents almost everyday where somone doesnt give way ro somone else

or where somone expects to be given way too (when they didnt have to be), that person starts beeping his horn and chasing the other bloke and swearing at him LOL

i just sit there and think what a ***** he didnt have to give way whats his problem LOL

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Azza has said a lot, and I agree 100% with all of it!

The one he missed out, especially in the Chermside-City stretch, is the annoyance from cyclists. Don't get me wrong, if they wish to cycle, I've got no problem with it, and the beauty of driving something like a Corolla is that we can share a lane with a cyclist without bother.

But some of them clearly have a death wish, they don't indicate their intentions, they don't look before crossing lanes, sometimes 2 or 3 at a go, they sit in the middle of a lane so no-one can get past them, and when it comes to red lights and stop and give way signs, they pretty much do what ever they feel like.

There's also lane-splitting, an illegal and annoying habit they share with most motorcyclists.

To quote Azza, "I have never seen this policed".

I hereby end my whinge :P

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thats a good idea ^_^

just mount a video camera in your car, and film everything you see, then turn the tape into the cops, well thats taking it to the extreme, but i heard someone did that once :lol:

i drive on Parramatta Rd almost everyday to get to Uni everyday, and boy are there some jerks out there...

like it is illegal for motorbikes to go down the middle of lanes in traffic, and it is funny when i see them come up to a cop car, and try to hide :lol:

then there are people who drive in bus lanes, the bus lane is for BUSES, not people in a rush, at least this is sort of policed...i see the cops hide and watch people drive in there and then pull them over, i always get a laugh watching that happen :lol:

and finally, sometimes the left lane end up ahead, and some people fly down the lane and then try to merge at the LAST second, regardless of who needs to giveway or not, doing something like that is just down right dangerous.

ok well theres my rant about traffic :lol:

EDIT: oh yeah, i forgot to add, its not really traffic related, but i cant stand those idiots who wash your windows at the traffic lights...not only is doing that illegal, it is dangerous for motorists. and they wash your windows anyway, and expect you to give them something...

"i said NO!, so get the **** away from my car!" :lol:

Edited by Terry
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oh yeah and when they wash your window even though your screaming out know when you dont gibe them any money they splash water over your car and and if you had your window down on you to

ive seen that happen before


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thats a good idea ^_^

just mount a video camera in your car, and film everything you see, then turn the tape into the cops, well thats taking it to the extreme, but i heard someone did that once :lol:

i drive on Parramatta Rd almost everyday to get to Uni everyday, and boy are there some jerks out there...

like it is illegal for motorbikes to go down the middle of lanes in traffic, and it is funny when i see them come up to a cop car, and try to hide :lol:

then there are people who drive in bus lanes, the bus lane is for BUSES, not people in a rush, at least this is sort of policed...i see the cops hide and watch people drive in there and then pull them over, i always get a laugh watching that happen :lol:

and finally, sometimes the left lane end up ahead, and some people fly down the lane and then try to merge at the LAST second, regardless of who needs to giveway or not, doing something like that is just down right dangerous.

ok well theres my rant about traffic :lol:

EDIT: oh yeah, i forgot to add, its not really traffic related, but i cant stand those idiots who wash your windows at the traffic lights...not only is doing that illegal, it is dangerous for motorists. and they wash your windows anyway, and expect you to give them something...

"i said NO!, so get the **** away from my car!" :lol:

In Brisbane, the police like to sit a particular intersection on Lutwyche Road getting the people in the T3 lane that shouldn't be there, then I have seen them sitting about 300m past that again, with a radar. Idiots go past the first lop of Police, then jump in ther T3, do 90 in the 60 Zone, hit by the laser, then get booked for T3-ing it when they shouldn't be. Double Banger. :P

Also, arresting and issueing on the spot fines for the 'Squeegee Men' at the lights was the crux of Rudolph Guiliani's achievement at lower the crime rate in NYC. By getting these guys off the street, it not only showed that the Police had Zero Tolerance for minor offences, it also stopped criminals and potential criminals from escalating their crimes into more serios offences.

Lowering the murder rate by two-thirds, overall crime by 57percent and shooting related offences by 75 percent is a pretty good indication why the people wearing uniforms that we PAY as tax-payers should start policing and not eating donuts...

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yeah we have a few snealy police in my area too

they hide behind fences up public driveway (tipe of things) so you dont actually see them sitting there till its too late

haha i wish i could issue a fine o the squegge man on the spot LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

well... isnt it against the rules for cops to hide and stuff? i saw in current affair once that the reason y you have speed and radar cameras and stuff is to stop people from speeding, but when you hide, it doesnt stop people from speeding and it's just a scam to make money. I dunno that's my opinion. I dont really like cops. I've had a few bad experiences with them before. They just think becoz they're the law they can fine anyone on any grounds the like. Sorta really ****** me off.

U know one good idea though, I think they have it in Sydney or Melbourne, but the right lane on the free way is for overtaking only or more or less a speed lane for drivers who drive AT or Just above the speed limit not UNDER the speed limit. .. Man the ppl in Brisbane use the right lane like a normal lane. They should keep it free where possible. I mean, i usually like to cruise down the right lane and overtake all the slower poeple. ANnoys the hell outa me when you have 3 lanes and 3 cars are both going 90 on a 100 k zone and you can't over take. Stupid drivers....

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Our legal systems "screwed up" simple me being from melbourne i would know because its the harshest state and the most lawful one at that.

The reason why police are so slack and that they do stupid things is that the ombudsmen that controls them dont give a damn what they do and are controlled by the government. What a lost cause to keep a leash around them wen its too loose. I believe bcoze iv studied a few years of law that there should be another level not controlled by the government but by normal everyday people (public) to judge. The amount of things police get away with... And courts dont help wen it comes to traffic disputes, i also believe we should have some sort of tribunal alternative for traffic offences like civil cases have mediation, abitration etc..... Its too costly to fight a traffic dispute most of the time. court costs + lawyer = $300+ when your fighting something in between 60-200 bux (generally) thats a lost cause. Where as alternative dispute settlements you require no lawyer and its only $20-35 to file a case.

As for the right lane overtaking it is true that we have them down here in melb and sydney but its usually outside of the city 30+ minutes and the reason why we have them is because our roads usually are 1 or 2 lanes in the outer areas. So you dont wanna be held up wen the lanes change back to 1 hence we are slightly permitted to speed as to overtake. Not to mention truckies that are slowly building speed. However that is also the reason why so many people die here as compared to other states. When the lanes change to 1 and people wanna overtake and go over hills and stuff... "goodbye" Melbourne is still the one of highest when it comes to traffic related deaths, i think we come 2nd after sydney.

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dude we are not slightly permitted to speed at all

if you and the car directly next to you is going same speed and your in the merging lane then you should slightly back off and merge in behind him

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Correct evl....

Sppeding by legal definition is actually doing ANY speed that is considered excessive for the conditions. However this is also open to interpretation.

If the Speed Limit on a road is 60km/h and you are doing 60km/h in ideal driving conditions (ie low traffic, fine day, low wind) then this is fine.

Should the conditions change, blustery winds, rain, dark, built up traffic and your driving an old Datto 120Y and your still doing 60km/h then this can viewed and interpreted as speeding as your are doing a speed that would be seen to be excessive for the conditions. I have seen people booked for it.

Everyone talks about their desire to use the Northern Territory's 'OPEN' speed limits on the highways thinking they can go as fast as they want, but this is not what the limit is. These limits put in place in the NT are infact 'OPEN' meaning you are allowed to drive at a speed that could be seen as suitable for the vehicle & conditions.

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if u slighly back off and a cop sees u and u have cars behind u, ur gonna get fined for not opening the way and if you speed up too fast to overtake ur a goner too... i know bcoze iv seen it evl_50a MELBOURNE HERE dude. i would know. its not a merging lane dude... its an overtaking lane

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U know one good idea though, I think they have it in Sydney or Melbourne, but the right lane on the free way is for overtaking only or more or less a speed lane for drivers who drive AT or Just above the speed limit not UNDER the speed limit. .. Man the ppl in Brisbane use the right lane like a normal lane.

By law, according to the "National" road rules, you should only use the far right lane if overtaking or if other lanes are congested, on any road signed at 90km/h or higher.

However, there are no $$$ in people being in the wrong lane, not indicating or any of the other annoying things people do. Doing 1km/h over the speed limit, which doesn't worry any of us, would normally mean a death penalty, except they can't make $$$ out of dead people! :P

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if u slighly back off and a cop sees u and u have cars behind u, ur gonna get fined for not opening the way and if you speed up too fast to overtake ur a goner too... i know bcoze iv seen it evl_50a MELBOURNE HERE dude. i would know. its not a merging lane dude... its an overtaking lane

look man if your in an overtaking lane then the ONLY reason you should be in that lane is if the traffic in the slower lanes is going slower than the speed limit

an overtaking lane doesnt give you right of way to speed a little to pass somone infront of you

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