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Here i am following a 89-92 corolla (not sure what it had under the bonnet...had exhaust and that..).....

i'm lookin my rear view..he guns it...and to my shock...as he exits the round about....his back end steps out...and for a second there i thought he was going to spin..but he ended up facing the kerb..and then straightened up.

i was like.......WTF?!?! they aren't rear wheel drive?!?!? are they?

I have one of these and they are FWD FRONT WHEEL DRIVE.

All cars will initiate a slide due to the exceeding limit of grip on the tyres. Its just like how you can slide a worn pair of sneakers on tiles.

Was it an SX/Gti? these models have stiffer suspension settings and thicker front and rear sway bars. It doesn't matter if its rwd or not. It all depends on suspension setup

With my custom setup I can have "Lift off" throttle power steer.

Technique with my car -

Entering normaly, turn in and as you approach the mid section (apex)

lift off the gas

stomp the gas once

apply throttle feeling the weight/balance correct.

Of course that guy would of been scared lack of experience and skill in manouvers like that will freak anybody. Luckily FWDs are pretty forgiving most of the time. Just it feels so **** compared to RWD. You can feel both the momentum and the steering. RWD just have fun mate :)

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Yeah i was gunna say probably just shoddy rear tires.

I fang around in my AE82 and it grips great. needs new shocks though i think. Fangin through roundabouts is the best fun.

Once a red P plater (im green :P) in a new ITR was tailgaiting me so i punched it through shicane styled road and i dont think he wanted to get mummy's car scratched.

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Hey guys,

Ran into a nicely worked SX corolla seca. Sounded sweet. Had a hell of a lot of suction coming from out of the nice bonnet scoop it had which leads me to believe either it has some extra-oridinary CAI or it was supercharged ;)

either way was me only marginally pulling away from him in the 0->6000 rpm (dodgy take off as well...funny how i can perfect this when testing on my own but when it comes to the crunch it flop it :( must be stage fright :P ) bracket but once again all over once in lift. Lift 1->2->3 Bye bye SX corolla

:D :D :D



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Sure, I can say with a straight face that I've never, ever been in a traffic light drag. Racing belongs on dragstrips. Only idiots race on public roads. End of story. I haven't actually seen such a traffic light drag around here in ages, but rest assured that next time I do I will be on the phone to the Plod telling them the license plates. Not sure how Plod would treat such a complaint, but it'd at least make me feel content. I'd expect the same if anyone saw me behaving that badly. Nothing would please me more than idiot drivers losing their license and potentially their expensive cars.

As for FWD oversteer, my Levin (2001 shape) used to do that quite easily. It happened twice; once on a dry road, and once wet. Both times it fishtailed badly as I'd little experience of such behaviour in a FWD car, and I overcorrected. I didn't like it at all, and now I'm fairly certain never I'll buy another FWD car. My (RWD) Corolla will probably be a bit of a handful (short wheelbase, narrow track, very lightweight, weird front suspension design) in the wet as well though, and I'm not sure what I'll do about that. Perhaps just not drive it on wet days.


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Took on a P plater in a 6 cylinder falcon (previous model). He took off at the lights pulling 1 car ahead of me before i accelerated. I hit 8200rpm limiter (half car length), shift to 2nd and revs drop to 5800rpm (1 car length again), hit limiter in 2nd (Still 1 car length), shift to 3rd and reeled in half a car length before i stepped on the brakes. In my opinion, the Stivo can take on 6 cylinder cars anyday :lol: If not for me taking easy at the start and on my shifting (still due to sticky shift problems ;) ) i would have munched him.


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Sure, I can say with a straight face that I've never, ever been in a traffic light drag. Racing belongs on dragstrips. Only idiots race on public roads. End of story. I haven't actually seen such a traffic light drag around here in ages, but rest assured that next time I do I will be on the phone to the Plod telling them the license plates. Not sure how Plod would treat such a complaint, but it'd at least make me feel content. I'd expect the same if anyone saw me behaving that badly. Nothing would please me more than idiot drivers losing their license and potentially their expensive cars.

Dude, every threads i look at u seem to be in there knocking something or an other....you evidently dont share the same interests as others in the threads, so if you dont have something nice to say, DONT SAY IT!! Simple..

ZEEROLLA: You should be able to beet a 6cly Commodore/falcon....or come real close anyway!

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They shouldnt even come close if you get a good launch, i spanked a workmate's vr with exhaust and gear box work, he didnt even come close. By 1st i had a car and a bit in front, by the time i redlined second he was 3-4 cars behind.

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eh, I like cars. How is that at odds? I dislike the whole street racing attitude. It is irresponsible and inconsiderate, and I see no problem at all with the penalties (car impounding, car confiscation), if that's what it takes to stop idiots from doing it.

Racing belongs on race tracks. How hard is that to understand?


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I have agreed with some things you have said. However i honestly believe you have a false preconceived notion of "illegal street racing". Damn fast and the furious! :D

There are two types of "street racing" that you could be referring to. the first of which is what you have a point on - the racing of cars amongst traffic. darting and weaving through traffic at high speeds is dangerous and inconsiderate. I cannot say that i don't do this at times (the temptation is just too great although i know i should cut down :rolleyes: )

the second of which i am assuming you have never experienced. that is the organised runs at some location where there are mainly factories and away from residential areas. These areas are usually well picked and minimize the danger to the drivers and the public. I don't have any problem with these type of runs as they are quite entertaining and give a better idea of which car is faster due to it being a "serious" run rather than a red light dash.

just try to be a little bit more open minded and less opinionated as you will be quickly alienating yourself from the rest of the forum. We will try to respect you views if you respect our forum! it's not much to ask!

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eh, I like cars. How is that at odds? I dislike the whole street racing attitude. It is irresponsible and inconsiderate, and I see no problem at all with the penalties (car impounding, car confiscation), if that's what it takes to stop idiots from doing it.

Racing belongs on race tracks. How hard is that to understand?


mate.....u drive a volvo so i dont blame u! :P

I understand ure view, but all im saying is if u cant stand the heat, get outa the kitchen....if you dont like it then dont look at it...its evident that this thread would have **** in it about it and u r alowed to have ure own opinion but posting **** like "if i see it ill call the plogs" is just gunna start an argument in a thread about racing..

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