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That Strong Petrol Smell

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Ok, Now I just want to check but is everyone else getting that strong (eggy) petrol smell when they put their foot down in their Aurion. Also if not then why am I getting it?

Edited by KoolMoeDee
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The only time I got that smell was for the next day or two after getting some exhaust work done, or once or twice after filling up, which I then concluded it was dodgy fuel.

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So then is it worth talking to Toyota about do you think?

By the way I havnt been on the forums in ages and I just went over the whole situation that happened to you Daryl. Tough break about the SX6, I would be devastated if it was my Aurion. Im glad something good came out of it (TRD).

Edited by KoolMoeDee
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So then is it worth talking to Toyota about do you think?

You can if you want, but I would imagine they would tell you that everything is fine. After all, petrol does contain sulphur, some more than others depending how it's refined.

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It's all completely normal as far as I know. Mine makes the same smell, in particular after it has been driven fairly hard and then suddenly left idling at lights for example. The effect over time does tend to reduce I've noticed, as it smells more like a "hot" exhaust fume smell now, as opposed to the rotten egg smell when I first got it.

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that rotten egg smell is what carbon monoxide smells like when it goes through a catalytic converter.

only really smell it when you hammer down hard and then stop, such as traffic lights or something.


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yep as the 2 dave's have said its pretty normal. The harder you drive it then park in your garage the worse the smell gets. My wife has a mazda sp25 and it smells worse than my aurion at times. And i bet i drive mine harder than she drives hers

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i wondered if that was normal too, after giong up a steep hill and stopping, i thought I might have had a leak somewhere. at least if it smells that way you know your cat's are still doing their job.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys,

Finally purchased my Aurion! Prodigy with 32,000k's on it. Pretty happy. (ps. Can an Op update my car from Camry 05 to Aurion Prodigy 07? I don't seem to have access to do it)

Fuel was nearly empty when I drove off, so I put 40litres of Shell V-Power 98 in. Drove around around 35kms to get home, and upon arriving, got out and copped a big bad ROTTEN EGG SMELL.

So upon googling, including two threads on these forums - this thread being one of them that mention it, hard driving seems to be the main blame, however I'm not quite guilty of that, sure a few 'put my foot down's' for 5 seconds, but seriously just that, 2 or 3 times over a 35km trip! So I can't buy that. However on these forums, it notes that Shell V-Power has higher Sulphur content then BP Ultimate..

Do folks recommend a 'tune up' ? Don't the ECU's/computer 'train' themselves now, air/fuel mix, driving style, etc? Are 'tune up's' (i.e. air/fuel mixture readings/adjustments) required to be performed manually (surely theres no grub screw adjustments?) or via a toyota dealer with a special machine that plugs into the ECU, etc?

Since I bought from an auction, I can't really 'go back to the dealer' as such.. and they'd likely just blame the fuel anyway. Don't want to go to the hassle of changing plugs, oxygen sensor or injectors if not required at this stage, as I'm guessing they'd not be. Thoughts?

I'm thinking the best thing to do is drain the fuel, or pump it?, into my ute, then use BP Ultimate 98 as it apparently has a lower Sulphur level.

this Siphon and this Siphon Pump look pretty useless, as a guy here says.

Any advise for a better pump to use? Some research mentions normal Siphoning no longer may work due to ball restricters...? Also fact that Siphoning has to be higher, I don't really have facility to jack higher than a few hundred mil.. Thinking a drill pump would be good? Something like this apparently Bunnings have them for around $25 (albeit not likely rated for flammable liquids, however does seem to be a problem

doesn't seem to be a problem..

Otherwise, do we know if there's a drain plug on the Aurions fuel tanks? I'd like to avoid removing metal fuel lines, etc. Thinking the drill pump is my easiest and cheapest bet, I want to get this sulpur rich fuel out asap.

Others have probs with V-power at all? (never had a prob with my Civic..)


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Hey guys,

Finally purchased my Aurion! Prodigy with 32,000k's on it. Pretty happy. (ps. Can an Op update my car from Camry 05 to Aurion Prodigy 07? I don't seem to have access to do it)

Fuel was nearly empty when I drove off, so I put 40litres of Shell V-Power 98 in. Drove around around 35kms to get home, and upon arriving, got out and copped a big bad ROTTEN EGG SMELL.

So upon googling, including two threads on these forums - this thread being one of them that mention it, hard driving seems to be the main blame, however I'm not quite guilty of that, sure a few 'put my foot down's' for 5 seconds, but seriously just that, 2 or 3 times over a 35km trip! So I can't buy that. However on these forums, it notes that Shell V-Power has higher Sulphur content then BP Ultimate..

Do folks recommend a 'tune up' ? Don't the ECU's/computer 'train' themselves now, air/fuel mix, driving style, etc? Are 'tune up's' (i.e. air/fuel mixture readings/adjustments) required to be performed manually (surely theres no grub screw adjustments?) or via a toyota dealer with a special machine that plugs into the ECU, etc?

Since I bought from an auction, I can't really 'go back to the dealer' as such.. and they'd likely just blame the fuel anyway. Don't want to go to the hassle of changing plugs, oxygen sensor or injectors if not required at this stage, as I'm guessing they'd not be. Thoughts?

I'm thinking the best thing to do is drain the fuel, or pump it?, into my ute, then use BP Ultimate 98 as it apparently has a lower Sulphur level.

this Siphon and this Siphon Pump look pretty useless, as a guy here says.

Any advise for a better pump to use? Some research mentions normal Siphoning no longer may work due to ball restricters...? Also fact that Siphoning has to be higher, I don't really have facility to jack higher than a few hundred mil.. Thinking a drill pump would be good? Something like this apparently Bunnings have them for around $25 (albeit not likely rated for flammable liquids, however does seem to be a problem

doesn't seem to be a problem..

Otherwise, do we know if there's a drain plug on the Aurions fuel tanks? I'd like to avoid removing metal fuel lines, etc. Thinking the drill pump is my easiest and cheapest bet, I want to get this sulpur rich fuel out asap.

Others have probs with V-power at all? (never had a prob with my Civic..)


Mate why do you want to go through all that trouble? It's only 40 litres, use it. It's good fuel at least because its 98. I used to use Shell-98 and never had this problem.

I've been using BP98 now for the last 5 months and also no problem. I also got fresh fuel for her today and still running fine.

Maybe next time throw in a FULL bottle of fuel doctor (search on supercheap auto) and fill her up with BP98.

I've so far never experienced this smell.

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Ok.. thanks for your reply unique. I'll keep my nose on it I guess! Most research says it's not overly concerning.. one of two places said however that the 'bad egg smell' is a result of troubled engine internals - hoping that's baloney .. :blink:

Picked up a bottle of Fuel Doctor - hope it performs per their claims.

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Mate all cars running catalytic converters/unleaded fuel do it. Its called hydrogen sulphide (that is the foul smell). Next time you are boring up a hill and a car goes past giving it a boot full, thats when you smell it most.When we bring our cars into the garage it absolutely wreaks like theres no tomorrow. My hilux 4.0 V6 is worse than the Aurion.Honestly you are worrying over nothing.If you try shoving a hose into your tank to drain the fuel theres a risk of damaging your fuel sender/fuel pump. :o LEAVE IT ALONE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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