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Everything posted by Romp

  1. if u change an aesthetic mod then they will replace ur car WITHOUT the unnotified aesthic mod .. e.g. bodykit, window tint etc If u change a performance part without telling them then its up to their discretion if they will cover u or not.
  2. how much did this set of coilovers set u back? sounds awesome
  3. not too shabby the hyper black doesnt look black at all though!
  4. i like the GT one! do you have any? ← yer i like the RUNX GT styles ahah everyone do it lol where u get those badges from?? Also where can i get a keyring.. either toms or TRD or C ONE or Runx or something
  5. How does the ascent compare to a sp23 in speed :)
  6. Clicky Clicky!!!. ← hmm i want slim line version to stick on my rear quarter windows
  7. why is the background black? it is gonna look weird on my tint
  8. dude the badges are just stickers on ur car.. u could even just peel it off .. its like some foamy stuff between the badge and ur paint
  9. yeah at this stage because it makes it hard this time of year so just see what simon says lol ← out of interest what are stock 1ZZE cars getting onthe dyno days? im guessing about 75-80kw ?
  10. My Approach was less complicated to remove my SECA badge... I parked my car .. went shopping .. came back and peeled the badges off with my fingernail (has a soft spongy rubber stuff to stick to your paint). then used a rag and turps and wiped it down it got rid of the sticker stuff .. then used water to rinse off any remaining turps. For my bigger badges im going to leave car in the sun for a bit .. then get some waxed dental floss and just run it behind the badge .. then use the turps and rag method again. Will only leave a shadow the older your car is and how often you leave your car in the sun. But u should be able to polish it and buff it up to look the same colour again unless its REALLY deteriorated.
  11. yer thats the kind of stuff that im looking for Im gonna remove my red ascent badge (look at garage) but dunno if i should replace it or just remove all my badging on the back? im worried will look a bit bare
  12. there are too many designs floating around as well i think we should use a standard sticker template
  13. Nah .. the exhaust outlet will need to be the same size as muffler inlet ... so they can join up need to get exhaust and muffler in one go .. or just change ur muffler If ur broke then save up or go for a cheaper option
  14. Let's get ready for next years auto salon :D should design about a custom decal for our club :) ← not hard getting into autosalon .. just enter and pay the $100 odd fee
  15. muffler or part of exhaust gooooone maybe rubbish stuck under ur car dragging on ground :) haja
  16. Hey guys Ive debadged some of my car ... but before removing the rest I wanna know what else you guys have stuck on to replace them (if replaced at all) Ive seen a couple posts of a few badges but i thought I would start this thread to get an entire compilation of badges available for the Rolla When i mean entire I dont want some Mugen badges etc - only Rolla related! Thanks!
  17. yes the twin loop muffler is awesome .. its pretty quiet as it feeds through twice but doesnt restrict airflow like having two or more in a row. My mate has a twin loop onhis turbo prelude and its the goods :D i hate loud exhausts at low revs!
  18. Thanks man for the info! Im in Castlehill if im not wrong not too far from penrith? so if these shops are near castlehill im able to get it done! As for lowering the car i think just to drop it abit to fill up the arches. getting 17" enkei's soon and worried if i dont drop it the car will look like a 4X4! Thanks again! ← Most tyre/suspension places will do ur suspension man ... im going either king low or whiteline control (yet to find out how much they lower me by) Kings are easy to find .. and in castle hill i know ive driven past a few places that do it .. jsut yellow pages or if u can hike it go to liek Tempe Tyres or where ever ur getting ur tyres done also payless in chatswood is quite good or MRT in Rhodes does whiteline
  19. Hey guys I was looking for rims and came across this website called mod your car. It has heaps of diff parts etc and u buy stuff thru the net and it gets delivered. They have a section for car club stickers - maybe we can approach them to sell the stickers so that members can readily order some http://www.modyourcar.com.au/?cPath=37_281 thats the link. Tell me what you think?
  20. double din u'll still need spacers on each side as i have one installed. toyota make their headunits bigger and unique in size for some reason :( u won't find one on the market that'll fit in perfectly. that's why toyota sell them spacers/butterflies for about $15 each. ← single din looks normal .. and u get a tray most the good HU are single
  21. u can get a double Din headunit but i think u still need to fill gap single din ull need to get a tray
  22. There's an in-car PSP holder you can buy. And you can connect your PSP to your CD player. This is not for the stock CD player of course. You need to buy a CD player with a audio connection that your PSP can plug straight into. Pulling apart the PSP is complicated and crazy. I don't want to stuff things up man. I thinking of replacing my stock CD player with the PSP as well. Will post some pics when I've done it! :P ← Is it possible to use the PSP as a LCD monitor connected to a DVD headunit ??
  23. Good luck trying to source them, pretty sure its all over for them.. got myself a set a long time ago and pretty sure the wing tips are done in production terms.. copies possibly... they look better molded on like the tte ones ← Ig-x has em when i asked Benson 2 weeks ago
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