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Everything posted by MT

  1. MT

    Things to do in NZ

    Wow, awesome responses, cheers to everyone who has replied so far. Except for kenneth.... thats just wrong :P ok I will elaborate more. Fly into Christchurch, pick up the rental car. Stay 3 nights. Not sure what we are doing in here yet. Drive to Dunedin. Visit cadbury factory, the castle, and probably the steepest street in the world. Stay 1 night. Drive to Te Anau/Milford Sound. Probably a river cruise down Milford Sound. Stay 2 nights. Drive to Queenstown. Shotover canyon jet boating, luge for sure!! Probably the gondala ride, and whatever else we find. Stay 3 nights. Drive to Franz Josef. Helihike on the glacier is already booked in :D Stay 2 nights. Drive to Hanmer Springs. Definately doing the hot springs, probably just relaxing. Stay 1 night. Drive to Picton and catch the ferry to Wellington. Stay in Wellington 2 nights. Doing the Te Papa Museum, not sure what else. Drive to Taupo. Not sure what we are doing here :P Although aqua golf rocks :P Stay 1 night Drive to Rotorua. DEFINATELY ZORBING!!! haha awesome. Exploring the geothermal stuff as well cos thats cool. Mud bath!! Stay 2 nights. Drive to Auckland stay 1 night as a stop over. Drive to Paihai / Bay of Islands, probably do the hole in the rock cruise. Stay 1 night. Drive back to Auckland, stay 3 nights before flying out. Probably doing stuff here, 've been told the tower is pretty cool. Things I would like to do, but havent added them into the internary yet is white water rafting, and seeing the glow worm caves because apparently they are awesome. Happy to take any other suggestions!! thanks all!
  2. Yes you can. It's a fairly popular engine conversion in the US and Japan but it's not done here because not only do you need a 2ZZ, you need a 6-speed gearbox (which is not available in Australia) to replace the SMT gearbox (SMT doesn't work well with a 2ZZ). Does the Corolla/Celica box not fit? I suppose the next option would be to look at what Lotus is using in the Exige.
  3. Did they Change the rebate for those who take it up and keep it before hitting 30? Thats a good question which I dont actually know the answer too. I will ask around at work with the people who actually calculate that stuff and see what they say.
  4. Almost as stupid as the change in the medicare surcharge limit raising it from $50,000 to $100,000. Why the hell did I bother getting private health? Now that there is no tax benefit from having it, I would imagine most people will get rid of their private health, which means the price of private health premiums will go up because the company's wont be making any money. Should I keep my PHI? (nice hijack btw)
  5. Luxury car tax up from 25% to 33%
  6. Hey forum members.. I'm off to NZ in just over a month for a holiday. 22 days, driving around NZ from bottom to top. Was wondering who from here has been there before, and what your thoughts are about the place. Also happy to take any suggestions as to activities or things to do when i'm over there. If you could provide the website too that would be great. Itinery goes something like this - Christchurch, Dunedin, Milford Sound, Queenstown, Franz Josef, Hanmer Springs, Wellington, Taupo, Rotorua, Bay of Islands, Auckland. Cheers all, Mick
  7. seeing how it was my dad who recommended that leroy see the person he did, I would say that I recommend it too. LOL
  8. I think you will find that all of the mods that still access the forums do a good job, just perhaps not in this section as it doesnt exactly interest many as they dont own an Aurion. Still you have raised a good point, and as such I have started the below topic and ask that you continue the discussion in there. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=15521 Thanks!
  9. No one has ever taken up the role. Happy to pin things for you, just PM me with the details ;)
  10. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROFFFLLLSAURUS is gold, My lolcano just erupted other thing just made my eyes hurt
  11. LOL at the title of the video. Clearly not AC Milan or Man U playing, and its definately not 2007, this video is as old as the hills!! Still a good laugh though :P
  12. Its the same as FTW O RLY PWND Epic Still, i prefer that to Keke STFU WDF lols
  14. Np paying upfront, no putting our names down? Sweet, i'm @ your place 10am Sat
  15. i'm in. Do we pay upfront or on the day? Rob, wanna meet up before hand so i can make my car look respectable?
  16. Spotted Leroy today in Civic on Bunda street parked outside Koko Black. No sign of Tony though.
  17. MT

    Auto Salon 08

  18. Nah I wasnt saying that, just the fact that the dictionary changes to suit society. But feel free to take it that way if you want, i'm easy! But you knew that.... giggidy
  19. i've been telling Rob for months that irregardless isn't a word, but apparently it has turned up in the dictionary now. What a joke. Perfect example of how society is ****** in the head.
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