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Everything posted by MT

  1. Gee, anyone gonna start using the blog?
  2. You know what... I applaud the guts. I really do - I couldn't do it... But, unfortunately, the western world is being plagued by mutton dressed as lamb (with attitude to boot), due to never hearing the word "no" as a child. So, Sketra, you've posted your photos all over this joint to the tunes of "do you think I'm hot", or "I'm gonna be an autosalon girl", and "hey do you think my tattoo will be hot?"... and (nothing personal) I can assure you will probably not make the cut. I'm not saying you are at all unattractive, but so far your portfolio hasn't exactly impressed me. If it hasn't impressed me, how is it going to impress the fashionistas? If you cant take some flack here, how are you gonna take it in front of the cameras? I honestly do hope you prove me wrong, for the sake of some young girl out there actually living her dream (and I will post a cheer of encouragement for you if you do make it)... but to be quite frank, if you make TV it will probably be as one of the Idol rejects.... I pray your next thread isn't to the tune of "Hey guys, I'm gonna be in next month's homegirls section of Picture magazine! OMG!" I would make this my sig if it wasnt an essay
  3. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...8&hl=Origin I should give you a warning for this
  4. 03-04 Sportivo's and Levins dont have an indicator light either *thankyou standard dash* hahaha
  5. Double posting too!! Double Noob :P
  6. Far out, talk about notifying me too late!! Well, I spoke to Mario before, I will be unable to attend as I currently to not have a car. Anyway, Private Message me, or post up the details of what has been decided. =D Thanks!
  7. Couldnt you have posted this in the Origin thread rather than starting a new topic? noobs ;)
  8. Just like bonking a.... never mind. What oil should I use in my box then, oh mighty one?
  9. http://www.colesexpress.com.au/locator1.asp ;)
  10. Larger diameter yerh my friend once had it on his car a while back now and he started his car up next to mine on a cold day and walked out to let it warm up and it stalled infront of us lool i think tooo much air was going in or somthing like that but it was pretty funny just chocked and died lol but was fine after just sharing stories =P It's the same pipe dude. The larger diameter wouldn't increase the airflow that much to stall it I think. Hmm. I'd say his maf sensor was a bit grubby? errr nope. CES is slightly bigger, and yes my car wants to stall when its cold, but only when I'm on the throttle slightly and its freezing cold. Its never stopped by itself.
  11. Neil has the right answer. Only other difference is slightly different gear ratios
  12. MT

    Ethanol Fuel ??

    High Octane fuel is denser than normal fuel, hence why it likes more compression.
  13. MT

    miss me ?

    haha sign me up as an admin!! Then i'll just ban all the girls hahaha
  14. MT

    my plates

    Thats it, enough is enough.
  15. GRAND PRIX DU CANADA! Team: Ferrari Drivers: Kimi Hamilton Pole: Kimi Fastest: Kimi
  16. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Happy Birthday Alex!!!
  17. I have to say, I got rid of my AEM and swapped it for a CES and the difference is amazing. I think the CES on a standard car would be ok, but the pipe diameter would probably be too big. But, matched with the CES exhaust as well, its just incredible. Much more midrange torque which is nice. I think the CES exhaust needs toe 3" intake as the 2.75" intakes dont do it justice. Do it Alex!!
  18. I like how the federal government is happy to discuss removing the GST, because that doesnt affect them in the slightest. Excise goes to the Federal Goverment, GST goes to State. Why would the federal government care if they removed GST?
  19. Ummm... you do realise that airbags don't deploy in a rear end accident?!? Ummm Yes... clearly, I am not an idiot. However, he didnt mention that the car may have been also hit at front etc, there are many other options. I was simply making the point that it is a clear indication that the car will be an economic write off if the airbags deployed. In this case, being a rear end accident, I already knew the airbags didnt deploy, therefore was confirming my point (again) that the car isnt an write off and will be repaired. And yes, the parts will be bought from Toyota. Who else makes them?
  20. What's even funnier is the debate about the fuel watch scheme and how notifying the public 24 hours in advance of the price for the next day. If anyone can tell me how this could possibly work, I will buy you a beer. Lets think about it... the petrol price cycle is driven by the oil companies to create competition because they know that they cannot possibly have 100% of the market 100% of the time. Therefore, the pricing cycle is introduced, whereby the oil companies (not stations themselves) raise and drop the price at a certain points in the week, in doing so basically ensuring the customer buys the fuel when the oil company wants them to. How on earth will notifying the public 24 hours in advance of the price make as difference? All that will happen is that the petrol cycle will cease to exist, and the petrol price will remain at the highest point in the cycle constantly, essentially meaning that the price of fuel will not drop with the introduction of this watchdog. Most likely it will rise even more. Which, by the way is exactly what the government wants. Who says they are dumb? I think its the general public who arent catching on quick enough
  21. That's right... TRD RAV4 will be more likely than a TRD Corolla ...... Damn it.... What are those Japs blardy doing?????? WTF ....... What have the japs got to do with it? Nothing.
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